Asiatische Forschungen. Monographienreihe zur Geschichte, Kultur und Sprache der Völker Ost-und Zentralasiens ; 105
"Baatorsang, der keine Muhsal furchtete". Eine ewenkisch-solonische Abenteurreise / Jorg Backer ; pp. 25-44
The Background to a Manchu Literary Tale: Nisan saman i bithe / Li Hsueh-chih ; pp. 175-183
Chinese Symbolism among the Huns / Ching-lung Chen ; pp. 62-70
The Chinggis Khan Shrine and the Secret History of the Mongols / Hidehiro Okada ; pp. 284-292
The Cosmic Man in Turkish Texts and Iconography / Emel Esin ; pp. 113-124
La dénomination des ordres décimaux en mongol et leur contenu sémantique / Jacqu es Legrand ; pp. 162-174
Editing and Linguistic Analysis of a Medieval Turkic Text with the aid of Compu ter Facilities / M. van Damme, H. Boeschoten, H. Braam ; pp. 77-99
Der "English Gruss" in einer armeno-kiptschakischen Handschrift wiedergefanden / Edward Tryjarski ; pp. 399-420
Farbsymbolik auf dem Balkan (bei Türlen und Sudslawen) / Gabriella Schubert ; pp. 341-360
The Fear of Being Reborn as a Pig / Helmut Eimer ; pp. 109-112
Glosses on the Oeuvre of Bla ma "Phags pa.4. A propos of Tolui / Janos Szerb ; pp. 365-378
Innovation and Adaptation in a Symbolic System: Altaic Elements in the Original Language Japanese Buddhism / Roy A. Miller ; pp. 239-256
A Manchu fragment on the Medical Treatment given by the Italian Jesuit Giovanni Giuseppe Da Costa to Yin-ssu, Eighth Son of K'ang-hsi / Nicola Di Cosmo ; pp. 100-108
Neu festgestellte Worter und Wortbedeutungen im Choresmturkischen (II) / Nuri Y uce ; pp. 434-442
Nurhacis Kindheit:Das grosste Geheimnis der Ch'ing Dynastie? / Giovanni Stary ; pp. 361-364
Old Turkic, "b" and "p" / Doug Hitch ; pp. 130-146
On Kinship Symbolics among the Western Mongols / Slawoj Szynkiewicz ; pp. 379-385
The Principle of a comparative Dictionary of Turkic Languages / Timur Kocaoglu ; pp. 154-161
Religious and Lay Symbolism of Inperial Manchu Practices in Observing the New Y ear / Chieh-hsien Ch'en ; pp. 71-76
The Religious and Lay Symbolism of the T'u-chüeh as Recorded in Chinese History / Tang Chi ; pp. 386-398
Schamanenweihe bei den Aga-Burjaten / Nikolaus Poppe ; pp. 293-299
Schrifttatarisches y, z: und westmischärtartarisches y-, z / Ane H. Nauta ; pp. 257-283
Spoken Yakut:Semen Starostin About Himself and His Homeland / Olga Maksimova an d Johan Snauwaert ; pp. 191-205
A Study on "Skull Made Drinking Vessel" / Ma Yong ; pp. 184-190
Symbolical Ornaments on Tibetan Objects of Daily Use / Veronika Ronge ; pp, 300-307
Symbolism in the Evil Spirits / Alice Sarkozi ; pp. 314-323
Symbolism in Tungus Shamanism / Michael Underdown ; pp. 421-427
Symbolismus in der neuen mongolischen Lyrik / Maria Salga ; pp. 308-313
Tartars in Poland / Lucyna Antonowicz-Bauer ; pp. 7-24
Tattoing in Inner Asia / Ruth I. Meserve ; pp. 206.224
Titulaturen und Elogen uigurischer Konige / Peter Zieme ; pp. 443-450
Uber die Hauptlinien der turkischen Semantik / Dogan Aksan ; pp. 1-6
Von der Realität zum Mythos: Der Daumen im Mongolischen Epos / Walther Heissig ; pp. 125-129
Le voyage "paien" d'Artuhi à la recherche d'Efromiya / Giampiero Bellingeri ; pp. 55-61
Zu einigen Worten zentralasiatischer Herkunft im Deutschen und in benachbarten Sprachen / Hans-Peter Vietze ; pp. 428-433
Zum Normalisierung von Aorist - und Gerundialvokal im Sajanturkischen / Claus Schonig ; pp. 324-340
Zum Terminus uyun jafambi im manjurischen Schamanismus (Beiträge zum Schamanism us der Manjuren) / Iben Raphael Meyer ; pp. 225-238
Zum Vokalismus der Sibe-Sprache / Stanislaw Kaluzynsky ; pp. 147-153
Zur religiosen Praxis ozbekischer Frauen in Nordafganistan / Ingeborg Baldauf ; pp. 45-54
pp. 25-44
pp. 175-183
pp. 62-70
pp. 284-292
pp. 113-124
pp. 162-174
pp. 77-99
pp. 399-420
pp. 341-360
pp. 109-112
pp. 365-378
pp. 239-256
pp. 100-108
pp. 434-442
pp. 361-364
pp. 130-146
pp. 379-385
pp. 154-161
pp. 71-76
pp. 386-398
pp. 293-299
pp. 257-283
pp. 191-205
pp. 184-190
pp, 300-307
pp. 314-323
pp. 421-427
pp. 308-313
pp. 7-24
pp. 206.224
pp. 443-450
pp. 1-6
pp. 125-129
pp. 55-61
pp. 428-433
pp. 324-340
pp. 225-238
pp. 147-153
pp. 45-54