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The assise of bread newly corrected and enlarged, according to the raising & falling of the price of wheate in the market, togither with sundrie good and needful orders commanded to be kept in making of all kindes of bread, that are appointed to be sold in all places whatsoeuer: whereunto are added, sundrie other good ordinances for bakers, brewers, inholders, uintners, butchers, and victualers. And also other assises in weightes and measure, to bee obserued and kept. Agreeing with the auncient statutes of this realme, tending greatly to the generall comon wealth of the same. Seene allowed, and commaunded to bee kept, by the right honourable the lords, and others of the Queenes Maiesties priuie counsaile. .
The assise of bread newly corrected and enlarged, from twelue pence the quarter of wheat, vnto three pound and sixe pence the quarter, according to the rising and falling of the price thereof in the market, by sixe pence altering in euery quarter of wheate, together with sundrie good and needfull ordinances for bakers, brewers, inholders, victuailers, vintners, and butchers, and also other assises in weights and measures, which by the lawes of this realme, are commanded to be obserued and kept by all manner of persons, as well within liberties as without : whereunto there are also added sundry good & needful orders in making and retailing of all kinds of lawfull bread ... : the which statutes and ancient orders and customes for making and retailing of all lawfull sorts of bread, as aforesaid, haue beene heretofore seene, allowed, and are commanded to be kept, by the right honorable the Lords and others of the Queenes Maiesties honorable Priuie Counsell .
The assise of bread newly corrected and enlarged, from twelue pence the quarter of wheate, vnto three pound and sixe pence the quarter, according to the rising and fallng [sic] of the price thereof in the market, by sixe pence altering in euery quarter of wheate : together with sondry good and needful ordinances, for bakers, brewers, inholders, victuallers, vintners, and butchers : and also other assises in weightes and measures, which by the lawes of this realme are commaunded to be obserued and kept by all manner of persons, as well within liberties as without : whereunto there are also added, sondrie good and needfull orders in making and retailing of all kindes of lawfull breads, venaible vnto His Maiesties subiectes in the common wealth, agreeing with the statutes, lawes, and ancient orders and customes of this realme of England .
The assise of bread newly corrected and enlarged, from twelue pence the quarter of wheate, vnto three pound and sixe pence the quarter, according to the rysing and falling of the price thereof in the market, by sixe pence altering in euerie quarter of wheate, together with sunderie good and needful ordinances for bakers, brewers, inholders, victuallers, vintners, and butchers: and also other assises in weights and measures, which by the lawes of this realme are commanded to be obserued and kept by all maner of persons, as well within liberties as without. Whereunto are also added, sundrie good and needful orders in making and retailing of all kindes of bawfull breads, ... The which satutes [sic] and auncient orders and customes, for making and retailing of all lawfull sorts of bread, as aforesaid, haue beene heretofore seene, allowed, ... by the right honourable the lords, and others of the Queenes Maiesties honourable priuie counsaile. .
The assise of bread newly corrected and enlarged, from twelue pence the quarter of wheate vnto three pound and sixe pence the quarter, according to the rysing and falling of the price thereof in the market, by sixe pence altering in euerie quarter of wheate, together with sundrie good and needful ordinances for bakers, brewers, inholders, victuallers, vintners, and butchers: and also other assises in weights and measures, which by the lawes of this realme are comanded to be obserued and kept by all maner of persons, as well within liberties as without. Whereunto there are also added, sundrie good and needful orders in making and retailing of all kindes of of lawfull breads, ... The which satutes [sic] and auncient orders and customes, for making and retailing of all lawfull sorts of bread, as foresaid, haue beene heretofore seene, allowed, and are commaunded to bee kept, by the right honourable the lords, and others of the Queenes Maiesties honourable priuie counsaile. .
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The assise of bread
(1007033) Powel, John