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Telecommunications : better coordination and enhanced accountability needed to improve spectrum management
Telecommunications Memorandum of Understanding between the United States of America and Mexico signed at Washington and Mexico City, December 9, 1998 with annexes
Telecommunications : characteristics and competitiveness of the internet backbone market
Telecommunications GSA action needed to realize benefits of metropolitan area acquisition program
Telecommunications information on participation in the Rural Health Care Pilot Program (GAO-11-25SP, November 2010), an e-supplement to GAO-11-27
Telecommunications improved management can enhance FCC decision making for the Universal Service Fund Low-Income Program : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications protocol between the United States of America and Mexico signed at Washington, February 27, 1997 with appendices and letter of understanding
Telecommunications : GSA needs to improve process for awarding task orders for local service
Telecommunications Pressures and Policies for Change
Telecommunications FCC needs to improve its ability to monitor and determine the extent of competition in dedicated access services : report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives
Telecommunications strong support for extending FCC's auction authority exists, but little agreement on other options to improve efficient use of spectrum : report to congressional committees
Telecommunications issues related to federal funding for public television by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications the infrastructure for the 21st century : 13-14 September 2010
Telecommunications agencies are generally following sound transition planning practices, and GSA is taking action to resolve challenges : report to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate
Telecommunications GSA needs to share and prioritize lessons learned to avoid future transition delays : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications uneven implementation of wireless enhanced 911 raises prospect of piecemeal availability for years to come
Telecommunications : FCC should include call quality in its annual report on competition in mobile phone services
Telecommunications FCC should assess the design of the E-rate program's internal control structure : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications enhanced data collection and analysis could inform FCC's efforts to complete the digital transition of low-power television stations and reallocate spectrum : report to congressional committees
Telecommunications issues related to the structure and funding of public television : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications broadband deployment plan should include performance goals and measures to guide federal investment : report to the Chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives
Telecommunications current broadband measures have limitations, and new measures are promising but need improvement : report to congressional committees
Telecommunications FCC's performance management weaknesses could jeopardize proposed reforms of the Rural Health Care Program : report to congessional requesters
Telecommunications surveys of consumers and of state utility commissions about wireless phone service (GAO-10-35SP, November 2009), an e-supplement to GAO-10-34
Telecommunications GSA has accumulated adequate funding for transition to new contracts but needs cost estimation policy : report to the Ranking Member, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives
Telecommunications Direct Broadcast Satellite subscribership has grown rapidly, but varies across different types of markets : report to the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate
Telecommunications weaknesses in procedures and performance management hinder junk fax enforcement : report to congressional committees
Telecommunications FCC should take steps to ensure equal access to rulemaking information : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives
Telecommunications full adoption of sound transition planning practices by GSA and selected agencies could improve planning efforts : report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives
Telecommunications competition, capacity, and costs in the fixed satellite services industry : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications : additional federal efforts could help advance digital television transition
Telecommunications states' collection and use of funds for wireless enhanced 911 services : report to congressional committees
Telecommunications : many broadcasters will not meet May 2002 digital television deadline
Telecommunications radio communications between amateur stations on behalf of third parties : arrangement between the United States of America and Turkey effected by exchange of notes signed at Ankara, November 27, 1996
Telecommunications wire-based competition benefited consumers in selected markets : report to the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, Committee on the Judiciary, U.S. Senate
Telecommunications comprehensive review of U.S. spectrum management with broad stakeholder involvement is needed : report to Congressional requesters
Telecommunications challenges to assessing and improving telecommunications for Native Americans on tribal lands : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications FCC has reformed the high-cost program, but oversight and management could be improved : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications FCC needs to improve performance management and strengthen oversight of the high-cost program : report to congressional committees
Telecommunications National Broadband Plan reflects the experiences of leading countries, but implementation will be challenging : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications exposure and testing requirements for mobile phones should be reassessed : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications : issues in providing cable and satellite television services
Telecommunications survey of state public utility commissions (GAO-11-13SP, October 2010), an e-supplement to GAO-11-11
Telecommunications information on participation in the E-rate program (GAO-09-254SP, March 2009), an e-supplement to GAO-09-253
Telecommunications long-term strategic vision would help ensure targeting of E-rate funds to highest-priority uses : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications : characteristics and choices of internet users
Telecommunications enhanced data collection could help FCC better monitor competition in the wireless industry : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications FCC needs to improve oversight of wireless phone service : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications broadband deployment is extensive throughout the United States, but it is difficult to assess the extend of deployment gaps in rural areas : report to congressional committees
Telecommunications survey of state regulatory commissions (GAO-08-662SP, June 2008), an e-supplement to GAO-08-633
Telecommunications the proposed Performance Rights Act would result in additional costs for broadcast radio stations and additional revenue for record companies, musicians, and performers : report to congressional requesters
Telecommunications : issues related to competition and subscriber rates in the cable television industry
Telecommunications FCC has made some progress in the management of its enforcement program but faces limitations, and additional actions are needed : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives
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