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Hartlib, Samuel, 1600?-1662
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Hartlib, Samuel, ca. 1600-1662
Hartlib, Samuel, 1600?-1662
Hartlib, Samuel
Hartlib, Samuel, -1662
Hartlib, Samuel, d. 1662
Samuel Hartlib German-British polymath
Hartlib, Samuel, asi 1600-1662
Hartlib Samuel d. 1662
Hartlib Samuel -1662
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A Designe for plentie
A booke of cookery and the order of meates to bee served to the table, both for flesh and fish days
A briefe relation of that which hath been lately attempted to procure ecclesiastical peace amongst Protestants
A briefe relation of that which hath been lately attempted to procure ecclesiasticall peace amongst Protestants
A common writing
A copy of Mr. John Duries letter presented in Sweden to the truly noble and religious Lord Forbes
A demonstration of the necessity of settling some Gospel-government amongst the churches of Christ in this nation
A description of the famous kingdome of Macaria, shewing its excellent government
A description of the famous. Kingdome of Macaria
A discours of husbandrie used in Brabant and Flanders
A discourse of husbandrie used in Brabant and Flanders
A discoverie for division or setting out of land, as to the best form
A faithfull and seasonable advice, or, The necessity of a correspondencie for the advancement of the Protestant cause
A faithfvll and seasonable advice, or, The necessity of a correspondencie for the advancement of the Protestant cause
A further discoverie of the office of publick addresse for accommodations
A motion tending to the publick good of this age and of posteritie, or, The coppies of certain letters written by Mr. John Dury to a worthy Knight at his earnest desire
A rare and new discovery of a speedy way and easie means, found out by a young lady in England, she having made full proofe thereof in May, anno 1652
A reformation of schooles
A sacred ballance weighing the ministers two bookes
A short letter modestly intreating a friends judgement upon Mr. Edwards, his booke he calleth an Anti-apologie, with a large but modest answer thereunto
An essay for advancement of husbandry-learning, or, Propositions for the er recting colledge of husbandry
An invention of engines of motion lately brought to perfection
Chymical, medicinal, and chyrurgical addresses
Clavis apocalyptica
Clavis apocalyptica, or, A prophetical key
Clavis apocalyptica, or, The revelation revealed
Conatuum Comenianorum praeludia ex bibliotheca S.H
Considerations tending to the happy accomplishment of Englands reformation in church and state
Cornu copia, a miscellanium of lucriferous and most fructiferous experiments, observations and discoveries immethodically distributed
Correspondence in mss. about mnemonics, memory, and Caleb Morley, by John Beale, Samuel Hartlib, Thomas Goad, William Brereton, et al., dated between Oct. 4, 1661 and June 29, 1663
Felicitas vltimi sæculi
Herefordshire orchards, a pattern for all England
Irelands naturall history
Londons charitie, stilling the poore orphans cry
Londons charity inlarged, stilling the orphans cry
Samuel Hartlib his Legacie, or, An enlargement of the Discourse of husbandry used in Brabant & Flaunders
Samuel Hartlib his legacie: or An enlargement of the Discourse of husbandry used in Brabant and Flaunders
Samuel Hartlib, his legacy of husbandry
Samuelis Hartlibii Epistola gratulatoria perscripta ad amicum suum singularem
Tabula pansophiæ in animis hominum recte atque ordine ingenerandæ
The Parliaments reformation or A worke for presbyters, elders, and deacons to engage themselves, for the education of all poore children, and imployment of all sorts of poore
The Revelation reveled
The advice of W.P. to Mr. Samuel Hartlib for the advancement of some particular parts of learning
The compleat husband-man: or, A discourse of the whole art of husbandry; both forraign and domestick
The copy of a letter vvritten to Mr. Alexander Hinderson
The necessity of some nearer conjunction and correspondency amongst evangelicall Protestants, for the advancement of the nationall cause, and bringing to passe the effect of the covenant
The reformed Common-wealth of bees. Presented in severall letters and observations to Sammuel Hartlib Esq
The reformed husband-man; or A brief treatise of the errors, defects, and inconveniences of our English husbandry, in ploughing and sowing for corn
The reformed librarie-keeper
The reformed school
The reformed-school: and the reformed librarie-keeper. By John Durie. Whereunto is added I. An idea of mathematicks. II. The description of one of the chiefest libraries which is in Germanie, erected and ordered by one of the most learned princes in Europe
The reformfd husband-man, or, A brief treatise of the errors, defects, and inconveniences of our English husbandry, in ploughing and sowing for corn
The true and readie way to learne the Latine tongue
Universal husbandry improved, or, Divers rare and choice experiments and secrets relating to all kind of husbandry gardening & planting