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By the Lords-Justices and Council. A proclamation Charles Porter, Tho: Coningesby. Whereas many idle and dissolute persons have of late deserted their habitations and are become tories, thieves and rapparees, committing most outragious robberies, burglaries and thefts, .
By the Lords Justices and Council, a proclamation Sydney, Tho. Coningsby. Whereas there are dayly great complaints made unto us, that severall of their Majesties Protestant subjects and their tenants, and others who live peacably under their Majesties protection, are rob'd and plundered of their goods, horses, and other cattle, .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Tho: Coningesby. Whereas we issued a proclamation, bearing date the 27th of February last, thereby requiring the several tenants to any of their Majesties lands, .
By the Lords-Justices and Council. A proclamation Charles Porter Tho. Coningesby. This kingdom by the blessing of God upon their Majesties arms, being now reduced to their obedience, it is to be wished that all their Majesties subjects will conform themselves to the law, and forbear all illegal violence upon any pretence whatsoever. .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Coningesby. His Majesty having been, for some years last past, engaged in a war with France, and being now at the head of his armies, in the Spanish Netherlands, .
By the Lords-Justices and Council. A proclamation Charles Porter Tho: Coningesby. Whereas all due care has been taken for the keeping up and preserving the markets in all parts of this kingdom under their Majesties obedience, whereto all persons may resort with freedom and liberty of trade and commerce; .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Tho. Coningesby. Whereas the vintners and retailers of wines in the city of Dublin and other cities and towns within this kingdom (taking advantage that the statute made in this kingdom, in the 28th year of the reign of the late Queen Elizabeth, .
By the Lords-Justices and Council. A proclamation Charles Porter Tho. Coningesby. Whereas we have by our proclamation, bearing date the eighteenth day of September last past, thought fit to publish and declare in the words following, whereas many idle and dissolute persons .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Tho: Coningesby. Whereas we are informed that several justices of the peace, sheriffs and other magistrates presuming on their power in the country, have by colour of their authority in a most illegal and arbitrary manner, .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Coningesby. Whereas by our proclamation of the fourth day of February last, we did pursuant to the articles of Lymerick, great unto several persons thereby qualified lycences for the wearing of arms .
By the Lords-Justices and Council. A proclamation Charles Porter, Tho: Coningesby. Whereas there has been great destruction of cattle, sheep, and hoggs during the present war, insomuch that 'tis to be feared that the remaining stock will not be sufficient for the necessary supply of this kingdom. .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Coningesby. The King and Queens most excellent Majesties in tender compassion to their loving subjects of this kingdom and in consideration of what they have suffered in the late war .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Tho: Coningesby. Whereas we have received information that William White of the city of Cork merchant was on or about the 26th day of October last most barbarously murther'd, .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Tho: Coningesby. To prevent the robberies, wilfull burning of buildings, corn and hay, murthers and insurrections .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Tho: Coningesby. Almighty God having in so wonderfull a manner assisted their Majesties arms in this kingdom, as notwithstanding the disadvantage of places and numbers, in so short a time of this campaign, to give them four victories over the enemy, .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Coningesby. Forasmuch as we are certainly informed from several parts of the kingdom, that the french privateers which do infest the southern and western coasts of this kingdom have frequently received intelligence .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Tho: Coningesby. Their Majesties being graciously pleased that such of their Irish subjects as by the articles of Limerick dated the 3d day of October, 1691 are in a summary way to be restored by the government to their estates of freehold and inheritances, .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Tho: Coningesby. Whereas by or proclamation of the fifteenth of June last past, in serious consideration of the then deplorable state of this kingdom, .
By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation Charles Porter, Tho: Coningesby. Whereas by our proclamation bearing date the eleventh day of January last, in order to the ascertaining what persons are comprehended in the articles of Lymerick, .
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By the Lords-Justices and Council, a proclamation
(1001727) Coningsby, Thomas Coningsby 1656-1729