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James King of England, 1633-1701
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James King of England, 1633-1701
James King of England 1633-1701
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A Declaration of His Highnesse the Duke of Yorke, his going away from St. Jamses
A Full relation of the surrendring of Kulmore near London-derry
A Memorial from the English Protestants
A copy of a letter from the French king to King James in answer to one from him
A copy of the late King James II
A copy of the late King James's letter, sent by the Earle of Melfort to the French king, on the last sea-fight
A declaration of His Most Sacred Majesty, King James II. To all his loving subjects in the Kingdom of England
A declaration of His Most Sacred Majesty, King James the second, to all his loving subjects in the Kingdom of England
A declaration of the armie, presented to the Kings Majesty in the Isle of Wight; declaring, their full resolution touching His Majesties reign and government, and wearing the crown of England
A dialogue between the late King James and the Prince of Conty
A gallant speech spoken by His Highnesse James Duke of Yorke to Englands renowned generall, His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, at the Kings Majesties royall conrt at Causam
A letter to a dissenter, upon occasion of His Majesties late gracious declaration of indulgence
A letter written by King James to his Holiness the Pope
A message sent from the King of Scots, and the Duke of York's court in Flanders
A message sent from the King of Scots, to the most illustruous and puissant prince, the King of Spain
A proclamation ... since our accession to the throne of our royal ancestors, our chiefest care has been to procure the security, peace and happiness of our subjects
A proclamation ... whereas by our royal proclamation of the date the 12 day of February 1686
A proclamation adjourning the meeting of the Parliament of Scotland, from the ninth to the twenty third day of April, 1685
A proclamation against all persons who have intrometted with the goods of forefaulted rebels and traitors, &c
A proclamation anent burying in Scots linen
A proclamation anent linen-cloth
A proclamation discharging forraign copper-coyn to be imported or made use of in this kingdom
A proclamation for a solemn and publick thanksgiving throughout the kingdom, for His Majesties late victories over the rebels
A proclamation for apprehending several traitors and fugitives
A proclamation for calling out heretors &c. for His Majesties service
A proclamation for enforcing the due execution of the acts of Parliament for erecting the post-office, and for settling the profits thereof upon us, our heirs and successors
A proclamation for further proroguing of the Parliament
A proclamation for prizing of Canary wines
A proclamation for prohibiting the transportation of frames for kniting and making of silk-stockings, and other wearing neccessaries
A proclamation for putting the Kingdom of Scotland in a posture of defence against the enemies of the King and government
A proclamation for quieting the post-master general his deputies and assigns in the execution of his office
A proclamation for restraining all His Majesties subjects, but the members and agents of the East-India Company, to trade in the East-Indies, and recalling such as are there
A proclamation for suppressing and preventing seditious and unlicenced books and pamphlets
A proclamation for the careful custody and well ordering of the new river brought from Chadwell and Amwell to the north parts of the city of London
A proclamation for the more effectual reducing and suppressing of pirates and privateers in America
A proclamation for the speedy calling of a Parliament
A proclamation of the Kings Majesties most gracious and general pardon
A proclamation offering a reward of one hundred pound sterling, to any who shall bring in the person of Mr. James Renwick (a seditions field preacher) dead or alive
A proclamation on distressed French Protestants in Great Britain
A proclamation prohibiting His Majesties subjects to trade within the limits assigned to the Governour and Company of Adventurers of England, Trading into Hudson's Bay, except those of the company
A proclamation requiring all heretors and free-holders, liferenters and wodsetters, at, and below an hundred pounds Scots of valued yearly rent, to come presently out and attend the kings host
A proclamation requiring all the heretors and free-holders, and militia of the kingdom of Scotland, to be in a readiness to come out in their best arms and provided (upon advertisement) for His Majesties service
A proclamation to prohibit His Majesties subjects to trade within the limits assigned to the Royal African Company of England, expect those of the company
