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Udall, Nicholas
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Udall, Nicholas
Udall, Nicholas, 1504?-1556
Nicholas Udall English playwright
Udall, Nicholas, 1505-1556
Udall, Nicholas ca. 1505-1556
Udall Nicholas 1505-1556
UDALL Nicholas
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A discourse or traictise of Petur Martyr Vermilla Floretine, the publyque reader of diuinitee in the Vniuersitee of Oxford
Dramatic writings of Nicholas Udall
Floures for Latine speakyng selected and gathered oute of Terence, and the same translated into englyshe, together with the exposicion and settyng foorth as well of suche latine woordes, as were thought nedefull to be anoted, as also of diuerse grammaticall rules, verie profitable and necessary for the expedite knowlage in the latine tongue: compiled by Nicolas Vdall
Floures for Latine speakyng selected and gathered oute of Terence, and the same translated into englyshe, together with the exposicion and settyng foorth as well of suche latine wordes, as were thought nedefull to be anoted, as also of diuerse grammaticall rules, verie profitable and necessary for the expedite knowladge in the latine tounge: compiled by Nicolas Vdall
Floures for Latine spekyng selected and gathered out of Terence, and the same translated in to Englyshe, togeather with the exposition and settynge forth as well of suche latyne wordes, as were thought nedefull to be annoted, as also of dyuers grammaticall rules, very profytable and necessary for the expedite knowledge in the latyne tongue: compyled by Nicolas Udall
Floures for Latine spekynge selected and gathered oute of Terence, and the same translated in to Englysshe, together with the exposition and settynge forthe as welle of suche latyne wordes, as were thought nedefull to be annoted, as also of dyuers grammatical rules, very profytable necessarye for the expedite knowledge in the latine tongue: compiled by Nicolas Vdall
Flovvers or eloquent phrases of the Latine speach, gathered out of all the sixe comœdies of Terence
Flovvres or eloquent phrases of the Latine speach, gathered ont of al the sixe comœdies of Terence. VVherof those of the first thre were selected by Nicolas Vdall. And those of the latter three novv to them annexed by I. Higgins, very profitable and necessary for the expedite knovvledge of the Latine tounge
Flowres for latine speaking
The first tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus upon the newe testamente
The first tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testamente
The first tome or volume of the Paraphrases of Erasmus vpon the newe testament
The first tome or volume of the paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the newe testamente
What creature is in health, eyther yong or olde