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Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations containing the wholesome experience, in which any ought to recreate himself, after the toyle of more serious businesse : as namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with grayhounds, and the lavves of lease, shooting in the longbow or crossbow, bouling, tennis, baloone, the whole art of angling, and the use of the fighting cock
Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations containing the wholesome experience in which any ought to recreate himselfe after the toyle of more serious business : as namely hunting, hawking, coursing with greyhounds, and the lawes of the lease, shooting in long-bow or cross-bow, bouling, tennis, baloon : the whole art of angling and the use of the fighting cock
Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations contayning the wholesome experiences in which any man ought to recreate himself after the toyle of more serious business : as namely hunting, hawking, coursing with greyhounds, and the lawes of the lease, shooting in longbow or crossbow, bowling, tennis, baloone : the whole art of angling and the use of the fighting cock
Country contentments: or, The husbandmans recreations Contayning the wholesome experiences, in which any man ought to recreate himselfe after the toyle of more serious businesse. As namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with grey-hounds and the lawes of the lease, shooting in long-bowe or cross-bowe, bowling, tennis, baloone. The whole art of angling, and the vse of the fighting cocke. By G M
Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations containing the wholesome experience in which any ought to recreate himself after the toyle of more serious business : as namely hunting, hawking, coursing with greyhounds, and the laws of the lease, shooting in long-bow or cross-bow, bowling, tennis, baloon : the whole art of angling and the use of the fighting cock
Country contentments: or, The husbandmans recreations Contayning the wholsome experiences, in which any man ought to recreate himselfe, after the toyle of more serious businesse. As namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with grey-hounds, and the lawes of the lease, shooting in longbow or crosbow, bowling, tennis, baloone. The whole art of angling, and the vse of the fighting cock. By G.M
Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations containing the wholsome experience, in which any ought to recreate himself, after the toyl of more serious business : as namely, hunting, hawking, coursing with grayhounds, and the laws of lease, shooting in the long-bow or cross-bow, bowling, tennis, baloon, the whole art of angling, and the use of the fighting cock
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Country contentments, or, The husbandmans recreations
(877321) Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637