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Military readiness Navy needs to reassess Its metrics and assumptions for ship crewing requirements and training : report to congressional committees
Military readiness Navy needs to assess risks to its strategy to improve ship readiness : report to congressional committees
Military readiness : Civil Reserve Air Fleet can respond as planned, but incentives may need revamping
Military readiness management focus needed on airfields for overseas deployments : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Military Readiness, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives
Military readiness : updated readiness status of U.S. air transport capability
Military readiness DOD needs to strengthen management and oversight of the Defense Readiness Reporting System : report to the Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate
Military readiness : new reporting system is intended to address long-standing problems, but better planning is needed
Military readiness DOD needs a clear and defined process for setting aircraft availablity goals in the new security environment
Military readiness : DOD needs to better manage automatic test equipment modernization
Military readiness DOD needs to identify and address gaps and potential risks in program strategies and funding priorities for selected equipment : report to congressional committees
Military readiness : effects of a U.S. military presence in Europe on mobility requirements
Military readiness opportunities exist to improve completeness and usefulness of quarterly reports to Congress : report to congressional committees
Military readiness : DOD needs to reassess program strategy, funding priorities, and risks for selected equipment
Military readiness implications for our strategic posture
Military readiness Navy's Fleet Response Plan would benefit from a comprehensive management approach and rigorous testing : report to congressional committees
Military readiness Navy is making progress implementing its Fleet Response Plan, but has not fully developed goals, measures, and resource needs : report to congressional committees
Military readiness : lingering training and equipment issues hamper air support of ground forces
Military readiness joint policy needed to better manage the training and use of certain forces to meet operational demands : report to the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate and the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives
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Military readiness