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The rates of marchandizes as they are set downe in the book of rates, for the custome and subsidie of poundage, and for the custome and subsidie of clothes. The same being signed by the Kings Majesty, and sealed with the great Seale of England, and remaining in His Highnesse Court of Exchequer at Westminster: and by speciall commandment from His Majesty published in print, for the direction of such as it may concerne: together with the rates of such impositions as are laid vpon any commodities .
The rates of marchandizes as they are set downe in the booke of rates, for the custome and subsidie of poundage, and for the custome and subsidie of clothes. The same being signed by the Kings Maiestie, and sealed with the great Seale of England, and remaining in his Highnesse Court of Exchequer at Westminster: and by speciall commandement from his Maiestie published in print, for the direction of such as it may concerne: together with the rates of such impositions as are laid vpon any commodities, either brought into the realme, or carried out of the same, according to his Maiesties letters patents thereof vnder the great seale of England
The rates of marchandizes as they are set downe in the booke of rates, for the custome and subsidie of poundage, and for the custome and subsidie of clothes: the same being signed by the Kings Maiestie, and sealed with the Great Seale of England, and remaining in his Highnesse Court of Exchequer at Westminster: and by speciall commaundement from his Maiestie published in print, for the direction of such as it may concerne
The rates of marchandizes as they are set downe in the booke of rates, for the custome and subsidie of poundage, and for the custome and subsidie of clothes: the same being signed by the Kings Maiestie, and sealed with the great Seale of England, and remaining in his Highnesse Court of Exchequer at Westminster: and by speciall commaundement from his Maiestie published in print, for the direction of such as it may concerne
The rates of marchandizes as they are set down in the Booke of Rates for payment of the Kings Majesties customes, and import of wynes within his kingdome of Scotland: the famine booke being signed by his Majestie, and subscryued be the Lords auditors of His Heighnes Exchecker, and sealed with the great seale of his said kingdome. And by special commandement from his Majestie published in print, for the information and direction of all sic as the famine doth concerne
The rates of marchandizes as they are set downe in the booke of rates, for the custome and subsidie of poundage, and for the custome and subsidie of clothes. The same being signed by the Kings Maiestie, and sealed with the great Seale of England, and remaining in his Highnesse Court of Exchequer at Westminster: and by speciall commandements from his Maiestie published in print, for the direction of such as it may concerne: together with the rates of such impositions as are laid vpon any commodities .
The rates of marchandizes as they are set downe in the booke of rates, for the custome and subsidie of poundage, and for the custome and subsidie of clothes. The same being signed by the Kings Maiestie, and sealed with the great Seale of England, and remaining in his Highnesse Court of Exchequer at Westminster: and by speciall commandement from His Maiesty published in print, for the direction of such as it may concerne: together with the rates of such impositions as are laid vpon any commodities, either brought into the realme, or carried out of the same, according to his Maiesties letters patents there of vnder the great seale of England
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The rates of marchandizes