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Culpeper's school of physick: Or The experimental practice of the whole art Wherein are contained all inward diseases from the head to the foot, with their proper and effectuall cures, such diet set down as ought to be observed in sickness or in health. With other safe waies for preserving of life, in excellent aphorisms, and approved medicines, so plainly and easily treated of, that the free-born student rightly understanding this method, may judg of the practice of physick, so far as it concerns himself, or the cure of others, &c. A work never before publisht, very necessary for all that desire to be rightly informed in physick, chyrurgery, chymistry, &c. By Nich. Culpeper, late student in physick and astrology. The narrative of the authors life is prefixed, with his nativity calculated; together with the testimony of his late wife, Mrs. Alice Culpeper, and others. The general contents of this work are in the next page: with two perfect t[ab]les very useful to the reader
Culpeper's school of physick: Or The experimental practice of the whole art Wherein are contained all inward diseases from the head to the foot, with their proper and effectuall cures; such diet set down as ought to be observed in sickness or in health. With other safe waies for preserving of life, in excellent aphorisms, and approved medicines, so plainly and easily treated of, that the free-born student rightly understanding this method, may judg of the practice of physick, so far as it concerns himself, or the cure of others, &c. A work never before publisht, very necessary for all that desire to be rightly informed in physick, chyrurgery, chymistry, &c. By Nich. Culpeper, late student in physick and astrology. The narrative of the authors life is prefixed, with his nativity calculated; together with the testimony of his late wife, Mrs. Alice Culpeper, and others. The general contents of this work are in the next page. With two perfect tables very useful to the reader
Culpeper's school of physick, or, the experimental practice of the whole art Wherein are contain'd, I. The English apothecary: or, the excellent virtues of our English herbs. II. Chymical and physical aphorisms and admirable secrets. III. The chirurgeon's guide: or, the errors of unskilful practitioners corrected. IV. The expert lapidary: or, a treatise physical of the secret virtues of stones. V. Doctor diet's directory: or, the physician's vade mecum; being safe rules to preserve health in a methodical way. As also, the mystery of the skill of physick made easie. VI. Chymical institutions; describing nature's choicest secrets in experienced chymical practice. A work very useful and necessary for the right information of all in physick, chirugery, and chymistry, &c. By Nicholas Culpeper, late student in physick and astrology. With an account of the author's life, and the testimony of his wife, Mrs. Culpeper, and others
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Culpeper's school of physick, or, the experimental practice of the whole art
(793347) Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654