The Antarvyaptisamarthana of Ratnakarasanti / [introduction, text and translation by] Yuichi Kajiyama Tokyo . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University , 1999 XIV, 162 p. . -tav. , 26 cm ; 2 SI VII B 302 N
A glossary of Lokaksema's translation of the Aṣ̣tasāhasrikā Prajñāparamitā / Seishi Karashima Tōkyō . -International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University , 2010 xlviii, 768 p. , 26 cm. ; 11
A critical edition of Lokaksema's translation of the Astasahasrika Prajñaparamita , 道行般若經校注 / Seishi Karashima Tōkyō . -International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University , 2011 XXXVI, 550 p. , 26 cm ; 12 SI VII B 395 N
Śāntamatiḥ : manuscripts for life : essays in memory of Seishi Karashima / ed. by Noriyuki Kudo Tōkyō . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University , 2023 xxxii, 473, 45 p. . -ill. , 26 cm ; 15 SI GEN D VII 17
Die Abhisamācārikā Dharmāḥ : Verhaltensregeln für buddhistische Mönche der Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins / herausgegeben, mit der chinesischen Parallelversion verglichen, übersetzt und kommentiert von Seishi Karashima ; unter Mitwirkung von Oskar von Hinüber Tōkyō : The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology : Soka University 3 v. 26 cm v. 3 . -Grammatik, Glossar und Nachträge ; 13 (1-3) SI VII B 400 (1-3)
The Mahāvastu : A new edition / by Katarzyna Marciniak Tōkyō . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University , 2019-2020 2 v. , 26 cm ; 14 (1-2) SI VII B 437 (1-2) N
A guide to the earliest Chinese Buddhist translations : Texts from the Eastern Han ad Three Kingdom periods / Jan Nattier Tokyo . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University , 2008 VI, 194 p. , 26 cm ; 10 CIN VII A 446 N
A glossary of Kumarajiva's translation of the Lotus Sutra / Seishi Karashima Tokyo . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University , 2001 LII, 528 p. , 27 cm ; 2 GIA VII B 256 N
Eugène Burnouf : The background to his research into the Lotus Sutra / Akira Yuyama Tokyo . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University , 2000 XIV, 192 p. , 25 cm ; 3
The Kasyapaparivarta : Romanized text and facsimiles / M.I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskaya ; in collaboration with Seishi Karashima and Noriyuki Kudo Tokyo . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University , 2002 XIV, 192 p. , 25 cm ; 5 SI VII B 348 N
A Buddha within : The Tathagatagarbhasutra : The earliest exposition of the Buddha-nature teaching in India / Michael Zimmermann Tokyo . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University , 2002 XIV, 192 p. , 25 cm ; 6 SI VII B 349 N
The Karmavibhanga. Transliterations and annotations of the original Sanskrit manuscripts from Nepal / Noriyuki Kudo Tokyo . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University , 2004 XXX, 348 p. , 25 cm ; 7 SI VII B 369 N
In praise of the light : A critical synoptic edition with an annotated translation of chapters 1-3 of Dharmaraksa's Guang zan jing, being the earliest Chinese translation of the larger Prajnaparamita / Stefano Zacchetti Tokyo . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University , 2005 XIV, 457 p. , 25 cm ; 8 SI VII B 364 N
The meaning of the Lotus Sutra's course of ease and bliss : An annotated translation and study of Nanyue Huisi's (515-577) Fahua jiing anlexing yi / Daniel B. Stevenson and Hiroshi Kanno Tokyo . -The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology-Soka University , 2006 X, 317 p. , 26 cm ; 9 CIN VII A 443 N
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