A proclamation, against spreading of false news, &c
A proclamation, amongst other the advantages of these our kingdoms, the staple commodities of wooll and cloth are peculiar thereunto
A proclamation, anent some rebels, robers, fugitives, and thieves, who are, or have been lately in arms in the braes of Lochaber
A proclamation, anent the right packing and curing of salmond
A proclamation, appointing a rendezvous of the militia-regiments in several shires, & calling out the heretors, &c
A proclamation, commanding the return of all His Majesties subjects, who have taken arms under, and now are in the service or pay of the States-General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, by sea or land
A proclamation, concerning the persons who are lyable in the payment of the annuity of teinds, their purchasing the same from His Majesty, and the collection of the arrears thereof remaining unpayed
A proclamation, containing His Majesties gracious pardon and indemnity to the commoners within the shires of Argile and Tarbat
A proclamation, continuing the adjournment of the current Parliament, from the first Thursday of April next, to the twenty ninth of that month, 1686
A proclamation, discharging the importation of forraign apples, except from France
A proclamation, for a thanksgiving throughout the kingdom of Scotland, for the late defeat of the Kings enemies
A proclamation, for a thanksgiving throughout the kingdom of Scotland, for the late defeat of the Kings enemies
A proclamation, for an anniversary thanksgiving, in commemoration of his Majesties happy birth-day, being the forteenth day of October, &c
A proclamation, for securing the peace of the High-lands
A proclamation, whereas in the time of the late rebellion, we upon just grounds gave order for the apprehending of Henry Lord Delamere .
A proclamation, whereas our dearest brother of blessed memory, by his royal proclamation bearing date the fifteenth day of September, in the twelfth year of his reign, for preventing the exportation of wool
A proclamation, whereas the Commissioners of the treasury of the late King
A proclamation, whereas the Parliament hath been prorogued until the tenth day of February next
A proclamation, whereas upon information we have received against Charles Earl of Macclesfeild, we have thought fit to direct our warrant for apprehending the said Earl for high treason
A publication of the royal authority of the most serene, most mighty and most august monarch James the Seventh
A second letter to a friend, concerning the French invasion
A true account and declaration of the horrid conspiracy against the late King, His present Majesty and the government
A true coppy of His Majesties proclamation for England
A true copy of the letters patents granted by his Majesty to the French ministers, &c. lately come hither for shelter and protection
A true representation of His Majesties declaration
An account of the transactions of the late King James in Ireland
An account of what His Majesty said at his first coming to Council
An excellent speech spoken by His Highness Iames Duke of Yorke
Anno Regni Jacobi II. Regis Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, primo
At the Council-Chamber in White-Hall, Monday the 22th of October 1688
At the Council-chamber in Whitehall Monday the 22 of October, 1688
At the Court at Whitehall this sixth day of November 1685
At the court at Whitehall the 29th of June 1688
At the court at Whitehall, the sixteenth of February, 1684
By the King
By the King a proclamation. James R. Iames the Seventh by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all and sundry our good subjects whom these presents do or may concern, greeting
By the King, a declaration
By the King, a proclamation
By the King, a proclamation against spreading of a traiterous declaration published by James Duke of Monmouth
By the King, a proclamation against spreading of a trayterous declaration published by James Duke of Monmouth
By the King, a proclamation appointing a time of publick thanksgiving and prayer throughout the kingdom
By the King, a proclamation calling a Parliament to be holden at Edinburgh the ninth day of April, 1685
By the King, a proclamation commanding the return of all His Majesties subjects, who have taken arms under, and now are in the service of the States General of the United Provinces of the Netherlands, by sea or land
By the King, a proclamation declaring His Majesties pleasure touching his royal coronation, and the solemnity thereof
By the King, a proclamation declaring His Majesty's pleasure touching his royal coronation, and the solemnity thereof
By the King, a proclamation for a solemn and publick thanksgiving throughout the kingdom, for His Majesties late victories over the rebels
By the King, a proclamation for continuing the collection of the customs and subsidies of tonnage and poundage
