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Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our blessed Savior's incarnation, 1697. And from the creation of the world, according to the best of history, 5646. It being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. And the eighth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government: but the second from the horrid popish Jacobite-Plot. In which is contained things sitting for such a work: as the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological, and astrological observations. A tide table. The rising and setting of the sun. With a judgment on the four quarterly ingresses of the sun into the four cardinal signs. And a table of houses, as formerly, according to the doctrine and principles of the great Ptolomey. Calculated and referred to the meridian of London, whose [bracket] longitude latitude [bracket] is [bracket] 14 51 [bracket] deg. [bracket] 20 32 [bracket] minutes
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our blessed Savior's incarnation 1694 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ..
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our Saviour's incarnation, 1695 and from the creation of the world ... 5644 : it being the the third after bissextile, or, leap year, and the sixth of our deliverance from popery and abritrary government ... with a judgment on the four quarters of the year : to which is added the copy of a popish Jacobite letter : calculated for ... London / by John Partridge, student in physick and astrology
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation, 1699, and from the creation of the world according to the best of history, 5648 : it being the third after bissextille or leap-year, and the tenth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government but the forth from the horrid popish Jacobite-plot : in which is contained ... the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological and astrological observations, a tide table, the rising and setting of the sun ... calculated and referred to the meridian of London
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation, 1698, and from the creation of the world according to the best of history, 5647 : it being the second after bissextile, or leap-year, and the ninth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government : but the third from the horrid popish jacobite-plot ..
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our blessed Saviour's incarnation, 1700, and from the creation of the world according to the best of prophane history, 5649, but by account of Holy Scripture, 5662 : it being the bissextile or leap-year, and the eleventh of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government, but the fourth from the horrid popish Jacobite-plot : in which is contained ... the diurnal motion of the planets, conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, and astrological observations, with a particular judgment on the present affairs of Europe, divers aphorisms of Ptolemy that are infallible, three remarkable nativities, with a word or two about that cursed cheat or charm and sigil-making : calculated and referred to the meridian of London
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1690, and from the creation of the world according to the best of history, 5639 : being the second after bissextile, or leap-year, and the second also of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government : in which is contained ... the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, eclipses, meteorological observations, lunations, and other configurations of the wandring stars : to which is added a table of houses founded on the principles of the great Ptolemy : calculated for the meridian of London ..
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our blessed Savior's incarnation 1697 ... : calculated ... to the meridian of London ..
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our Saviour's incarnation, 1693, and from the creation of the world according to the best of history, 5642 : it being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and the fifth of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government : in which is contained ... the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological and astrological observations, a table of the sun rising and setting ..., a judgement on the four quarters, and the present impending directions in the French tyrants nativity with some remarks thereon : not forgetting my old friend J.G. : calculated for the meridian of London ..
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1691, and from the creation of the world according to the best of history, 5640 : being the third after bissextile and the third also of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary government : in which is contained ... the diurnal motion of the planets, remarkable conjunctions, lunations, eclipses, meteorological observations, and other configurations of the wandring stars, a table of the rise and set, break of day, &c. : to which is added some remarks upon my old friend, J.G., and in particular his creed : calculated for the meridian of London
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our blessed Savior's incarnation 1696 ... : calculated ... to the meridian of London ..
Merlinus liberatus being an almanack for the year of our redemption, 1692 and from the creation of the world according to the best of history, 5641 : it being the bissextile or leap year and the fourth also of our deliverance from popery and arbitrary governement ... : to which is added ... J.G.'s verses about the Prince of Wales in his almanack 1689, travesty'd : calculated for ... London ..
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Merlinus liberatus
(1002198) Partridge, John, 1644-1715