05587nam0 22009491i 450 UON0007283120231205102357.55420020107d1968 |0itac50 baengDE|||| |||||In memoriam Paul Kahleherausgegeben von Matthew Black und Georg FohrerBerlinVerlag Alfred Topelmann1968253 p., 20 c. di tav.24 cmp. 10-16UON00162340p. 17-28UON00162341p. 146-148UON00162356p. 201-207UON00162365p. 232-240UON00162369p. 214-221UON00162367p. 222-231UON00162368p. 188-200UON00162364p. 62-78UON00162345p. 44-52UON00162343p. 174-180UON00162362p. 79-89UON00162346p. 90-105UON00162347p. 129-137UON00162351p. 106-115UON00162348p. 3-9UON00162339p. 124-128UON00162350p. 241-253UON00162370p. 138-145UON00162354p. 180-187UON00162363p. 162-166UON00162360p. 116-123UON00162349p. 29-43UON00162342p. 167-173UON00162361p. 149-161UON00162358p. 53-61UON00162344p. 208-213UON00162366001UON001623402001 ˆThe ‰arabic and turk scrolls of Mount SinaiAziz S. Atiyap. 10-16001UON001623412001 Aramaic studies and the language of JesusM. Blackp. 17-28001UON001623562001 BLEPETE Philippians 3,2G.D. Kilpatrickp. 146-148001UON001623652001 ˆThe ‰cultic role of the pig in ancient timesA. von Rohr Sauerp. 201-207001UON001623692001 ˆThe ‰Decalogue and the MinimGeza Vermesp. 232-240001UON001623672001 ˆ"A ‰drop of a Bucket"? Some observations on the hebrew text of Isaiah 40,15D. Winton Thomasp. 214-221001UON001623682001 Du prologue de Qirqisani à son commentaire sur la GenèseG. Wajdap. 222-231001UON001623642001 ˆThe ‰edition of the Kitab al-Khilaf of Misael Ben 'UzzielF. Perez Castro and M.J. Azcarragap. 188-200001UON001623452001 ˆA ‰fundamental manuscript for an edition of the babylonian Onqelos to GenesisA. Diez-Machop. 62-78001UON001623432001 Hebrew biblical manuscripts in the NetherlandsP.A.H. De Boerp. 44-52001UON001623622001 ˆThe ‰horses in ZechariahW.D. McHardyp. 174-180001UON001623462001 Indications of antiquity in the ortography and morphology of the fragment TargumM.C. Doublesp. 79-89001UON001623472001 Isaiah 52,13-53,12The Servant of the LordG.R. Driverp. 90-105001UON001623512001 ˆDie ‰israelitischen Propheten in der samaritanischen Chronik IIG. Fohrerp. 129-137001UON001623482001 ˆA ‰letter of Harun ar-Rashid to the Emperor CostantinD.M. Dunlopp. 106-115001UON001623392001 Mashafa falasfa tabibanF. Altheim und R. Stiehlp. 3-9001UON001623502001 Neue Belege fur das phonizische Hermes-EmblemO. Eissfeldtp. 124-128001UON001623702001 Noveau fragment de la Massorah Magna du Targum de BabyloneG.E. Weilp. 241-253001UON001623542001 ˆEin ‰persischer Titel in AltaramaischenW.B. Henningp. 138-145001UON001623632001 Prolegomenon to a comparative description of non-masoretic hebrew dialects and traditionsA. Murtonenp. 180-187001UON001623602001 ˆThe ‰Shiloah inscription reconsideredG. Levi Della Vidap. 162-166001UON001623492001 Soferim - Massoretes, "Massoretes" NakdanimR. Edelmannp. 116-123001UON001623422001 Some difficulties in the reconstruction of "Proto-Hebrew" and "Proto-Canaanite"J. Blaup. 29-43001UON001623612001 ˆThe ‰sources of the variant readings to Deuteronomy 1,1-29,17 of Codex NeofitiS. Lundp. 167-173001UON001623582001 ˆA ‰study of the relationship between a Genesis Apocryphon and the Pentatheuchal Targumin in Genesis 14, 1-12G.J. Kuiperp. 149-161001UON001623442001 Temple and festival in the persian DiatessaronJ. Browmanp. 53-61001UON001623662001 Von den Gebetbuchern der ProselytenA. Scheiberp. 208-213ETIOPIAStudi miscellaneiUONC018775FIAFRICAStudi miscellaneiUONC020691FIMEDIO ORIENTEStudi miscellaneiUONC021873FIDEBerlinUONL003157960STORIA DELL'AFRICA21BLACKMatthewUONV022926FOHRERGeorgUONV023956TopelmannUONV248343650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00072831SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI ET GEN D b 007 SI AA 669 7 007 SIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEOSI GEN D I 024 SI SEM629 7 024 In memoriam Paul Kahle1159839UNIOR