By the King, a proclamation for dissolving this present Parliament
By the King, a proclamation for enforcing the due execution of the acts of Parliament for erecting the Post-Office, and for settling the profits thereof upon us, our heirs and successors
By the King, a proclamation for further proroguing of the Parliament
By the King, a proclamation for further proroguing the Parliament
By the King, a proclamation for prizing of Canary wines
By the King, a proclamation for prohibiting the transportation of frames for knitting and making of silk-stockings, and other wearing neccessaries
By the King, a proclamation for proroguing of the Parliament
By the King, a proclamation for protecting and securing patentees of the Royal Oak, and all other lotteries, prohibiting all others to use or exercise the same
By the King, a proclamation for putting in execution the additional act for improvement of tillage
By the King, a proclamation for putting in execution the law against importation and selling of foreign buttons
By the King, a proclamation for restraining all His Majesties subjects, but the members and agents of the East-India company, to trade in the East-Indies, and recalling such as are there
By the King, a proclamation for restraining the number and abuses of hackney coaches in and about the cities of London and Westminster, and the suburbs thereof, and parishes comprised within the Bills of Mortality
By the King, a proclamation for suppressing and preventing seditious and unlicenced books and pamphlets
By the King, a proclamation for the better execution of the office of making and registring policys of assurances in London
By the King, a proclamation for the better putting in execution the law against the importation and selling of foreign buttons
By the King, a proclamation for the encouraging and better establishing of the manufacture of white paper in England
By the King, a proclamation for the more effectual reducing and suppressing of pirates and privateers in America
By the King, a proclamation for the putting in execution the laws and statutes of this realm, for the preventing the exportation of sheep
By the King, a proclamation for the putting in execution the laws and statutes of this realm, for the preventing the exportation of sheep, wooll, wooll-fells, woollen-yarn, mortlings, shorlings, wooll-stocks, fullers-earth, and fulling-clay out of this kingdom
By the King, a proclamation of pardon
By the King, a proclamation of pardon to such of His Majesties subjects in rebellion, as shall return to their obedience
By the King, a proclamation prohibiting His Majesties subjects to enter into the service of foreign princes and states
By the King, a proclamation prohibiting His Majesties subjects to trade within the limits assigned to the Governour and Company of Adventurers of England, trading into Hudson's Bay, except those of the company
By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Exeter Fair, and other fairs thereabouts, for some time
By the King, a proclamation signifying His Majesties pleasure
By the King, a proclamation to prohibit His Majesties subjects to trade within the limits assigned to the Royal African Company of England, except those of the Company
By the King, a proclamation, for quieting the Post-master General his deputies and assigns in the execution of his office
By the King, a proclamation, for the meeting of the Parliament
By the King, a proclamation, for the recalling all His Majesties subjects from the service of foreign princes in East India
By the King, a proclamation, to summon in George Speake Esquire, Francis Charlton Esquire, John Wildman Esquire
By the King, a proclamation. James R
By the King, a proclamation. James R. James the Seventh, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c
By the King, a proclamation. James R. James the Seventh, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all and sundry our good subjects whom these presents do or may concern, greeting. Whereas by our royal proclamation of the date the 12th day of February 1686
By the King, a proclamation. James R. Whereas we have received certain information, that James Duke of Monmouth, Ford late Lord Gray outlawed for high treason
By the King, a proclamation. To restrain the spreading of false news
By the King. A declaration. James R
By the King. A proclamation for the careful custody and well ordering of the new river brought from Chadwell and Amwell to the north parts of the city of London
By the King. A proclamation inhibiting all persons after the four and twentieth day of June next to use the trade of a pedlar or petty chapman
By the King. A proclamation. James R. Whereas for the more speedy supply of money to defray our present great, and necessary expences, we have ordered a quantity of copper and brass to be coyned in crown pieces, .
