07990nam0 22012131i 450 UON0000476020231205101905.99334-470-2775-420020107d1989 |0itac50 bamulDE|||| 1||||Religious and Lay Symbolism in the Altaic World and other Papersed. by K. Sagaster in collaboration with H. EimerWiesbaden : Otto Harrassowitz1989 xvii450 p. ; 24 cmProcedings of the 27th Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, Walbersberg, Federal Republic of Germany, June 12th to 17th, 1984pp. 25-44UON00004763pp. 175-183UON00004778pp. 62-70UON00004768pp. 284-292UON00004787pp. 113-124UON00004772pp. 162-174UON00004777pp. 77-99UON00004770pp. 399-420UON00004798pp. 341-360UON00004793pp. 109-112UON00004771pp. 365-378UON00004795pp. 239-256UON00004784pp. 100-108UON00004769pp. 434-442UON00004801pp. 361-364UON00004794pp. 130-146UON00004774pp. 379-385UON00004796pp. 154-161UON00004776pp. 71-76UON00004767pp. 386-398UON00004797pp. 293-299UON00004788pp. 257-283UON00004786pp. 191-205UON00004780pp. 184-190UON00004779pp, 300-307UON00004789pp. 314-323UON00004791pp. 421-427UON00004799pp. 308-313UON00004790pp. 7-24UON00004762pp. 206.224UON00004782pp. 443-450UON00004802pp. 1-6UON00004761pp. 125-129UON00004773pp. 55-61UON00004766pp. 428-433UON00004800pp. 324-340UON00004792pp. 225-238UON00004783pp. 147-153UON00004775pp. 45-54UON00004765001UON000040982001 Asiatische Forschungen. Monographienreihe zur Geschichte, Kultur und Sprache der Völker Ost-und Zentralasiens105001UON000047632001 ˆ"‰Baatorsang, der keine Muhsal furchtete". Eine ewenkisch-solonische AbenteurreiseJorg Backerpp. 25-44001UON000047782001 ˆThe ‰Background to a Manchu Literary Tale: Nisan saman i bitheLi Hsueh-chihpp. 175-183001UON000047682001 Chinese Symbolism among the HunsChing-lung Chenpp. 62-70001UON000047872001 ˆThe ‰Chinggis Khan Shrine and the Secret History of the MongolsHidehiro Okadapp. 284-292001UON000047722001 ˆThe ‰Cosmic Man in Turkish Texts and IconographyEmel Esinpp. 113-124001UON000047772001 ˆLa ‰dénomination des ordres décimaux en mongol et leur contenu sémantiqueJacqu es Legrandpp. 162-174001UON000047702001 Editing and Linguistic Analysis of a Medieval Turkic Text with the aid of Compu ter FacilitiesM. van Damme, H. Boeschoten, H. Braampp. 77-99001UON000047982001 ˆDer ‰"English Gruss" in einer armeno-kiptschakischen Handschrift wiedergefanden Edward Tryjarskipp. 399-420001UON000047932001 Farbsymbolik auf dem Balkan (bei Türlen und Sudslawen)Gabriella Schubertpp. 341-360001UON000047712001 ˆThe ‰Fear of Being Reborn as a PigHelmut Eimerpp. 109-112001UON000047952001 Glosses on the Oeuvre of Bla ma "Phags pa.4. A propos of ToluiJanos Szerbpp. 365-378001UON000047842001 Innovation and Adaptation in a Symbolic System: Altaic Elements in the Original Language Japanese BuddhismRoy A. Millerpp. 239-256001UON000047692001 ˆA ‰Manchu fragment on the Medical Treatment given by the Italian Jesuit Giovanni Giuseppe Da Costa to Yin-ssu, Eighth Son of K'ang-hsiNicola Di Cosmopp. 100-108001UON000048012001 Neu festgestellte Worter und Wortbedeutungen im Choresmturkischen (II)Nuri Y ucepp. 434-442001UON000047942001 Nurhacis Kindheit:Das grosste Geheimnis der Ch'ing Dynastie?Giovanni Starypp. 361-364001UON000047742001 Old Turkic, "b" and "p"Doug Hitchpp. 130-146001UON000047962001 On Kinship Symbolics among the Western MongolsSlawoj Szynkiewiczpp. 379-385001UON000047762001 ˆThe ‰Principle of a comparative Dictionary of Turkic LanguagesTimur Kocaoglupp. 154-161001UON000047672001 Religious and Lay Symbolism of Inperial Manchu Practices in Observing the New Y earChieh-hsien Ch'enpp. 71-76001UON000047972001 ˆThe ‰Religious and Lay Symbolism of the T'u-chüeh as Recorded in Chinese HistoryTang Chipp. 386-398001UON000047882001 Schamanenweihe bei den Aga-BurjatenNikolaus Poppepp. 293-299001UON000047862001 Schrifttatarisches y, z: und westmischärtartarisches y-, zAne H. Nautapp. 257-283001UON000047802001 Spoken Yakut:Semen Starostin About Himself and His HomelandOlga Maksimova an d Johan Snauwaertpp. 191-205001UON000047792001 ˆA ‰Study on "Skull Made Drinking Vessel"Ma Yongpp. 184-190001UON000047892001 Symbolical Ornaments on Tibetan Objects of Daily UseVeronika Rongepp, 300-307001UON000047912001 Symbolism in the Evil SpiritsAlice Sarkozipp. 314-323001UON000047992001 Symbolism in Tungus ShamanismMichael Underdownpp. 421-427001UON000047902001 Symbolismus in der neuen mongolischen LyrikMaria Salgapp. 308-313001UON000047622001 Tartars in PolandLucyna Antonowicz-Bauerpp. 7-24001UON000047822001 Tattoing in Inner AsiaRuth I. Meservepp. 206.224001UON000048022001 Titulaturen und Elogen uigurischer KonigePeter Ziemepp. 443-450001UON000047612001 Uber die Hauptlinien der turkischen SemantikDogan Aksanpp. 1-6001UON000047732001 Von der Realität zum Mythos: Der Daumen im Mongolischen EposWalther Heissigpp. 125-129001UON000047662001 ˆLe ‰voyage "paien" d'Artuhi à la recherche d'EfromiyaGiampiero Bellingeripp. 55-61001UON000048002001 Zu einigen Worten zentralasiatischer Herkunft im Deutschen und in benachbarten SprachenHans-Peter Vietzepp. 428-433001UON000047922001 Zum Normalisierung von Aorist - und Gerundialvokal im SajanturkischenClaus Schonigpp. 324-340001UON000047832001 Zum Terminus uyun jafambi im manjurischen Schamanismus (Beiträge zum Schamanism us der Manjuren)Iben Raphael Meyerpp. 225-238001UON000047752001 Zum Vokalismus der Sibe-SpracheStanislaw Kaluzynskypp. 147-153001UON000047652001 Zur religiosen Praxis ozbekischer Frauen in NordafganistanIngeborg Baldaufpp. 45-54RELIGIONEASIA CENTRALEUONC001261FIAC GEN E VIIASIA CENTRALE - CONGRESSI - RELIGIONE E FILOSOFIAASAGASTERKlausUONV003517ITSOL20240220RICASIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOUONSIUON00004760SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI AC GEN E VII 001 SI SA 68126 5 001 Religious and Lay Symbolism in the Altaic World and other Papers1175650UNIOR