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The family-dictionary; or, Houshold companion wherein are alphabetically laid down exact rules and choice physical receipts for the preservation of health, prevention of sickness, and curing the several diseases, distempers, and grievances, incident to men, women, and children. Also, directions for making oils, ointments, salves, cordial-waters, powders, pills, bolus's, lozenges, chymical preparations, physical-wines, ales, and other liquors, &c. and descriptions of the virtues of herbs, fruits, flowers, seeds, roots, barks, minerals, and parts of living creatures, used in medicinal potions, &c. Likewise, directions for cookery, in dressing flesh, fish, fowl, seasoning, garnishing, sauces, and serving-up in the best and most acceptable manner. The whole art of pastry, conserving, preserving, candying, confectioning, &c. Also, the way of making all sorts of perfumes, beautifying-waters, pomatums, washes, sweet-balls, sweet-bags, and essences: taking spots and stains out of garments, linen, &c. and preserving them from moths, &c. Washing point, sarsnets, and restoring faded linen; and scowering, or brightning tarnished gold, or silver lace, plate, &c. Together, vvith the art of making all sorts of English vvines, as currants, cherries, gooseberries, and cyder, mead, metheglin, &c. And the art of fining, and recovering foul and faded wines. The mystery of pickling, and keeping all sorts of pickles throughout the year. To which is added, as an appendix, the explanation of physical terms, bills of fare in all seasons of the year. With the art of carving. And many other useful matters Università degli Studi di Salerno