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Workforce Investment Act employers found one-stop centers useful in hiring low-skilled workers; performance information could help gauge employer involvement : report to congressional requesters
Workforce Investment Act Labor should consider alternative approaches to implement new performance and reporting requirements : report to congressional requesters
Workforce Investment Act results for survey of workforce investment boards (GAO-14-20SP, December 2013), an e-supplement to GAO-14-19
Workforce Investment Act one-stop system infrastructure continues to evolve, but Labor should take action to require that all employment service offices are part of the system : report to the Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives
Workforce investment act : coordination of TANF services through one-stops has increased despite challenges
Workforce Investment Act : Labor actions can help states improve quality of performance outcome data and delivery of youth services
Workforce Investment Act : one-stop centers implemented strategies to strengthen services and partnerships, but more research and information sharing is needed
Workforce Investment Act Labor has taken several actions to facilitate access to one-stops for persons with disabilities, but these efforts may not be sufficient : report to congressional requesters
Workforce Investment Act innovative collaborations between workforce boards and employers helped meet local needs : report to congressional committees
Workforce Investment Act better guidance and revised funding formula would enhance dislocated worker program : report to congressional requesters
Workforce Investment Act : youth provisions promote new service strategies, but additional guidance would enhance program development
Workforce Investment Act : interim report on status of spending and states' available funds
Workforce Investment Act DOL should do more to improve the quality of participant data : report to congressional requesters
Workforce Investment Act Labor and states have taken actions to improve data quality, but additional steps are needed : report to congressional requesters
Workforce Investment Act : states and localities increasingly coordinate services for TANF clients, but better information needed on effective approaches
Workforce Investment Act : states' spending is on track, but better guidance would improve financial reporting
Workforce Investment Act substantial funds are used for training, but little is known nationally about training outcomes : report to congressional requesters
Workforce Investment Act the Administrations [sic] approach to reauthorization : hearing before the Subcommittee on Employment, Safety, and Training of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, first session on to examine the Administrations [sic] approach to reauthorize the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), focusing on strengthening the delivery of employment and training services nationwide, March 6, 2003
Workforce Investment Act local areas face challenges helping employers fill some types of skilled jobs : report to congressional committees
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Workforce Investment Act