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Memorandum report vulnerabilities in Medicare payments for pressure reducing support surfaces
Memorandum report audit of NRC's information technology readiness for three White Flint North (OIG-13-A-19)
Memorandum report supplier billing for diabetes test strips and inappropriate supplier activities in competitive bidding areas
Memorandum report utilization of Medicare ambulance transports, 2002-2011
Memorandum report Administration for Children and Families strengthened its oversight of Head Start eligibility in fiscal year 2011
Memorandum report hospitals' use of observation stays and short inpatient stays for Medicare beneficiaries
Memorandum report early review of states' planned Medicaid electronic health record incentive program oversight
Memorandum report criminal convictions for nurse aides with substantiated findings of abuse, neglect, and misappropriation
Memorandum report renal dialysis facilities' dosage protocols for administering erythropoiesis-stimulating agents
Memorandum report Part D plans generally include drugs commonly used by dual eligibles
Memorandum report lack of data regarding physicians opting out of Medicare
Memorandum report the use of payment suspensions to prevent inappropriate Medicare payments
Memorandum report laboratory preparedness for pandemic influenza
Memorandum report quality improvement organizations' final responses to beneficiary complaints
Memorandum report payment for drugs under the hospital outpatient prospective payment system
Memorandum report SAMHSA has improved outcome reporting for the substance abuse prevention and treatment block grant
Memorandum report 2009 H1N1 school-located vaccination program implementation
Memorandum report some states improperly restrict eligibility for Medicaid mandatory home health services
Memorandum report Medicare Part D plan sponsor electronic prescribing initiatives
Memorandum report Medicare market shares of mail order diabetic testing strips
Memorandum report assessment of hospital reporting of present on admission indicators on Medicare claims
Memorandum report excluded individuals employed by providers enrolled in Medicaid managed care entities
Memorandum report quality assurance and care provided at HRSA-funded health centers
Memorandum report Medicare Part D prescription drug plan sponsor lnternet web sites : content and accessibility
Memorandum report Medicare payments for medical equipment and supply claims with identical referring physician and supplier national provider identifiers
Memorandum report Medicare Part D pharmacy discounts for 2008
Memorandum Report state Medicaid agency referrals to the Office of Inspector General exclusions program
Memorandum report contract pharmacy arrangements in the 340B Program
Memorandum report Medicare Part B services during non-Part A nursing home stays : mental health
Memorandum report performance data for the senior Medicare patrol projects : June 2014 performance report
Memorandum report questionable billing for physician services for hospice beneficiaries
Memorandum report performance data for the senior Medicare patrol projects : June 2016 performance report
Memorandum report Medicare Part B services during non-part A nursing home stays : enteral nutrition therapy
Memorandum report Medicaid-funded personal care services in excess of 24 hours per day
Memorandum report Medicaid and Medicare home health payments for skilled nursing and home health aide services
Memorandum report use of electronic health record systems in 2011 among Medicare physicians providing evaluation and management services
Memorandum report beneficiary appeals in Medicare Advantage
Memorandum report nationwide program for national and state background checks for long-term-care employees : results of long-term-care provider administrator survey
Memorandum report Medicare Part B services for nursing home residents, 2002
Memorandum report repeat pneumococcal vaccinations for Medicare beneficiaries
Memorandum report Medicare market shares of mail order diabetes test strips immediately prior to the national mail order program
Memorandum report high-risk compounded sterile preparations and outsourcing by hospitals that use them
Memorandum report Medicare hospice : use of general inpatient care
Memorandum report trends in nursing home deficiencies and complaints
Memorandum report potential improper Medicaid payments for outpatient clinical diagnostic laboratory services for dual-eligible beneficiaries
Memorandum report ensuring that Medicare Part D reimbursement is limited to drugs provided for medically accepted indications
Memorandum report Medicaid DMEPOS costs may be exceeding Medicare costs in competitive bidding areas
Memorandum report the Office for Human Research Protections' evaluation of the surfactant, positive pressure, and oxygenation randomized trial
Memorandum report long term care hospitals short-stay outliers
Memorandum report few adverse events in hospitals were reported to state adverse event reporting systems
Memorandum report collection rate for overpayments made to Medicare suppliers in south Florida
Memorandum report Medicare market shares of mail order diabetes test strips from July-September 2013
Memorandum report Medicare market shares of mail order diabetes test strips 3-6 months after the start of the national mail order program
Memorandum report MSIS data usefulness for detecting fraud, waste, and abuse
Memorandum report role of nursing homes and long term care pharmacies in assisting dual-eligible residents with selecting Part D plans
Memorandum report payments for Medicare Part B services during non-Part A nursing home stays in 2008
Memorandum report status of 244 provider audits identified using review Medicaid integrity contractor analysis
Memorandum report miscoded claims for power wheelchairs in the Medicare program
Memorandum report excluded Medicaid providers, analysis of enrollment
Memorandum report Community Living Assistance Services and Supports program: 2012 report to Congress
Memorandum report inaccurate data in the provider enrollment, chain, and ownership system individual global extract file
Memorandum report Medicare hospice care; services provided to beneficiaries residing in nursing facilities
Memorandum report Medicare payments for Part B claims with G modifiers
Memorandum report offshore outsourcing of administrative functions by state Medicaid agencies
Memorandum report hospice beneficiaries' use of respite care
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Memorandum report