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Defense inventory : improved industrial base assessments for Army war reserve spares could save money
Defense inventory : better reporting on spare parts spending will enhance congressional oversight
Defense inventory actions needed to improve the Defense Logistics Agency's inventory management : report to the Subcommittee on Readiness, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives
Defense inventory improvements needed in DOD's implementation of its long-term strategy for Total Asset Visibility of its inventory : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Defense, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives
Defense inventory Defense Logistics Agency needs to expand on efforts to more effectively manage spare parts : report to congressional requesters
Defense inventory most excess property in Panama was disposed of properly, but some control weaknesses existed : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate
Defense inventory actions underway to implement improvement plan, but steps needed to enhance efforts : report to congressional committees
Defense inventory status of Navy initiatives to improve its in-transit inventory process : report to congressional requesters
Defense inventory Navy needs to improve the management over government-furnished material shipped to its repair contractors : report to congressional requesters
Defense inventory Army needs to strengthen internal controls for items shipped to repair contractors : report to congressional requesters
Defense inventory overall inventory and requirements are increasing, but some reductions in Navy requirements are possible : report to the Honorable Tom Harkin, U.S. Senate
Defense inventory actions needed to improve inventory retention management : report to the Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate
Defense inventory analysis of consumption of inventory exceeding current operating requirements since September 30, 2001 : report to congressional committees
Defense inventory management actions needed to improve the cost efficiency of the Navy's spare parts inventory : report to congressional requesters
Defense inventory DOD and prime contractors adhered to requirements in selected contracts for overseeing spare parts quality : report to the Senate and House Subcommittees on Defense, Committees on Appropriations
Defense inventory : information on the use of spare parts funding is lacking
Defense inventory : trends in services' spare parts purchased from the Defense Logistics Agency
Defense inventory opportunities exist to improve the management of DOD's acquisition lead times for spare parts : report to congressional committees
Defense inventory opportunities exist to save billions by reducing Air Force's unneeded spare parts inventory : report to congressional committees
Defense inventory Army needs to evaluate impact of recent actions to improve demand forecasts for spare parts : report to congressional requesters
Defense inventory implementation plans to enhance control over shipped items can be improved : report to congressional committees
Defense inventory : Air Force needs to improve control of shipments to repair contractors
Defense inventory steps the Army can take to improve the management and oversight of excess ammunition : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Readiness and Management Support, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate
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Defense inventory