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By the King, a proclamation James R. Whereas nothing can prove a greater dishonour to a well-ordered government where the Christian faith is professed, than the open and avowed practice of vice, .
By the King, a proclamation James R. Whereas We have received certain information, that James Duke of Monmouth, Ford Late Lord Gray outlawed for high treason, with divers other traytors and outlaws, are lately landed in an hostile manner at Lyme .
By the King, a proclamation James the Seventh, by the grace of God, King ... Since Our accession to the throne ... Our chiefest care has been to procure the security, peace and happiness of Our subjects ... especially by removing the pressures of penal laws in matters of meer religion .
By the King, a proclamation James R. Whereas in the time of the late rebellion, we upon just grounds gave order for the apprehending of Henry Lord Delamere, .
By the King, a proclamation James R. Forasmuch as the great preparations made to invade and conquer this our kingdom, require our utmost care in providing for the necessary safety and defence thereof; .
By the King, a proclamation Whereas an humble address hath been made unto us by Our Commons assembled in Parliament .
By the King, a proclamation Whereas we have received certain information, that James Duke of Monmouth, Ford late Lord Gray outlawed for high treason, with divers other traitors and outlaws, are lately landed in an hostile manner at Lyme .
By the King, a proclamation James R. Whereas the commissioners of the Treasury of the late King .
By the King a proclamation
By the King, a proclamation Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God lately to call unto his infinite mercy the most high and mighty Prince, Charles the Second of most blessed memory, the Kings Majesties most dear and entirely beloved brother, .
By the King, a proclamation James the Seventh by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland ... we have taken into our royal consideration the many and great inconveniences which have happened to that our ancient kingdom of Scotland of late years, through the different perswasions in the Christian religion, and the great heats and animosities among the several professors thereof, to the ruine and decay of trade, wasting of lands, extinguishing of charity, contempt of royal power, and converting of true religion and fear of God into animosities, names, factions, and sometimes into sacriledge and treason .
By the King, a proclamation James R. Whereas our dearest brother of blessed memory, by His royal proclamation bearing date the fifteenth day of September, in the twelfth year of His reign, for preventing the exportation of wooll, .
By the King, a proclamation James the Seventh, by the grace of God, King ... We having taken into our royal consideration the many and great inconveniencies, which have happened to our ancient kingdom of Scotland of late years , through the different perswasions in the Christian religion .
By the King, a proclamation whereas we have received certain information, that James Duke of Monmouth, Ford Late Lord Gray, outlawed for high treason, with divers other traytors and outlaws, are lately landed in an hostile manner at Lyme .
By the King. A proclamation containing his Majesties gracious indemnity
By the King, a proclamation Whereas the Prince of Orange and his adherents, who design forthwith to invade Our kingdoms, in order thereunto have contrived and framed several treasonable papers .
By the King, a proclamation James R. James the Seventh, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. To all and sundry our good subjects, whom these presents do or may concern, greeting. Since our accession to the throne of our royal ancestors, our chiefest care has been to procure the security, peace and happiness of our subjects, .
By the King, a proclamation containing His Majesties gracious and ample indemnity
By the King, a proclamation James R. Whereas the Parliament hath been prorogued until the tenth day of February next, .
By the King, a proclamation whereas an humble address hath been made unto us by our Commons assembled in Parliament .
By the King, a proclamation containing His Majesties gracious indemnity
By the King, a proclamation forasmuch as the great preparations made to invade and conquer this our kingdom require utmost care in providing for the necessary safety and defence thereof .
By the King, a proclamation forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God lately to call unto his infinite mercy the Most High and Mighty Prince, Charles the Second of most blessed memory .
By the King, a proclamation· James R. Whereas upon information we have received against Charles Earl of Macclesfeild, we have thought fit to direct our warrant for apprehending the said Earl for high treason, .
By the King, a proclamation James R. It having pleased almighty God of his great and continued mercy to His Majesty and his kingdoms, to bless him and His royal consort the Queen with a son, .
By the King a proclamation· containing His Majesties gracious indemnity
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By the King, a proclamation
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