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Advertisement I am sensible this publick way of practise has been brought into disesteem with some men, through the ignorance of several who have us'd it .
Advertisement Richard Newcomb, who liv'd in Blackfryers, is now remov'd to the Fleet; where he printeth all sorts of books .
Advertisement Whereas a counterfeit sheet almanack lately publish'd under the title of the British annalist, printed by J. Bradford, and said to be done by Richard Burridge; this is to inform all dealers in almanacks, that the printer, publshers, and all that sell the same, will be prosecuted by the Company of Stationers .
Advertisement On Munday next, 15th. of April, 1700. at eight in the morning, will be publish'd by John Nutt, near Stationers-Hall, the proceedings upon the bill of divorce between his Grace the Duke of Norfolk, and the Lady Mary Mordant ... Printed by his Grace's order
Advertisement [T]here is newly published a very useful bood [sic], intituled Aristoteles masteriece. Or the secrets of generation [displa]yed in all the parts thereof. ... Price bound one shilling. .
Advertisement The history of the bucaniers of America; or, A true account of the most remarkable assaults committed ... upon the coasts of the West-Indies ... Written by John Esquemeling, and Basil RIngrose ... in this second edition is added the dangerous voyages and bold attempts of Capt. Cook and Cap. Sharp in the South-Sea ... with the effigies of the bucaniers, curiously done in nineteen copper plates. In four parts compleat
[Advertisement The reader is desired to take notice, that the University of Cambridge has so great esteem of this history of Sir Will. Dugdales that they thought it worthy presenting Her Majesty; the which they did on Sept. 27th 1681, it being the day they entertained the king and Queens Majesty &c. to their great satisfaction, and also honour of the said University
Advertisement At the Lutestring Company's arms in Coleman-street, are to be sold a pennyworth, choice of all sorts of black-silks for hoods and scarves, white sarsnets, colour'd silks for all sorts .
Advertisement To morrow will be publish'd, The speech of Henry Sacheverell, D.D. upon his impeachment at the bar of the House of Lords, in Westminster-Hall, on Tuesday, March 7. 1709/10, with the doctor's dedication to their lordships; to which will be prefix'd his effigies, curiously engrav'd on copper. Price 3 d. N.B. No cutts will be sold without the speech
Advertisement A choice collection of papers relating to state affairs during the late revolution; some whereof were never before printed. Price 6s. ... Sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster
Advertisement There is now publish'd England's enemies exposed, and its true friends and patriots defended ... : being a ... confutation of all themalicious calumnies ... and false accusation contain'd in a wretched libel call'd the Legion. By a true Englishman
Advertisement On Monday next will be published, after the method of Mr. Echard's Roman and Mr. Stanyan's Grecian history, the Jewish history, as well ecclesiastical as civil .
Advertisement These are to give notice to all gentlemen and others, that there is now published, by John Bradford (and to be continued yearly) ... a large broadsheet, intituled, the The British annalist, shewing all the most remarkable occurrences ... at home and abroad, from the beginning of Queen Ann's reign to the year 1705 ... : at the same place is to be had the True gazeteer's select history of Europe, illustrated with 10 maps ... also ... a broad sheet, called, The merchants, or traders, necessary companion .
Advertisement This is to advertise all persons, (whose illness may require the help of a doctor,) that there is lately come to this kingdom one who (by the blessing of God) performs, with great ease and dexterity .
