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Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654
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Culpepper, Nicholas
Culpeper, Nicholas
קלפפר, ניקולס, 1616-1654
Nicholas Culpeper English botanist, herbalist, physician, and astrologer
Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654
Culpeper Nicholas 1616-1654
CULPEPER, Nicholas 1616-1654
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A Physical directory, or, A translation of the Dispensatory made by the Colledg of Physitians of London
A directory for midvvives
A directory for midwives: or, A guide for women
A directory for midwives:, or, A guide for women, in their conception, bearing and suckling their children
A new method of physick: or, A short view of Paracelsus and Galen's practice
A physical directory, or, A translation of the dispensatory made by the Colledge of Physitians of London, and by them imposed upon all the apothecaries of England to make up their medicines by
A physicall directory, or, A translation of the London dispensatory
A sure guide, or, The best and nearest way to physick and chyrurgery
A sure guide, or, The best and nearest way to physick and chyrurgery
A treatise of the rickets
An ephemeris for the year 1652
An ephemeris for the year 1654, being the second after leap-year
An ephemeris for the year 1655, being the third after leap-year
An ephemeris for the year 1656
An ephemeris for the year of our Lord, 1653
An ephemeris for the yeer 1651
Blagrave's supplement or enlargement to Mr. Nich. Culpeppers English physitian
Blagrave's supplement; or, enlargement, to Mr. Nich. Culpeper's English physician
Catastrophe magnatum, or, The fall of monarchie
Chymistry made easie and useful. Or, The agreement and disagreement of the chymists and galenists
Composita, or, A synopsis of the chiefest compositions in use now with Galenists
Composita, or, A synopsis of the chiefest compostitions in use now with Galenists
Culpeper's Astrologicall judgment of diseases from the decumbiture of the sick .
Culpeper's Directory for midwives: or, A guide for women
Culpeper's directory for midwives: or, A guide for women. The second part
Culpeper's last legacy
Culpeper's last legacy left and bequeathed to his dearest wife for the publick good
Culpeper's school of physick, or, The experimental practice of the whole art
Culpeper's school of physick, or, the experimental practice of the whole art
Culpeper's semeiotica uranica, or, An astrological judgment of diseases, from the decumbiture of the sick, much enlarged
Culpepers Semeiotica uranica: or, An astrological judgement of diseases from the decumbiture of the sick much enlarged
Culpepers physical and chymicall way of curing the most difficult and incurable diseases
Doctor Lillys last legacy
English physitian enlarged
Febrilia, or, A treatise of feavers in generall
Four books of that learned and renowned doctor, Lazarus Riverius
Galens art of physick
Health for the rich and poor, by dyet without physick
Hirteen books of natural philosophy
Medicaments for the poor, or, Physick for the common people
Mercurius anglicus: or, England's Merlin. Prophetically fore-telling, the admirable events, and wonderful effects, that shall befall the King of Scots, the states of Holland, and the Parliament of England
Merlinus Anglicus: or, England's Merlin
Mr Culpeper's ghost, giving seasonable advice to the lovers of his writing. Before which is prefixed, Mris. Culpepers epistle in vindication of her husband's reputation
Mr. Culpepper's Treatise of aurum potabile
Opus astrologicum, &c., or, An astrological work left to posterity
Pharmacopoeia Londinensis: or the London dispensatory
Pharmacopœia Londinensis, or, The London dispensatory
Pharmacopœia Londinensis, or, The London dispensatory
Pharmacopœia Londinensis, or, The London dispensatory further adorned by the studies and collections of the fellows, now living of the said colledg
Pharmacopœia Londinensis, or, The dispensatory
Pharmacopœia Londinensis: or the London dispensatory
Physical receipts, or, The new English physician
Practical physick
Semeiotica uranica
Semeiotica uranica, or, An astrological judgment of diseases from the decumbiture of the sick
The English physician or an astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation
The English physitian enlarged
The English physitian enlarged
The English physitian, or An astrologo-physical discourse of the vulgar herbs of this nation
The anatomy of the body of man
The art of chymistry
The compleat midvvife's practice enlarged
The compleat midwife's practice enlarged in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man
The compleat midwife's practice enlarged, in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man
The complete midvvife's practice enlarged
The complete midvvife's practice enlarged in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man
The expert doctors dispensatory
The idea of practical physick
The practice of physick
The practice of physick
The practice of physick
The practice of physick in seventeen several books
The practice of physick in seventeen several books
The sixth book of Practical physick
Thirteen books of natural philosophy
Two books of physick
Two treatises
Two treatises
Two treatises
Two treatises the first of pulses, the second of urines
Two treatises, the first of blood-letting and the diseases to be cured thereby, the second of cupping and scarifying, and the diseases to be cured thereby