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By the mayor to the alderman of the ward of [blank] : whereas by the laws and statutes of this realm, no person is to continue tipling in any victualling-house (other than labouring and handycrafts men upon the usual working-days, for one hour at dinner time : and such labourers as for following their work shall sojourn in the said houses, and unless for urgent occasions to be allowed by two Justices of the Peace) .
By the mayor whereas several notorious riots and outrages have of late been committed near the liberties of this city by routs of disorderly people which His Majesty hath justly resented as a dishonour to his government, occasioned by the neglect of those who are entrusted with the preservation of his peace in those parts .
By the mayor whereas in order to the re-building of the city .
By the mayor whereas by neglect of executing the good lawes and statutes against rogues, vagabonds, and sturdy beggars .
By the mayor the right honourable the lord mayor of the City of London, taking especial notice of inordinate liberty now used by vagrants and common beggars to wander about and pester the streets and common passage of this city ... and His Lordship deeply resenting the great fault and neglect of constables and other officers in not performing their duty to clear and free the streets and publick places from this living nuisance .
By the Mayor the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, minding and intending, by Gods help and the concurrent endeavours of his brethren the Aldermen, to discover, punish, and suppress ... those manifold corruptions, abuses, and disorders .
By the mayor to all constables, beadles, and other His Majesties officers and loving subjects within the city of London, and every of them
By the mayor whereas by oft and sad experience I find the great and holy name of God in the breach of the Sabbath is much prophaned .
By the mayor A proclamation concerning the prices of butter and candles, &c. together with the assise of fuell
By the mayor To the aldermen of the [blank] ward we charge and command you, that upon Saint Thomas day the Apostle next coming, you do hold your wardmote, and that you have afore us at our general court of aldermen to be holden [blank] the Monday next after the Feast of Epiphany next coming, .
By the Mayor whereas the right honourable the Lords of His Maiesties most honourable Priuy Councell ... finding that the said abuse hath appeared in nothing more than in the excessiue rates of poultry .
By the mayor the right honourable the lord mayor, and his brethren the aldermen of the city of London, considering how the infection of the plague is dispersed in divers and sundry places neere about this city, doe ... command all manner of persons ... to take notice of, and obserue these seuerall articles ensuing .
By the Mayor An act of Common Councell, prohibiting all strangers borne, and forrainers, to vse any trades, or keepe any maner of shops in any sort within this citty, liberties and freedome thereof
By the Mayor
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By the mayor