LEADER 08290nam0 22014171i 450 001 UON00021435 005 20231205102020.602 010 $a85-331-2559- 100 $a20020107d1970 |0itac50 ba 101 $amul 102 $aGB 105 $a|||| 1|||| 200 1 $aW.B. Henning Memorial Volume$f[edited by Mary Boyce and Ilya Gershevitch] 210 $aLondon$cLund Humphries$d1970 xliii$d467 p. ; 23 cm 311 $app. 238-244$9UON00021489 311 $app. 276-298$9UON00021503 311 $app. 409-416$9UON00021571 311 $app. 427-446$9UON00021574 311 $app. 175-179$9UON00021483 311 $app. 161-174$9UON00021482 311 $app. 8-13$9UON00021438 311 $app. 219-227$9UON00021487 311 $app. 334-342$9UON00021562 311 $app. 406-408$9UON00021570 311 $app. 307-325$9UON00021543 311 $app. 299-302$9UON00021504 311 $app. 303-306$9UON00021542 311 $app. 152-156$9UON00021474 311 $app. 180-186$9UON00021484 311 $app. 62-80$9UON00021449 311 $app. 376-384$9UON00021567 311 $app. 134-139$9UON00021470 311 $app. 272-275$9UON00021502 311 $app. 417-426$9UON00021572 311 $app. 14-19$9UON00021439 311 $app. 343-348$9UON00021563 311 $app. 385-394$9UON00021568 311 $app. 1-7$9UON00021437 311 $app. 358-375$9UON00021566 311 $app. 81-97$9UON00021451 311 $app. 140-142$9UON00021471 311 $app. 349-357$9UON00021564 311 $app. 98-124$9UON00021468 311 $app. 326-333$9UON00021561 311 $app. 201-218$9UON00021486 311 $app. 231-237$9UON00021488 311 $app. 43-61$9UON00021448 311 $app. 157-160$9UON00021475 311 $app. 37-42$9UON00021447 311 $app. 20-36$9UON00021440 311 $app. 89-97$9UON00021453 311 $app. 447-450$9UON00021575 311 $app. 245-255$9UON00021499 311 $app. 256- 263$9UON00021500 311 $app. 143-151$9UON00021473 311 $app. 395-405$9UON00021569 311 $app. 451-467$9UON00021576 311 $app. 125-133$9UON00021469 311 $app. 264-271$9UON00021501 311 $app. 187-200$9UON00021485 464 0$1001UON00021489$12001 $aAhu-ye kuhi... le chamois d'Abu Hafs de Sogdiane et les origines du robai$fpar G. Lazard$vpp. 238-244 464 0$1001UON00021503$12001 $aˆDas ‰altpersische seit 1964$fvon Manfred Mayrhofer$vpp. 276-298 464 0$1001UON00021571$12001 $aArabico-Persica$fby S. M. Stern$vpp. 409-416 464 0$1001UON00021574$12001 $aˆLa ‰construction abrui muhoyas daroz en Tadjik$fpar Zs. Telegdi$vpp. 427-446 464 0$1001UON00021483$12001 $aˆUne ‰coupe sassanide à 'scène d'investiture'$fpar R. Ghirshman$vpp. 175-179 464 0$1001UON00021482$12001 $aˆThe ‰crushing of the third singular present$fby Ilya Gershevitch$vpp. 161-174 464 0$1001UON00021438$12001 $aDadestan i Dinik, 89$fby Peshotan K. Anklesaria$vpp. 8-13 464 0$1001UON00021487$12001 $aDatistan i denik, pursisn 14. and 15.: a critical study$fby M.F. Kanga$vpp. 219-227 464 0$1001UON00021562$12001 $aˆThe ‰development of Iranian r+ consonant in the Shughni group$fby Georg Morgenstierne$vpp. 334-342 464 0$1001UON00021570$12001 $aEar, sharp, and heraing - A Tibetan word-family$fby Walter Simon$vpp. 406-408 464 0$1001UON00021543$12001 $aEtimologika$fvon Karl H. Menges$vpp. 307-325 464 0$1001UON00021504$12001 $aEvidence for the affricate pronunciation of the cluster ts in the Maitrayani Samhita$fby M.A. Mehendale$vpp. 299-302 464 0$1001UON00021542$12001 $aFragments manichéens de Paris$fpar Jean de Menasce$vpp. 303-306 464 0$1001UON00021474$12001 $aFunerary inscriptions in Pahlavi from Fars$fby R.N. Frye$vpp. 152-156 464 0$1001UON00021484$12001 $aHamarakara> 'amarkal$fby Jonas C. Greenfield$vpp. 180-186 464 0$1001UON00021449$12001 $aHaoma, priest of the sacrifice$fby Mary Boyce$vpp. 62-80 464 0$1001UON00021567$12001 $aInd-Iranische appellativa und Alteuropaische gewassernamen$fvon Wolfgang P. Schmid$vpp. 376-384 464 0$1001UON00021470$12001 $aIndo-iranian notes: 