By the King. A proclamation. James R. Whereas since our arrival into this our kingdom of Ireland
By the King. A proclamation. James R. Whereas we have upon several occasions solemnly declared our royal inclinations and constant resolution of giving free liberty of conscience to all our subjects
By the King. An Order James R
By the King. James R. Whereas all reasonable means are to be used for the subsistence of our army
By the King. Three proclamations. The one for the seizing of James Duke of Monmouth, and his accomplices. The other for the suppressing of traiterous declaration pubished by the said James Duke of Monmouth aforesaid; and the last for a reward of five thousand pounds for the taking and securing his body either dead of alive. Together with an act of Parliament for the attainder of the said James Duke of Monmouth of high treason
By the King: A declaration. For the better government of the army. James R
By the King: A proclamation. James R. Whereas we are informed, that upon the noise of a sudden invasion intended by the Prince of Orange to be made into this our kingdom of Ireland, .
By the King: A proclamation. James R. Whereas we have thought fit, by the advice of our privy council, to raise the coyn of this our kingdom to a higher value; .
By the King: James R
By the King: a proclamation. For the better government of the army. James R
By the Ksng : A proclamation. James R
By the Lord Deputy and Council. Tyrconnell
Copies of two papers
Copies of two papers
Copies of two papers written by the late King Charles II
Copies of two papers written by the late King Charles II
Copies of two papers written by the late King Charles II. of blessed memory
Copy of a letter from the Lords of Session to King Cha. and of King Ja. his Majesties answear to them
Dear Soveraign
Gan fod y Ffurf Gweddi gyda Diolch .
His Majesties commission for the rebuilding of the cathedral church of S. Paul in London
His Majesties gracious answer to the letter direct from the Privy Council of this his antient kingdom of Scotland, in the present juncture of affairs, is as follows
His Majesties gracious declaration
His Majesties gracious declaration to all his loving subjects for liberty of conscience
His Majesties gracious declaration to all his loving subjects for liberty of conscience. James R
His Majesties gracious letter to his Parliament of Scotland, with the speech of His Royal Highness the Duke, His Majesties High Commissioner, at the opening of the Parliament at Edinburgh, the 28th day of July, 1681
His Majesties gracious letter to the Lord Provost, bailiffs, and remanent magistrats, and town council of the city of Edinburgh
His Majesties gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland
His Majesties gracious letter to the lord provost, bailzies, and remanent magistrates, and town council of the city of Edinburgh
His Majesties late letter in vindication of himself
His Majesties letter from St. Germans to the convention
His Majesties letter to His Honourable Privy Council of Scotland, together with their answer
His Majesties letter to sundry of the lords, and others of His Majesties most honourable Privy Council, calling them to be witnesses of the Queens labour
His Majesties letter to the House of Lords and Commons, writ from St. Germains the 3d of February 1688
His Majesties letter to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal Commissioners of Shires and Burroughs assembled, or to be assembled at Edenborough
His Majesties letter to the Lords and others of his Privy Council
His Majesties letters patents granted to Randolph Ashenhurst, esquire; Stephen Hales, Michael Cope, and Thomas Ashenhurst, gentlemen; for the sole exercise of the Royal-Oak Lottery, raffling, and all other lotteries, &c
His Majesties most gracious and free-pardon, to several prisoners in Newgate
His Majesties most gracious and general pardon
His Majesties most gracious declaration to all his loving subjects
His Majesties most gracious declaration to his good people of his ancient kingdom of Scotland
His Majesties most gracious letter to the Parliament of Scotland
His Majesties most gracious pardon to the poor prisoners in Newgate, on Friday the 26th of February, 1685
His Majesties most gracious pardon, pleaded at Justice Hall, in the Old-Bayly
His Majesties most gracious pardon, pleaded at Justice-Hall in the Old-Baily
His Majesties most gracious pardon, to several prisoners in Newgate
His Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament on Friday the 22th of May, 1685
His Majesties most gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Monday the 9th of November, 1685
His Majesties most gracious speech to both houses of Parliament
His Majesties most gracious speech to both houses of Parliament, on Saturday the 30th. of May, 1685
His Majesties most gratious declaration to all his loving subjects
His Majesties reasons for with-drawing himself from Rochester
His Majesties reasons for withdrawing himself from Rochester
His Majesties resolution for the calling of a free Parliament
His Majesties resolution for the calling of a free parliament. Upon the humble motion, and advice of a great council of his peers
His Majesties royal letter to his Privy Council of Scotland, concerning his indulgence
His Majesties speech, with the journal of the House of Commons
His majesties most gracious ansvver to the letter from the arch-bishops and bishops
His most sacred Majesties, and his most Honourable Privy Councils letters, relating to the College of Physicians
Instructions and rules
Jacobus Secundus, Dei gratiâ, magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ Rex, defensor fidei, omnibus regibus principibus, rebuspublicis &c
James Duke of York and Albany, Earl of Ulster, Lord High Admiral of England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. Constable of Dover Castle, Lord Warden of the Cinque-Ports, and Governour of Portsmouth, &c. General instructions
James R. James the Seventh by the Grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. .
