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By the King. A declaration. James R Whereas several officers of our army did take and retain in their service several servants belonging to French officers, without the consent and approbation of their masters: .
By the King. A declaration. James R Whereas we are informed that several officers of our armys especially of that now before Londonderry, have departed from their commands without leave of their superior officers, .
By the King, a declaration. James R Whereas the mutual obligations which lye upon us and our people are indissolvable by any act either of us can commit, and that therefore how undutifully or unjustly soever our people may have behaved themselves towards us, .
By the King: A declaration. James R Whereas we have issued our proclamation of the 21th day of January last past, for the encouragement of tillage and husbandry, .
By the King. A declaration. James R Whereas by our former declaration of the 28th day of February last, we did for the reasons therein mentioned, publish and declare, that all persons should be at liberty, by way of loane to pay into our treasury, .
By the King: a declaration. James R Whereas a considerable number of the arms given out of our stores, and distributed to the horse and foot entertained in our service in this our kingdom, have by the inadvertency of several of the officers of our army been sold, .
By the King. A declaration. James R Whereas we have been informed, that several of the souldiers of our army have of late committed some wast and spoil on several empty houses and other houses in this city, .
By the King: a declaration. James R Our will and pleasure is, that all field officers, captains, lieutenants, and other inferior officers of our army now absent from their respective commands, do notwithstanding any former license, repair forthwith to their said commands, .
By the King. A declaration. James R Whereas Several of our subjects of this our kingdom, not being inlisted in our standing army, have pursuant to a late proclamation, published by us, armed themselves, with gunns, .
By the King. A declaration. James R Whereas we are informed that there is a great number of horses of size fit for our troops of horse in the hands of our foot officers, souldiers, and other persons who are not inlisted amongst the horse of our standing army, .
By the King. A declaration. James R Whereas our affairs require the constant attendance of the officers of our army at their several posts, in order to receive our directions, and to be serviceable to us from time to time, .
By the King, a declaration. James R As we cannot consider this invasion of our kingdoms, by the Prince of Orange, without horror ..
By the King. A declaration James R Whereas we are informed that several collonels and other officers of our army do take upon them to depart from the several quarters and garrisons assigned them, contrary to their duty; .
By the King. A declaration. James R We being informed that as well in the troops lately come out of England, who made a descent into this our kingdom, under the command of Mareshal Schomberge, as in those who formerly have taken arms here against us, .
By the King. A declaration. James R Whereas we are informed that several officers of our army, on pretence of taking leases of lands forfeited to us by the late act of attainder, do follow the commissioners of our revenue now in their circuit, .
By the King: A declaration. James R Whereas it hath been represented unto us, that several persons have lying by them considerable summs of the copper and brass money now currant within this our kingdom, which they cannot dispose of to their advantage, by reason of the decay of trade and commerce, occasioned by the present rebellion; .
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