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Markhams method or epitome wherein [is] shewed his approved remedies for all diseases whatsoever incident to horses, and they are almost 300 all cured with twelve medicines onely, not of twelve pence cost, and to be got commonly everywhere : also for curing of all oxen, kine, bulls, calves, sheep, lambs, goats, swine, dogs ... and other creatures serviceable for the use of man
Markham's method or epitome wherein is shewed his approved remedies for all diseases whatsoever incident to horses, and they are almost 300, all cured with twelve medicines only, not of twelve pence cost, and to be got commonly everywhere. Also, for curing of all oxen, kine, bulls, calves, sheep, lambs, goats, swine, dogs ... and other creatures serviceable for the use of man. Divided into twelve general points ..
Markhams method, or epitome Wherein is shewed his approued remedies for all diseases whatsoeuer, incident to horses, and they almost 300. all cured with twelue medicines only, not of twelue pence cost, and to be got commonly euery where. Also for curing of all oxen, kine, buls, calues, sheepe, lambs, goats, swine, dogs of all kinde, conies, all sorts of poultrie, all water-fowle, as geese, ducks, swans, and the like, pigeons, all singing birds, hawkes of all kinde; and other creatures seruiceable for the vse of man. Diuided into twelue generall points or heads. By Gervase Marrham [sic], gentleman
Markham's method, or epitome Wherein is shewed his approved remedies for all diseases whatsoever incident to horses, and they almost 300. all cured with twelve medicines only, not of twelve pence cost, and to be got commonly every where. Also for curing of all oxen, kine, bulls, calves, sheep, lambs, goats, swine, dogs of all kinds, conies, all sorts of poultry, all water-fowl, as geese, ducks, swans, and the like; pigeons, all singing birds, hawks of all kinds; and other creatures serviceable for the use of man. Divided into twelve general points or heads. By Gervase Markham, gentleman
Markhams method or epitome wherein is shewed his approved remedies for all diseases whatsoever incident to horses, and they are almost 300, all cured with twelue medicines onely, not of twelue pence cost, and to
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Markhams method or epitome
(877321) Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637