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A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament For bringing to condigne punishment, those that have raised false and scandalous rumors against the House, how that they intend to assesse every mans pewter, and lay exciz[e]s upon other commodities. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this be forth-with printed and published. H. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. As also further directions to his Excellence the Earle of Essex Generall of the army, and to the committee for his assistance in the army, appointed by both Honses [sic] of Parliament
A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament for bringing to condigne punishment those that have raised false and scandalous rumors against the House how that they intend to assesse every mans pewter and lay exciz[e]s upon other commodities : as also further directions to His Excellence the Earle of Essex generall of the army and to the committee for his assistance in the army appointed by both Honses [sic] of Parliament
A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament concerning false rumours and reports, which an ill-affected party hath raised amongst divers of the inhabitants of Westmerland, Cumberland, Bishoprick of Durham, Newcastle, and Northumberland, against the Parliament, in perswading them, that the Parliament intendeth to take away the tenants rights of those counties
A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament against a scandalous book entituled, The second part of Englands new chains discovered, &c. Die Martis, 27 Martii, 1649
A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament that the ayd and assistance of the Lord Generall, Lord Fairfax, and Sir William Waller shall especially and respectively be recommended to the committee of the militia in London, and who so shall do any thing herein, it shall be taken as an acceptable service : with an order enabling the majors, or other chief officers of severall cities and towns corporate within the counties of Kent, Sussex, Surrey, and Hampshire to receive the severall sums of money, horse, or plate, already subscribed or to be subscribed : also another order concerning collectors
A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament upon two letters sent by Sir John Brooks ... to Sir William Killegrew at Oxford ... giving his advice how the King should proceed in the Treaty upon the propositions for peace presented unto him by the Parliament : with the names of the lords, baronets, knights, esquires, gentlemen, ministers, and freeholders indicted the last sessions at Granham of high-treason by Sir Peregrine Bartue and the said Sir John Brooks before themselves and other their fellow-cavaliers, rebels and traitors, commissioners appointed, as they say, for that purpose ... : also the ordinance of both Houses made the 17 of Decemb. 1642, that the pretended commissioners and any whom it may concern may know what to expect, that shall presume to molest the persons or estates of any for their service to the Parliament and Kingdom : with some abstracts of credible letter from Exceter who give a further relation concerning the late expedition under the command of Sergeant Major James Chudleigh against the Cornish
A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament; that the ayd and assistance of the Lord Generall, Lord Fairfax, and Sir William Waller, shall especially and respectively be recommended to the committee of the militia in London; and who so shall do any thing herein, it shall be taken as an acceptable service. With an order enabling the majors, or other chief officers of severall cities, and towns corporate, within the counties of Kent, Sussex, Surrey, and Hampshire, to receive the severall sums of money, horse, or plate, already subscribed or to be subscribed. Also, another order concerning collectors. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parl. That this declaration and order be forthwith printed and published. H. Elsynge. Cler.Parl.D.Com
A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament upon two letters sent by Sir John Brooks, (sometimes a Member of the Commons House this parliament, ... being a projector, a monopolist, and a fomentor of the present bloudy and unnaturall war; for bearing of arms actually against the Parliament) to William Killegrew at Oxford (intercepted neer Coventrey) giving his advice how the King should proceed in the Treaty upon the propositions for peace, presented unto him by the Parliament. With the names of the lords, baronets, knights, esquires, gentlemen, ministers and freeholders, indicted the last sessions at Grantham, of high-treason, by Sir Peregrine Bartue and the said Sir John Brooks, before themselves, and other their fellow-cavaliers, rebels and traitors, commissioners, appointed, (as they say), for that purpose. ... Also, the ordinance of both Houses, made the 17 of Decemb. 1642. that the pretended commissioners, and all others, sheriffs, officers, jurors, and any whom it may concern, may know what to expect, that shall presume to molest the persons or estates of any for their service to the Parliament and Kingdom. With some abstracts of credible letters from Exceter, ... Ordered by the Commons in Parl. that this declaration and letters be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com
A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the rise and progresse of the grand rebellion in Ireland : together with a multitude of examinations of persons of quality whereby it may easily appear to all the world who were and still are the promoters of that cruell and unheard of rebellion : with some letters and papers of great consequence of the Earl of Antrims which were intercepted : also some letters of Mart which were granted by the Lord Mohun, Sir Ralph Hopton, &c and likewise another from the rebells in Ireland who term themselves the supreme councel for the Catholique-cause
A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament; concerning the rise and progresse of the grand rebellion in Ireland. Together with a multitude of examinations of persons of quality, whereby it may easily appear to all the world, who were, and still are the promoters of that cruell and unheard of rebellion. With some letters and papers of great consequence of the Earl of Antrims, which were intercepted. Also some letters of Mart, which were granted by the Lord Mohun, Sir Ralph Hopton, &c. And likewise another from the rebells in Ireland, who term themselves, the supreme councel for the Catholique-cause
A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament : against all such persons as shall take upon them to preach or expound the Scriptures in any church or chappel or any publique place except they be ordained either here or in some other reformed church
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A declaration of the Commons assembled in Parliament