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The surueiors dialogue very profitable for all men to peruse, but especially for all gentlemen, or any other farmar, or husbandman, that shall either haue occasion, or be willing to buy or sell lands: as in the ready and perfect surueying of them, with the manner and methode of keeping a court of suruey with many excellent rules, and familiar tables to that purpose. As also, the true and right vse of the manuring of grounds, or occupation thereof, as well in the lords, as in the tenants: being the true facultie of surueying of all manner of lands and tenements, &c. Now newly imprinted. And by the same author inlarged, and a sixt booke newly added, of a familiar and pleasant conference, betweene a purchacer, and a surueyor of lands; of the true vse of both, being very needfull for all such as are to purchase lands, vvhether it be in fee simple, or othervvise by lease. Diuided into sixe bookes by I.N
The surueiors dialogue very profitable for all men to peruse, but especially for all gentlemen, or any other farmar, or husbandman, that shall either haue occasion, or be willing to buy or sell lands: as in the ready and perfect surueying of them, with the manner and methode of keeping a court of suruey with many excellent rules, and familiar tables to that purpose. As also, the true and right vse of the manuring of grounds, or occupation thereof, as well in the lords, as in the tenants: being the true facultie of surueying of all manner of lands and tenements, &c. Diuided into sixe bookes by I.N
The surueiors dialogue very profitable for all men to pervse, but especially for gentlemen, farmers, and husbandmen, that shall either haue occasion, or be willing to buy, hire, or sell lands: as in the ready and perfect surueying of them, with the manner and method of keeping a court of suruey with many necessary rules, and familiar tables to that purpose. As also, the vse of the manuring of some grounds, fit as well for lords, as for tennants. Diuided into sixe bookes by I.N
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The surueiors dialogue
(1003211) Norden, John, 1548-1625?