05717nac# 22005051i 450 UON0004123420231205102147.8920020107f |0itac50 baJP|||| |||||b||||||||||Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica BuddhicaTokyoThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University.SI VII B 302 NUON00041206SI VII B 395 NUON00395549SI GEN D VII 17UON00517769SI VII B 400 (1-3)UON00415262SI VII B 437 (1-2) NUON00497486CIN VII A 446 NUON00311984GIA VII B 256 NUON00110221SI VII B 348 NUON00160306SI VII B 349 NUON00160307SI VII B 369 NUON00254006SI VII B 364 NUON00266378CIN VII A 443 NUON00280445001UON000412062001 ˆThe ‰Antarvyaptisamarthana of Ratnakarasanti[introduction, text and translation by] Yuichi Kajiyama210 TokyoThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University1999215 XIV, 162 p.tav.26 cm2 SI VII B 302 N001UON003975132001 ˆA ‰glossary of Lokaksema's translation of the Aṣ̣tasāhasrikā PrajñāparamitāSeishi Karashima210 TōkyōInternational Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University2010215 xlviii, 768 p.26 cm.11001UON003955492001 ˆA ‰critical edition of Lokaksema's translation of the Astasahasrika Prajñaparamita道行般若經校注Seishi Karashima210 TōkyōInternational Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University2011215 XXXVI, 550 p.26 cm12 SI VII B 395 N001UON005177692001 Śāntamatiḥmanuscripts for lifeessays in memory of Seishi Karashimaed. by Noriyuki Kudo210 TōkyōThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University2023215 xxxii, 473, 45 p.ill.26 cm15 SI GEN D VII 17001UON004152622001 ˆDie ‰Abhisamācārikā DharmāḥVerhaltensregeln für buddhistische Mönche der Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādinsherausgegeben, mit der chinesischen Parallelversion verglichen, übersetzt und kommentiert von Seishi Karashimaunter Mitwirkung von Oskar von Hinüber205 Tōkyō : The International Research Institute for Advanced BuddhologySoka University210 3 v.26 cm215 v. 3Grammatik, Glossar und Nachträge13 (1-3) SI VII B 400 (1-3)001UON004974862001 ˆThe ‰MahāvastuA new editionby Katarzyna Marciniak210 TōkyōThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University2019-2020215 2 v.26 cm14 (1-2) SI VII B 437 (1-2) N001UON003119842001 ˆA ‰guide to the earliest Chinese Buddhist translationsTexts from the Eastern Han ad Three Kingdom periodsJan Nattier210 TokyoThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University2008215 VI, 194 p.26 cm10 CIN VII A 446 N001UON001102212001 ˆA ‰glossary of Kumarajiva's translation of the Lotus SutraSeishi Karashima210 TokyoThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University2001215 LII, 528 p.27 cm2 GIA VII B 256 N001UON000484452001 Eugène BurnoufThe background to his research into the Lotus SutraAkira Yuyama210 TokyoThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University2000215 XIV, 192 p.25 cm3001UON001603062001 ˆThe ‰KasyapaparivartaRomanized text and facsimilesM.I. Vorobyova-Desyatovskayain collaboration with Seishi Karashima and Noriyuki Kudo210 TokyoThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University2002215 XIV, 192 p.25 cm5 SI VII B 348 N001UON001603072001 ˆA ‰Buddha withinThe TathagatagarbhasutraThe earliest exposition of the Buddha-nature teaching in IndiaMichael Zimmermann210 TokyoThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University2002215 XIV, 192 p.25 cm6 SI VII B 349 N001UON002540062001 ˆThe ‰Karmavibhanga. Transliterations and annotations of the original Sanskrit manuscripts from NepalNoriyuki Kudo210 TokyoThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University2004215 XXX, 348 p.25 cm7 SI VII B 369 N001UON002663782001 In praise of the lightA critical synoptic edition with an annotated translation of chapters 1-3 of Dharmaraksa's Guang zan jing, being the earliest Chinese translation of the larger PrajnaparamitaStefano Zacchetti210 TokyoThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka University2005215 XIV, 457 p.25 cm8 SI VII B 364 N001UON002804452001 ˆThe ‰meaning of the Lotus Sutra's course of ease and blissAn annotated translation and study of Nanyue Huisi's (515-577) Fahua jiing anlexing yiDaniel B. Stevenson and Hiroshi Kanno210 TokyoThe International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology-Soka University2006215 X, 317 p.26 cm9 CIN VII A 443 NJPTōkyōUONL000031International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology Soka UniversityUONV251925650ITSOL20240220RICAUON00041234Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica1838764UNIOR