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The purchasers pattern Shewing the true value of any purchase of land or houses, by lease or otherwise. Also new tables of interest, after the rate of six per cent. with a moderate discourse of usury. With some brief rules of measuring board, timber and land, and many other tables of daily use and profit to most men. By Henry Phillippes
The purchasers pattern much enlarged. The first part. Shewing the true value of land or houses, by lease, or otherwise. Whereunto is added many rules for the valuing of the ruined foundations of the city of London, and for the composing of differences between landlord and tenant about rebuilding them: also rules and tables for the valuing of all party-walls. Also tables of interest and rebate at 6 per cent. The second part. Shews the measuring of land, board, timber, &c. correcting the false wayes used by many therein. Also the art of gauging much enlarged, shewing not only the measuring of wine, beer, and ale vessels, but also the gauging of all manner of brewers tuns. With tables of the excise of beer and ale. Also many other rules and tables of weights and measures, forreign and domestick: tables of accounts, expenses, &c. The fifth edition; by Henry Phillips
The purchasers pattern Shewing the true value of any purchase of land or houses, by lease or otherwise. Also new tables of interest after the rate of six per cent. With some brief rules of measuring of board, timber, and land, and many other tables of daily use and profit for most men. By Henry Philippes
The purchasers pattern in two parts : the first shewing the true value of the purchase of any parcel of land or houses, by lease or otherwise : also new tables of interest and rebate at 6 per cent : the second part shewing the measuring of land, board and timber, and the false rules and deceits of many therein : also the gauging of all vessels, with many other rules about weights and measures, and several tables of accounts, with many other rules and tables of daily use for most men
The purchasers pattern In two parts, containing. I. The true value of any purchase of land or houses by lease or otherwise: also, a moderate discourse of usury. With many observations, and tables of intrest and rebatement. II. The true measuring of land, board, timber, and gauging of cask: and discovering the false rules and deceits which are used by many therein. With many other rules and tables of daily use for most men. The second edition corrected and enlarged. By Hen. Philippes
The purchasers pattern much enlarged. The first part. Shewing the true value of land or houses, by lease, or otherwise. Whereunto is added many rules for the valuing of the ruined foundations in the city of London, and for the composing of differences between landlord and tenant about rebuilding them: also rules and tables for the valuing of all party-walls. Also tables of interest and rebate at 6 percent. The second part. Shews the measuring of land, board, timber, &c. correcting the false ways used by many therein. Also the art of gauging much enlarged, shewing not only the measuring of wine, beer, and alevessels, but also the gauging of all manner of brewers tuns. With tables of the excise of beer and ale. Also many other rules and tables of weights and measures, forreign and domestic, tables of accounts, expences, &c. being of daily use for most men: the sixth edition; by Henry Phillips
The purchasers pattern much enlarged. The first part. Shewing the true value of land or houses, by lease, or otherwise. Whereunto is added many rules for the valuing of the ruined foundation in the City of London, and for the composing of differences between landlord and tenant about rebuilding them: also rules and tables for the valuing of all party-walls. Also tables of interest and rebate at 6 per cent. The second part. Shews the measuring of land, board, timber, &c. correcting the false wayes used by many therein. Also the art of gauging much enlarged, shewing not only the measuring of wine, beer, and ale vessels, but also the gauging of all manner of brewers tuns. With tables of the excise of beer and ale. Also many other rules and tables of weights and measures, forreign and domestick; tables of accounts, expences, &c. The fifth edition; by Henry Phillips
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The purchasers pattern
(1000938) Phillippes, Henry, -1677?