Translation, history, culture : a sourcebook / edited by André Lefevere London and New York . -Routledge , 1992 xiv, 182 p. , 23 cm.
What is translation? : centrifugal theories, critical interventions / Douglas Robinson Kent, Ohio ; London . -The Kent State University Press , c1997 xxv, 219 p. , 24 cm. ; 4
Translation as Text / A. Neubert and G. M. Shreve Kent : Ohio . -Kent State University , 1992 IX, 169 p. , 23 cm ; 1
Translation : an interpretative approach : J. Delisle, transl. by Patricia Logan and Monica Creery, forew. by D. Seleskovitch Ottawa . -Univ. of Ottawa , 1988 ix,125 p. ; 23 cm ; 8
Contemporary Translation Theories / Edwin Gentzler London . -Routledge , 1993 xiv,224 p. ; 22 cm
Gender in translation : cultural identity and the politics of transmission / Sherry Simon London New York . -Routledge , 1996 x, 195 p. , 22 cm.
Post-colonial translation : theory and practice / edited by Susan Bassnett and Harish Trivedi London New York . -Routledge , 1999 XII, 201 p. , 22 cm.
Translation, poetics and the stage : Six French Hamlets / Romy Heylen London . -Routledge , 1993 ix,170 p. ; 22 cm
Translation, rewriting, and the manipulation of literary fame / André Lefevere London New York . -Routledge , 1992 viii, 176 p. , 22 cm.
The translator's invisibility : a history of translation / Lawrence Venuti London New York . -Routledge , 1999 XII, 353 p. , 22 cm.