Advertisement There is publish'd a new book; entituled, English liberties: or, The free born subjects inheritance ... And are to be sold by Benjamin Harris, at the Stationers Arms, under the piazza of the Royal Exchange; and John How, at the Seven Stars in Sweetings-Rents in Cornhill, 1682. Price bound, one shilling
Advertisement At the plow-musick booth in Smith Field-Rounds (a red-flag being on the top) during the time of Bartholomew Fair, you may be entertained with excellent sports, viz. antick-dances, entries, cerebrands and jiggs
Advertisement Newly published; The present state of Denmark: together with reflections on the antient state thereof G. Pierreville, Gent. secretary to the king's minister, residing at the court of Denmark. Pirce bound one shilling. Sold by William Benbridg [sic] in Hudgins Alley, in Woodstreet
Advertisement Our design being to make such a version of the Psalms as may be fit for common use, we endeavour it by the following methods:
Advertisement whereas divers people are at great expence in printing, publishing and dispersing of bills of advertisement : oberserving how practical and advantagious to trade and business, &c. this method is in parts beyond the seas : these are to give notice, that all persons in such cases concerned henceforth may have published in print in the Mercury, or Bills of advertisement, which shall come out every week on Thursday morning, and be delivered and dispersed in every house where the bills of mortallity are received, and elsewhere, the publications and advertisements of all the matters following, or any other matter or thing not herein mentioned, that shall relate to the advertisemtn of trade, or any other lawful business not granted in propriety to any other
Advertisement Marci Antonini Imperatoris Opera, Gr. Lat. with Mr. Gataker's notes, being now reprinted, and carefully corrected by Mr. B. Mott ... to which will now be added ... The life of Antonin, compil'd by Mons. Dacier ... The whole work to single subscribers 10 s. to those that please to subscribe in classes, 9 s. which will be received till June 20th, 1697. by Mr. Kettilby in St. Paul's Churchyard, Mr. H. Clement in Oxford, Mr. Thurlburne jun. in Cambridge .
Advertisement There is now printed at Oxford, a large Bible in quarto, upon very good paper and a fair character: with several thousand references more than Dr. Scattergood's: with the years ... according to Primate Usher's Annals; and a chronological table and index ... Which book is ready to be delivered at the Oxford warehouse at Stationers-Hall, and are sold by the several booksellers in London and Westminster. July the 15th, 1703
Advertisement This is to advertise all persons (whose illness may require the help of a doctor,) that there is lately come to this kingdom one who (by the blessing of God) performs, with great ease and dexterity .
Advertisement On Monday the 17th of this instant February, 1701. will be publish'd, a book intitul'd The unhappiness of England, as to its trade by sea and land truly stated ... to which is added, An essay of the happiness of man in observing the rules of morality By Charles Povey .
Advertisement At the sign of the Garden of Eden in the Old-Baily, next Ludgate-Hill, liveth a gentle-woman, who (after twenty years experience) cures all sorts of scal'd heads and leprosies, without the least pain; and hath performed great cures in old and young; .
Advertisement Richard Newcomb, printer, from Blackfryers, now liveth in the Great Old-Baily, at the sign of the Dyers-Arms, near the Sessions-House: where he printeth all sorts of books .
Advertisement Whereas some persons have maliciously reported, that the famous bookseller was on Thursday the 4th day of January, in the year of our Lord 1704. infamously expelled a certain society call'd the K-t C-t Club: .
Advertisement There is lately found out at Norwood in the Parish of Croydod, in the country of Surry, at Biggen Farm, at Richard Jacksons, an excellent purging water, .
Advertisement There is a Dutch doctor lately come from beyone seas, who has made physick his study and practice in most parts of Christendom for many years; in which time, (by the blessing of God) he has discovered some secrets in medicine, in the use and application of which, he never fails to be succesful. .
Advertisement Whereas there was some base and scandalous reflections in Smiths Intelligence, Tuesday Febr. 8 to Febr. 11. against Mr. Hanway ... which ahs since been proved be several eminent persons upon oath, to be false and scandalous: and ... finds the said Francis Smith the bookseller, to disown the knowledge of the publication thereof, but says, it was put in by ... one Nathaniel Crouch .
Advertisement J Peachey, physitian, is remov'd from Chequer-yard near Dowgate, to Queen-street, near Cheapside: He may be advis'd with every day, from nine in the morning, [t]ill one in the afternoon. .
Advertisement. The new hospital in the Hay-Market for the cure of folly being near finish'd, the undertakers now think it proper to raise a further fund to encourage 'em to serve the publick;.
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