James R. Whereas in the charters, patents or grants made to several cities, burroughs and towns corporate, a power is reserved to us to remove, displace, and discharge by order under Our signet and sign manual, the mayors, sheriffs .
James the Second, by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c
James, Duke of York and Albany, Earl of Ulster, Lord High Admiral of England, Scotland, & Ireland, Constable of Dover-castle, Lord Warden of the Cinque ports, and governor of Portsmouth, &c
King Charles the martyr
Kings Majesties gracious letter to His Parliament of Scotland, conveened at Edinburgh, the 28. day of July, 1681. With His Royal Highness the Duke of Albany, &c. His Majesties high commissioner, his speech to the Parliament, after reading of the letter. Published by authority of Parliament
Le manifeste de Jaques II. avec la reponse
Mr. Coleman's two letters to Monsieur L'Chaise, the French king's confessor
Mr. Penn's speech to the king
New years gift to His Majestie
Royal tracts
Speeches spoken to the King and Queen, Dvke and Dvchesse of York, in Christ-Church Hall, Oxford, Sept. 29, 1663
The East-India Companies charter
The French king's letter to the Pope
The King's letter to the Earl of Feversham upon his leaving Whitehall
The King's letter to the general of his army
The King's letter to the great council of peers
The King's letter to the great council of peers
The Kings letter to the Earl of Feversham
The Late K. James's commission to his privateers
The Late King James his letter to his Privy Council of Scotland, with their answer, in reference to his indulgence containing his absolute power without reserve
The Late King James's letter to his privy-counsellors
The Late King James's manifesto answer'd, paragraph by paragraph
The Lord of Dundee's speech to his soldiers before the late battle in Scotland
The Parliament of Scotlands dutiful answer to His Majesties letter
The Second nativity of Jesus, the accomplishment of the first
The abdicated Bishops letters, to the abdicated King and Queen, under the disguis'd names of Mr. Redding & Mrs. Redding
The abdicated Bishops letters, to the abdicated King and Queen, under the disguised names of Mr. Redding & Mrs. Redding
The case put concerning the succession of His Royal Highness the Duke of York
The debate at large, between the House of Lords and House of Commons
The late King James's second manifesto directed to the Protestant princes
The manner of procession to the Parliament-house in Scotland
The speech of his royal highness James Duke of York and Albany
To the King's Most Excellent Majesty, the humble address of the atheists, or, the Sect of the Epicureans
To the King's most excellent Majesty, the humble address of the Presbyterian ministers in His Majesties kingdom of Scotland
To the Kings Most Excellent Majestie
To the Most Reverend Fathers in God, William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England and Metropolitan, and John Lord Archbishop of York, Primate of England and Metropolitan
Toleration disapprov'd and condemn'd
Two letters written by the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Clarendon, late Lord High Chancellour of England
Whereas His Majesty hath been certainly informed of the killing and destroying of the game in and about His Honour of Hampton-Court .