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The foure chiefest offices belonging to horsemanship that is to saie, the office of the breeder, of the rider, of the keeper, and of the ferrer. In the first part whereof is declared, the order of breeding of horses. In the second, how to breake them, and to make them horses of seruice. Conteining the whole art of riding lately set forth, and nowe newlie corrected, and amended by the author, as wel touching the true vse of the hand and musrol, as the turne of the horse. Thirdly, howe to diet them, as wel when they rest, as when they trauel by the way. Fourthly, to what diseases they be subiect, togither with the causes of such diseases, the signes how to know them, and finallie how to cure the same. Whereto are added diuers medicines, not heretofore printed. Which bookes are not onelie painfully collected out of a number of authors, but also orderly disposed and applied to the vse of this our countrey. By Maister Blundeuill of Newton Flotman in Norffolke
The foure chiefest offices belonging to horsemanship that is to say, the office of the breeder, of the rider, of the keeper, and of the ferrer. In the first part whereof is declared, the order of breeding of horses: in the second, how to breake them, and to make them horses of seruice; containing the whole art of riding lately set forth, and nowe newly corrected, and amended by the author, as well touching the true vse of the hand and musroll, as the turne of the horse. Thirdly, how to diet them, as well when they rest, as when they trauel by the way. Fourthly, to what diseases they be subiect, together with the causes of such diseases, the signes how to know them, and finally how to cure the same. Whereto are added diuers medicines, not heretofore printed. Which bookes are not onely painfully collected out of a number of authors, but also orderly disposed and applied to the vse of this our countrey. By Master Blundeuill of Newton-Flotman in Norffolke
The foure chiefest offices belonging to horsemanship that is to saie, the office of the breeder, of the rider, of the keeper, and of the ferrer. In the first part whereof is declared, the order of breeding of horses. In the second, howe to breake them, and to make them horses of seruice. Conteining the whole art of riding latelie set forth, and now newlie corrected, and amended of manye faultes escaped in the first printing, as well touching the bits, as otherwise. Thirdlie, howe to diet them, as well as when they rest, as when they trauell by the way. Fourthlie, to what diseases they be subiect, togither with the causes of such diseases, the signes howe to know them, and finallie how to cure the same. Which bookes are not onelie painfullie collected out of a number of authours, but also orderlie disposed and applied to the vse of this our countrey. By Thomas Blundeuill of Newton Flotman in Norffolke
The foure chiefest offices belonging to horsemanship that is to saie, the office of the breeder, of the rider, of the keeper, and of the ferrer. In the first part whereof is declared, the order of breeding of horses. In the second, how to breake them, and to make them horses of seruice. Conteining the whole art of riding latelie set forth, and now newlie corrected, and amended of manie faults escaped in the first printing, as well touching the bits, as otherwise. Thirdlie, how to diet them, as well as when they rest, as when they trauell by the way. Fourthlie, to what diseases they be subiect, togither with the causes of such diseases, the signes how to knowe them, and finallie how to cure the same. Which bookes are not onlie painfullie collected out of a number of authours, but also orderlie disposed and applied to the vse of this our countrie. By Thomas Blundeuill of Newton Flotman in Norffolke
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The foure chiefest offices belonging to horsemanship
(716901) Grisone, Federico
(1000912) Blundeville Thomas fl. 1561