Ahu-ye kuhi... le chamois d'Abu Hafs de Sogdiane et les origines du robai / par G. Lazard ; pp. 238-244
Das altpersische seit 1964 / von Manfred Mayrhofer ; pp. 276-298
Arabico-Persica / by S. M. Stern ; pp. 409-416
La construction abrui muhoyas daroz en Tadjik / par Zs. Telegdi ; pp. 427-446
Une coupe sassanide à 'scène d'investiture' / par R. Ghirshman ; pp. 175-179
The crushing of the third singular present / by Ilya Gershevitch ; pp. 161-174
Dadestan i Dinik, 89 / by Peshotan K. Anklesaria ; pp. 8-13
Datistan i denik, pursisn 14. and 15.: a critical study / by M.F. Kanga ; pp. 219-227
The development of Iranian r+ consonant in the Shughni group / by Georg Morgenstierne ; pp. 334-342
Ear, sharp, and heraing - A Tibetan word-family / by Walter Simon ; pp. 406-408
Etimologika / von Karl H. Menges ; pp. 307-325
Evidence for the affricate pronunciation of the cluster ts in the Maitrayani Samhita / by M.A. Mehendale ; pp. 299-302
Fragments manichéens de Paris / par Jean de Menasce ; pp. 303-306
Funerary inscriptions in Pahlavi from Fars / by R.N. Frye ; pp. 152-156
Hamarakara> 'amarkal / by Jonas C. Greenfield ; pp. 180-186
Haoma, priest of the sacrifice / by Mary Boyce ; pp. 62-80
Ind-Iranische appellativa und Alteuropaische gewassernamen / von Wolfgang P. Schmid ; pp. 376-384
Indo-iranian notes: 1.Avestan ravo.fraothman-; 2. Avestan uzgasto; 3. Iranian optative forms / by M.J. Dreseden ; pp. 134-139
Iranian names of Huns / by Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen ; pp. 272-275
Iranica 3. (Nos. 32-43) / by O. Szemerenyi ; pp. 417-426
The list of fruits in the Bundahisn / by Jes P. Asmussen ; pp. 14-19
Middle Iranian has, hasenag / by H. S. Nyberg ; pp. 343-348
Miscellanea iranica / by Martin Schwartz ; pp. 385-394
The names of the months in Ossetic / by V.I. Abayev ; pp. 1-7
Notes on the P'ags-pa alphabet for Chinese / by E. G. Pulleyblank ; pp. 358-375
Nugae indo-sericae / by John Brough ; pp. 81-97
Old Persian yaumanis / by J. Duchesne-Guillemin ; pp. 140-142
On some Pahlavi legal terms / by Anahit Perikhanian ; pp. 349-357
The origin of the 'Old Persian' writing system and the ancient oriental epigraphic and annalistic traditions / by I.M. Diakonoff ; pp. 98-124
The Pahlavi ideograms for dur and der / by H.K. Mirza ; pp. 326-333
The pahlavi text of Viciriha i den i veh i mazdayasnan / by Kaikhusroo M. Jamaspasa ; pp. 201-218
Parable and precept in the Marzuban-name / by David M. Lang ; pp. 231-237
A persian monument at Athens, and its connections with the Achaemenid state seals / by A.D.H. Bivar ; pp. 43-61
The prosodic structure of an old Turkish poem / by T. Gandjei ; pp. 157-160
Que signifie Videvdat? / par E. Benveniste ; pp. 37-42
A range of Iranica / by H. W. Bailey ; pp. 20-36
Sanskrit jalasa / by T. Burrow ; pp. 89-97
Sanskrit sindhu-/Sindhu- and Old Iranian hindu-/Hindu- / by P. Thieme ; pp. 447-450
The 'social functions' of the old iranian Mithra / by Wolfgang Lentz ; pp. 245-255
A Sogdian alphabet from Panjikant / by V.A. Livshitz ; pp. 256- 263
'Speak' and 'prosper' in Khotanese / by R.E. Emmerick ; pp. 143-151
Specimens of Middle Persian verse / by S. Shaked ; pp. 395-405
The Tati dialects of Tarom / by E. Yarshater ; pp. 451-467
Who sift sea-shells by the sea-shore? / by C.J.F. Dowsett ; pp. 125-133
A zoroastrian master of ceremonies / by D.N. MacKenzie ; pp. 264-271
Zur avestischen textktitik: der akk. pl. mask. der a-stamme / von Karl Hoffmann ; pp. 187-200
pp. 238-244
pp. 276-298
pp. 409-416
pp. 427-446
pp. 175-179
pp. 161-174
pp. 8-13
pp. 219-227
pp. 334-342
pp. 406-408
pp. 307-325
pp. 299-302
pp. 303-306
pp. 152-156
pp. 180-186
pp. 62-80
pp. 376-384
pp. 134-139
pp. 272-275
pp. 417-426
pp. 14-19
pp. 343-348
pp. 385-394
pp. 1-7
pp. 358-375
pp. 81-97
pp. 140-142
pp. 349-357
pp. 98-124
pp. 326-333
pp. 201-218
pp. 231-237
pp. 43-61
pp. 157-160
pp. 37-42
pp. 20-36
pp. 89-97
pp. 447-450
pp. 245-255
pp. 256- 263
pp. 143-151
pp. 395-405
pp. 451-467
pp. 125-133
pp. 264-271
pp. 187-200