The arabic and turk scrolls of Mount Sinai / Aziz S. Atiya ; p. 10-16
Aramaic studies and the language of Jesus / M. Black ; p. 17-28
BLEPETE Philippians 3,2 / G.D. Kilpatrick ; p. 146-148
The cultic role of the pig in ancient times / A. von Rohr Sauer ; p. 201-207
The Decalogue and the Minim / Geza Vermes ; p. 232-240
"A drop of a Bucket"? Some observations on the hebrew text of Isaiah 40,15 / D. Winton Thomas ; p. 214-221
Du prologue de Qirqisani à son commentaire sur la Genèse / G. Wajda ; p. 222-231
The edition of the Kitab al-Khilaf of Misael Ben 'Uzziel / F. Perez Castro and M.J. Azcarraga ; p. 188-200
A fundamental manuscript for an edition of the babylonian Onqelos to Genesis / A. Diez-Macho ; p. 62-78
Hebrew biblical manuscripts in the Netherlands / P.A.H. De Boer ; p. 44-52
The horses in Zechariah / W.D. McHardy ; p. 174-180
Indications of antiquity in the ortography and morphology of the fragment Targum / M.C. Doubles ; p. 79-89
Isaiah 52,13-53,12 : The Servant of the Lord / G.R. Driver ; p. 90-105
Die israelitischen Propheten in der samaritanischen Chronik II / G. Fohrer ; p. 129-137
A letter of Harun ar-Rashid to the Emperor Costantin / D.M. Dunlop ; p. 106-115
Mashafa falasfa tabiban / F. Altheim und R. Stiehl ; p. 3-9
Neue Belege fur das phonizische Hermes-Emblem / O. Eissfeldt ; p. 124-128
Noveau fragment de la Massorah Magna du Targum de Babylone / G.E. Weil ; p. 241-253
Ein persischer Titel in Altaramaischen / W.B. Henning ; p. 138-145
Prolegomenon to a comparative description of non-masoretic hebrew dialects and traditions / A. Murtonen ; p. 180-187
The Shiloah inscription reconsidered / G. Levi Della Vida ; p. 162-166
Soferim - Massoretes, "Massoretes" Nakdanim / R. Edelmann ; p. 116-123
Some difficulties in the reconstruction of "Proto-Hebrew" and "Proto-Canaanite" / J. Blau ; p. 29-43
The sources of the variant readings to Deuteronomy 1,1-29,17 of Codex Neofiti / S. Lund ; p. 167-173
A study of the relationship between a Genesis Apocryphon and the Pentatheuchal Targumin in Genesis 14, 1-12 / G.J. Kuiper ; p. 149-161
Temple and festival in the persian Diatessaron / J. Browman ; p. 53-61
Von den Gebetbuchern der Proselyten / A. Scheiber ; p. 208-213
p. 10-16
p. 17-28
p. 146-148
p. 201-207
p. 232-240
p. 214-221
p. 222-231
p. 188-200
p. 62-78
p. 44-52
p. 174-180
p. 79-89
p. 90-105
p. 129-137
p. 106-115
p. 3-9
p. 124-128
p. 241-253
p. 138-145
p. 180-187
p. 162-166
p. 116-123
p. 29-43
p. 167-173
p. 149-161
p. 53-61
p. 208-213