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Military personnel : management and oversight of Selective Reenlistment Bonus program needs improvement
Military personnel Reserve components need guidance to accurately and consistently account for volunteers on active duty for operational support : report to congressional committees
Military personnel DOD needs to establish a strategy and improve transparency over Reserve and National Guard compensation to manage significant growth in cost : report to congressional committees
Military personnel the DOD and Coast Guard academies have taken steps to address incidents of sexual harassment and assault, but greater federal oversight is needed : report to the Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives
Military personnel : active duty compensation and its tax treatment
Military personnel Army needs to better enforce requirements and improve record keeping for soldiers whose medical conditions may call for significant duty limitations : report to congressional requesters
Military personnel DOD needs action plan to address enlisted personnel recruitment and retention challenges : report to congressional committees
Military personnel sustained leadership and oversight needed to improve DOD's prevention and treatment of domestic abuse : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives
Military personnel : DOD actions needed to improve the efficiency of mobilizations for Reserve forces
Military personnel DOD needs more data before it can determine if costly changes to the reserve retirement system are warranted : report to congressional committees
Military personnel DOD needs to improve the transparency and reassess the reasonableness, appropriateness, affordability, and sustainability of its military compensation system : report to congressional committees
Military personnel financial costs and loss of critical skills due to DOD's homosexual conduct policy cannot be completely estimated : report to congressional requesters
Military personnel DOD needs better controls over supplemental life insurance solicitation policies involving servicemembers : report to congresssional requesters
Military personnel reporting additional servicemember demographics could enhance congressional oversight : report to congressional requesters
Military personnel select policies and developments
Military personnel : first-term personnel less satisfied with military life than those in mid-career
Military personnel DOD's and the Coast Guard's sexual assault prevention and response programs face implementation and oversight challenges : report to congressional requesters
Military personnel DOD has not implemented the high deployment allowance that could compensate servicemembers deployed frequently for short periods : report to congressional committees
Military personnel top management attention is needed to address long-standing problems with determining medical and physical fitness of the Reserve force : report to congressional committees
Military personnel improved quality controls needed over servicemembers' employment rights claims at DOL : report to congressional committees
Military personnel : Navy actions needed to optimize ship crew size and reduce total ownership costs
Military personnel actions needed to improve evaluation and oversight of Reserve Officers' Training Corps programs : report to congressional committees
Military personnel survivor benefits for servicemembers and federal, state, and city government employees : report to congressional committees
Military personnel : information on selected National Guard management issues
Military personnel additional actions needed to improve oversight of reserve employment issues : report to congressional committees
Military personnel full extent of support to civil authorities unknown but unlikely to adversely impact retention : report to the Chairman and Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Military Personnel, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate
Military personnel : DOD needs more effective controls to better assess the progress of the Selective Reenlistment Bonus program
Military personnel number of formally reported applications for conscientious objectors is small relative to the total size of the Armed Forces : report to congressional committees
Military personnel : DOD needs to assess certain factors in determining whether hazardous duty pay is warranted for duty in the polar regions
Military personnel federal management of servicemember employment rights can be further improved : report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, U.S. Senate
Military personnel actions needed to strengthen management of imminent danger pay and combat zone tax relief benefits : report to congressional committees
Military personnel DOD needs an oversight framework and standards to improve management of its casualty assistance programs : report to congressional committees
Military personnel DOD addressing challenges in Iraq and Afghanistan but opportunities exist to enhance the planning process for Army medical personnel requirements : report to congressional committees
Military personnel : active duty benefits reflect changing demographics, but opportunities exist to improve
Military personnel DOD and the Services need to take additional steps to improve mobilization data for the reserve components : report to congressional committees
Military personnel additional actions are needed to strengthen DOD's and the Coast Guard's sexual assault prevention and response programs : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives
Military personnel Army needs to focus on cost-effective use of financial incentives and quality standards in managing force growth : report to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives
Military personnel : higher allowances should increase use of civilian housing, but not retention
Military personnel DOD needs to address long-term Reserve force availability and related mobilization and demobilization issues : report to the Subcommittee on Personnel, Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate
Military personnel : joint officer development has improved, but a strategic approach is needed
Military personnel : oversight process needed to help maintain momentum of DOD's strategic human capital planning
Military personnel : general and flag officer requirements are unclear based on DOD's 2003 Report to Congress
Military personnel DOD lacks reliable personnel tempo data and needs quality controls to improve data accuracy : report to the Committee on Armed Services, U.S. Senate and Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives
Military personnel military departments need to ensure that full costs of converting military health care positions to civilian positions are reported to Congress : report to congressional committees
Military personnel DOD could make greater use of existing legislative authority to manage general and flag officer careers : report to congressional committees
Military personnel progress made in implementing recommendations to reduce domestic violence, but further management action needed : report to congressional committees
Military personnel strategic plan needed to address Army's emerging officer accession and retention challenges : report to the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives
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Military personnel