1.Avestan ravo.fraothman-; 2. Avestan uzgasto; 3. Iranian optative forms$fby M.J. Dreseden$vpp. 134-139 464 0$1001UON00021502$12001 $aIranian names of Huns$fby Otto J. Maenchen-Helfen$vpp. 272-275 464 0$1001UON00021572$12001 $aIranica 3. (Nos. 32-43)$fby O. Szemerenyi$vpp. 417-426 464 0$1001UON00021439$12001 $aˆThe ‰list of fruits in the Bundahisn$fby Jes P. Asmussen$vpp. 14-19 464 0$1001UON00021563$12001 $aMiddle Iranian has, hasenag$fby H. S. Nyberg$vpp. 343-348 464 0$1001UON00021568$12001 $aMiscellanea iranica$fby Martin Schwartz$vpp. 385-394 464 0$1001UON00021437$12001 $aˆThe ‰names of the months in Ossetic$fby V.I. Abayev$vpp. 1-7 464 0$1001UON00021566$12001 $aNotes on the P'ags-pa alphabet for Chinese$fby E. G. Pulleyblank$vpp. 358-375 464 0$1001UON00021451$12001 $aNugae indo-sericae$fby John Brough$vpp. 81-97 464 0$1001UON00021471$12001 $aOld Persian yaumanis$fby J. Duchesne-Guillemin$vpp. 140-142 464 0$1001UON00021564$12001 $aOn some Pahlavi legal terms$fby Anahit Perikhanian$vpp. 349-357 464 0$1001UON00021468$12001 $aˆThe ‰origin of the 'Old Persian' writing system and the ancient oriental epigraphic and annalistic traditions$fby I.M. Diakonoff$vpp. 98-124 464 0$1001UON00021561$12001 $aˆThe ‰Pahlavi ideograms for dur and der$fby H.K. Mirza$vpp. 326-333 464 0$1001UON00021486$12001 $aˆThe ‰pahlavi text of Viciriha i den i veh i mazdayasnan$fby Kaikhusroo M. Jamaspasa$vpp. 201-218 464 0$1001UON00021488$12001 $aParable and precept in the Marzuban-name$fby David M. Lang$vpp. 231-237 464 0$1001UON00021448$12001 $aˆA ‰persian monument at Athens, and its connections with the Achaemenid state seals$fby A.D.H. Bivar$vpp. 43-61 464 0$1001UON00021475$12001 $aˆThe ‰prosodic structure of an old Turkish poem$fby T. Gandjei$vpp. 157-160 464 0$1001UON00021447$12001 $aQue signifie Videvdat?$fpar E. Benveniste$vpp. 37-42 464 0$1001UON00021440$12001 $aˆA ‰range of Iranica$fby H. W. Bailey$vpp. 20-36 464 0$1001UON00021453$12001 $aSanskrit jalasa$fby T. Burrow$vpp. 89-97 464 0$1001UON00021575$12001 $aSanskrit sindhu-/Sindhu- and Old Iranian hindu-/Hindu-$fby P. Thieme$vpp. 447-450 464 0$1001UON00021499$12001 $aˆThe '‰social functions' of the old iranian Mithra$fby Wolfgang Lentz$vpp. 245-255 464 0$1001UON00021500$12001 $aˆA ‰Sogdian alphabet from Panjikant$fby V.A. Livshitz$vpp. 256- 263 464 0$1001UON00021473$12001 $aˆ'‰Speak' and 'prosper' in Khotanese$fby R.E. Emmerick$vpp. 143-151 464 0$1001UON00021569$12001 $aSpecimens of Middle Persian verse$fby S. Shaked$vpp. 395-405 464 0$1001UON00021576$12001 $aˆThe ‰Tati dialects of Tarom$fby E. Yarshater$vpp. 451-467 464 0$1001UON00021469$12001 $aWho sift sea-shells by the sea-shore?$fby C.J.F. Dowsett$vpp. 125-133 464 0$1001UON00021501$12001 $aˆA ‰zoroastrian master of ceremonies$fby D.N. MacKenzie$vpp. 264-271 464 0$1001UON00021485$12001 $aZur avestischen textktitik: der akk. pl. mask. der a-stamme$fvon Karl Hoffmann$vpp. 187-200 517 1$3UON00353924$aHenning memorial volume 606 $aIRANISTICA$3UONC003849$2FI 620 $aGB$dLondon$3UONL003044 686 $aIR GEN D II$cIRAN ANTICO - STUDI IN ONORE DI - LINGUISTICA$2A 702 1$aBOYCE$bMary$3UONV000315 702 1$aGERSHEVITCH$bIlya$3UONV000140 702 1$aHENNING$bW. B.$3UONV010118 712 $aLund Humphries$3UONV246538$4650 790 1$aHENNING, Walter Bruno$zHENNING, W. B.$3UONV214013 801 $aIT$bSOL$c20240220$gRICA 899 $aSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO$2UONSI 912 $aUON00021435 950 $aSIBA - SISTEMA BIBLIOTECARIO DI ATENEO$dSI IR GEN D II 002 $eSI IR 876 7 002 996 $aW.B. Henning Memorial Volume$91196579 997 $aUNIOR