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By the King a proclamation concerning the post-master of England for forreigne parts
By the King A proclamation for the better ordering the transportation of clothes, and other woollen manufactures into Germany, and preventing the incroachments on the Fellowship of Merchants-Adventurers of England, in relation to their trading in those commodities
By the King Whereas, upon summons from vs, divers gentlemen of this our county of York did attend vs upon Thursday the twelfth of this instant May, .
By the King Charles by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. To all our louing subiects whom it shall or may concerne, greeting. Whereas we are thus farre aduanced in our royall person with our armie, and the attendance of our nobilitie and gentry of this kingdome .
By the king Whereas during our stay in that our kingdome, we were euer carefull of the aduancing of true religion, and of the suppressing of all contrarie professors: and hauing for that purpose cause make many seuerall statutes, acts, and proclamations, aswell against Iesuits, seminarie priests, and excommunicate papists as gainst their resetters and interteiners .
By the King A proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of flesh in Lent, or on fish dayes, appointed by the law, to bee heereafter strictly obserued by all sorts of people. Whereas, for the benefit & commodity of this our realme of England, as well in the maintenance of our Nauie and shipping .
By the King A proclamation. Touching the speedy calling to accompt of all such persons whose accompts are excepted in the Act of Oblivion
By the King Whereas, upon summons from us, divers gentlemen of this our county of York did attend us upon Thursday the twelfth of this instant May, .
By the King a proclamation touching the surueying of the seacoales of Newcastle, Sunderland, and Blythe
By the King a proclamation for quieting the Post-master General, his deputies and assigns in the execution of his office
By the King A proclamation to summon the persons therein named, who sate, gave judgment, and assisted in that horrid and detestable murder of His Majesties Royal Father of blessed memory, to appear and render themselves within fourteen dayes, under pain of being excepted from pardon
By the King a proclamation appointing a time of publick thanksgiving and prayer throughout the kingdom
By the King Whereas, upon summons from us, divers gentlemen of this our county of York did attend us upon Thursday the twelfth of this instant May,.
By the King A proclamation inhibiting the assembly of any divines .
By the King, a proclamation appointing a time of publick thanksgiving and prayer throughout the kingdom
By the King a proclamation for the setling of the letter office of England and Scotland
By the King A proclamation for better furnishing the Nauy, and shipping of the realme, with able and skilfull mariners
By the King in the confirmation and enlargement of the incorporation of the company of cooks in London, (amongst sundry other privileges to them by His Majestie granted) is contained, as followeth
By the King A proclamation for the further adjournment of the two Houses of Parliament
By the King Forasmuch as it hath pleased the almighty God ... to call vs peacea[--]and gouernement of those kingdomes, whereunto by lineall discent & approbat[ion of our] sister Queene Elizabeth, we haue a most iust & undoubted title .
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the importation of foreign needles
By the King Whereas diuers of the ministrie of that our kingdome of Scotland, patrons as it seemeth and allowers of that contemptuous conuenticle (held at Aberdeene the second day of Iuly 1605 ... For which they were conuicted in a iustice holden at Linlithgow the tenth of Ianuar last by passed) .
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By the King