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Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament The first for keeping in godly ministers placed in livings by authority of Parliament. The second concerning the regulating the sale of bishops lands, and expediting the conveyances thereof. The third for the reliefe of Chester. Die Lunæ 23. August. 1647. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that these three ordinances be forthwith printed and published. Jo. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament One, concerning the trained bands, and others of the cities of London, Westminster, and the county of Middlesex. Another, that every captain shall choose a marshall for his company, to take notice of delinquents, and take such further course with them, as in the said order is specified. And lastly, for the incouragement of all such apprentices, as have or shall voluntarily list themselves in the service of King and Parliament, for the defence of religion, and preservation of the kingdom, under the command of his Excellency the Earle of Essex. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that these ordinances be forthwith printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parliamentorum
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament 1 For defraying the sallaries and charges of the committee, and sub-committees of accompts. 2 Appointing the committees of sequestrations in the severall counties of England and Wales, speedily to deliver in an accompt of all the sequestrated lands and goods, and how they have been disposed of. 3 Of the names of the peers added to the committee of the Navy and Customs. Die Veneris, 17 Decemb. 1647. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that these ordinances be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown. Cler. Parliamentorum
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament one, concerning the trained bands and others of the cities of London, Westminster, and the county of Middlesex. : Another, that every captain shall choose a marshall for his company to take notice of delinquents and take such further course with them, as in the said order is specified. : And lastly, for the incouragement of all such apprentices as have or shall voluntarily list themselves in the service of King and Parliament for the defence of religion and preservation of the kingdom, under the command of his excellency the Earle of Essex
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament containing the names of divers knights and gentlemen to be added to the committees in the counties of Kent and Suffex for the weekly assessments and for the seizing and sequestration of papists estates and other notorions delinquens for the use of the Parliament : also another ordinance of both Houses, concerning some voluntiers lately sent from the associate counties of Essex, Suffolke, Norfolke, Cambridge, &c which forces are to be maintained with the money raised upon the late ordinance for assessing in the said counties
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament The first, for regulating the excize upon strong waters, and the spirits whereof they are distilled and made. The second, being an explanation of a former ordinance, containing rules and instructions to be observed by the commissioners and auditors, for the bringing in of their accompts upon the excize, to continue for one whole yeare longer. The third, that such souldiers as shall take pay in the Parliaments service, and quit that army wherein they were first entertained, and take pay in another army, shall be punished by death: and that the officers that shall entertain such souldiers, shall be tried by the court martiall. Die Sabbathi, 5. Octob. 1644. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that these ordinances shall be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament first for the regulating of the excise, upon all manner of salt, and flesh, viz beeves, muttons, veales, porks, lambs, and other butchers meat kild for provision of victuals. The second, for the constant payment of 200 li. a weeke, towards the maintenance of maimed and vvounded souldiers, and relieving their wives and children, and widdowes whose husbands are slaine in the service of the Parliament and other great affaires of the Common-wealth. The third, being an explanation of the late ordinance of excise upon iron, tynne, hops, hats, Monmouth caps, allom and copperas, &c
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament I For defraying the sallaries and charges of the committee, and sub-committees of accompts. 2 Appointing the committees of sequestrations in the severall counties of England and Wales, speedily to deliver in an accompt of all the sequestrated lands and goods, and how they have been disposed of. 3 Of the names of the Peers added to the committee of the Navy and Customs. Die Veneris, 17 Decemb. 1647. Ordered by the Lords Assembled in Parliament, that these ordinances be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown. Cler. Parliamentorum
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Containing the names of divers knights and gentlemen, to be added to the committees in the counties of Kent and Sussex, for the weekly assessements, and for the leizing [sic] and sequestration of papists estates, and other notorions [sic] delinquens, for the use of the Parliament. Also, another ordinance of both Houses, concerning some voluntiers lately sent from the associate counties of Essex, Suffolke, Norfolke, Cambridge, &c. which forces are to be maintained with the money raised upon the late ordinance for assessing in the said counties. Die Jovis, 18 Maii. 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that these ordinances shall be forthwith printed and published. Io. Browne Cler. Parliamentorum
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament For the better observation of the monethly fast; and more especially the next Wednesday, commonly called the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, thorowout the kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales. Die Jovis, 19 Decemb. 1644. Ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that this ordinance be forthwith printed, and published on the next Lords day in all the churches and chappels within the line of communication and bils of mortality. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the better observation of the monethly fast, and more especially the next Wednesday, commonly called the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, thorowout the kingdome of England and dominion of Wales
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament first for the regulating of the excise upon all manner of salt and flesh, viz beeves, muttons, veales, porks, lambs and other butchers meat kild for provision of victuals : the second for the constant payment of payment of 200 li a vveeke towards the maintenance of maimed and vvounded souldiers, and relieving their vvives and children and vviddovves vvhose husbands are slaine in the service of the Parliament and other great afiaires of the Common-vvealth : the third being an explanation of the late ordinance of excise upon iron, tynne, hops, hats, monmouth caps, allom and copperas, &tc
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament one, concerning the trained bands and others of the cities of London, Westminster, and the county of Middlesex : another, that every captain shall choose a marshall for his company to take notice of delinquents and take such further course with them, as in the said order is specified : and lastly, for the incouragement of all such apprentices as have or shall voluntarily list themselves in the service of King and Parliament for the defence of religion and preservation of the kingdom, under the command of his excellency the Earle of Essex
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament viz. I. An ordinance for freeing and discharging of all rents and revenues (belonging to the Hospitals of St. Bartholomew, Bridewell, St. Thomas and Bethlem) from any assessments, taxes and charges whatsoever. II. An ordinance for establishing a new seal for the County Palatine of Lancaster. III. An ordinance for ordaining ministers in the County of Lancaster. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com
Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament the first, for regulating the excize upon strong waters and the spirits whereof they are distilled and made : the second being an explanation of a former ordinance containing rules and
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Three ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament