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A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament That all colonels, captaines and other officers, with all other well affected persons, inhabiting in the severall counties of Hampshire, the towne and county of Southampton, Sussex, Surrey and Kent, shall and may associate themselves in the mutuall defence and preservation of each other, and shall have power to raise forces of horse and foot, to suppresse all such as are or shall bee raised to leavy warre against the Parliament, or that make any insurrection, plunder and destroy His Majesties good subjects in those counties. And that the Lord Generall, the Earle of Essex, be desired to grant a commission to Sir William Waller, Knight, to command in chiefe as Major Generall over the said forces. Die Sabbathi, 4 Novemb. 1643. Ordered by the Lords in Parliament, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parl
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament setting forth the grounds and reasons that necessitate them at this time to take up defensive arms for the preservation of His Majesties person, the maintenance of the true religion, the laws and liberties of this kingdom, and the power and priviledge of Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament in answer to a petition presented to the said houses, by the inhabitants of Devonshire and Cornwall, Octob. 22. 1642. Expressing their great miserie and calamitie which they have lately suffered by the insolencie and tyranny of the cavaleers. Also the resolution of the said inhabitants, to both themselves and the Parliament, against the attempts of the cavaliers
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the disarming of all popish recusants, and that it shall be lawfull for any of His Majesties subjects to seize upon the persons of all such as shall execute the illegall Commission of array. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that this declaration thus amended be forth-with reprinted. H. Elsyn. Cler. Parl. Dom. Com. Together with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament that all persons whatsoever, which shall assist His Majesty in this vvar with horse, arms, or mony, shall be traytors to His Majesty, the Parliament, and kingdom
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that no ships, barques, or other vessels shal from henceforward make any voyage to New-Castle for the fetching of coales, or any other commodity, untill that towne shall be reduced into such hands as shall declare themselves for King and Parliament. Die Sabbathi, 14 Ian. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Declaration shall be forthwith printed and published. John Browne, Cler. Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the incouragement of all such apprentices as have or shall voluntarily list themselves to go in this present expedition for the defence of religion the preservation of this city, the King and kingdome under the command of His Excellency the Earle of Warwick : also an order from both Houses that all colonels, captaines, with other officers and souldiers under the command of His Excellency the Earle of Essex ahat [sic] are now in or neere the city of London, doe forthwith upon paine of death repaire to their colours, and not depart without his expresse licence
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament That none shall be elected into any office whatsoever, that hath been in the Kings army, ayding or assisting the enemy against the Parliament, within the kingdom of England, dominion of Wales, and town of Berwicke. Die Jovis 9 Septemb. 1647
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Concerning the present lamentable estate and miserable condition of Ireland. The poore Protestants in some places being forced to kill their horses to satisfie their hunger, and very many others having perished by famine. With some sad and serious motives propounded by both Houses, to all pious and well affected Englishmen for their speedy reliefe, a thing earnestly to be intended, considering what courses are now set on foot at Oxford for bringing those barbarous rebels into this kingdome. Die Veneris. 16 June. 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Declaration shall be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that all such persons who shall advance present moneyes upon the credit of their late ordinance, for the carrying on the great affaires of this kingdome, shall be repaied all such summe or summes of moneyes so advanced, so soone as the moneyes coming in upon the said ordinance shall innable thereunto : also an order for the restitution of such goods to the owners, as have bin violently taken from them, having bin plundered or pillaged by the souldiers
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning His Majesties advancing with his army toward London : with direction that all the trained bands and volunteers be put into a readinesse, that so the Kings army may find opposition in every place as they march : also how Sir Iohn Hinderson urged one David Alexander a Scotchman to kill Sir Iohn Hotham and blow up the Parliaments magazine, to whom His Majesty gave money, and he received it, and that no man shall presume to weare any colours or marks of division in the city of London : whereunto is added severall votes of the Lords and Commons for the searching of divers mens houses in the city and for the staying of the Kings revenue and all the bishops, deans, and chapters rents and profits whatsoever
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the Kings Majesty, and the state of this kingdome; sent to the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland. Together with a letter from the ministers of the Church of England, to the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland; concerning the King, and the discipline of this nation. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament setting forth the grounds and reasons, that necessitate them at this time to take up defensive arms for the preservation of his Maiesties person, the maintenance of the true religion, the lawes and liberties of this kingdome, and the power and priviledge of Parliament. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsinge, Cler.Parl.D.Com. August 3
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament setting forth the innumerable plots & strategems which the malignant party of this kingdome have lately used to break the brotherly bond of peace between England and Scotland to ruinate and destroy the very being of Parliaments and to subvert both the religion and known law of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the appeasing and quietting of all unlawfull tumults and insurrections in the severall counties of England and dominion of Wales : also an ordinance of both Houses for the suppressing of stage-playes
A Declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that all such persons who shall advance present moneyes upon the credit of their late ordinance, for the carrying on the great affiares of this Kingdome, shall be repaied all such summe or summes of moneyes, so advanced, so soone as the moneyes comming in upon the said ordinance shall innable thereunto. Also an order for the restitution of such goods to the owners, as have bin violently taken from them, having bin plundered or pillaged by the souldiers, Ordered by the Lords and Commons Assembled in Parliament, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. Iohn Browne Cler. Parl
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the reducing of the late revolted ships to the obedience of Parliament. Die veneris 14 Julii. 1648. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown, Cler. Parliamentorum
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the abuses lately done by severall persons in the county of Essex
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that no ships, barques, or other vessels shal from henceforward make any voyage to New-Castle for the fetching of coales, or any other commodity, untill that towne shall be reduced into such hands, as shall declare themselves for King and Parliament Die Sabbathi, 14 Ian. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed and published. John Browne, Cler. Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the vindication of Ferdinando Lord Fairefax, and other imployed in their service against the Earle of New-Castle and his army of papsts which threatens ruine and desolation of our religion lawes and liberties : also requiring and commanding all persons whatsoever, as they tender the good and prosperity of the true protestant religion forthwith to withdraw themselves from his assistance and no longer to aid him nor any of his adherents
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament with instrvctions for the lords lieutenants, committees of Parliament and other officers and commanders in the counties of Warwick and Stafford, and cities and counties of Coventry and
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Concerning the estates, rents, and revenues, belonging to all the colledges and halls, of the University of Cambridge. Die Sabbathi, 6. Januarii, 1643. Ordered that this declaration shall be forthwith printed. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of forces both horse and foot in severall parts of this kingdom to resist, suppresse, subdue and pursue, kill and slay, and to put to execution, and by all means to destroy such papists and ill-affected persons, who have traiterously combined together, and entred into association; and which have already raised great forces both horse and foot, in severall counties of this kingdom, and have plundered, spoiled and destroyed multitudes of His Maiesties good subjects. Together with certain instructions for the lord-lieutenants, deputy-lieutenants, and other officers and commanders in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridge, Isle of Ely, Hartford, and county of the city of Norwich. As also, the resolution and association of the aforesaid counties. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that this declaration, instructions, and resolution be forthwith printed and published: Io: Brown, Cleric. Parliamentorum. H: Elsynge, Cleric. Parl. D. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the pressing necessities of thes kingdome, caused by the traiterous and bloody counsels and attempts of those pernicious and desperate councellors, still about the King, and protected by him, while they more and more manifest their implacable enmity to our religion, the Parliament, and peace of all his Majesties good subjects and dominions; endeavouring with fire and sword to root out our religion, and all that professe it here, as they still proceed to do in Ireland. Die Sabbathi 7. Ian. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown. Cler. Parliamentorum
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament In answer to His Majesties declaration, intituled His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects, after his late victory against the rebels, on Sunday the 23 of October, 1642. Together, with a catalogue of the names of divers of the colonels, lievtenant-colonells, serjeant majors, captains, and lievtenants, that are papists and commanders in the army, under the command of the Earle of Nevv-Castle. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsyng. Cler. Parl. Dom. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Setting forth the innumerable plots & stratagems which the malignant party of this kingdome have lately used to break the brotherly bond of peace between England and Scotland, to ruinate and destroy the very being of Parliaments, and to subvert both the religion and known law of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland. Ordered that this be forthwith printed and published. H. Elsyng. Cler. D. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the disbanding of the army: with instructions for the same. As also two ordinances: one for taking the accounts of the souldiary of the kingdom. The other for releefe of maimed souldiers and marriners, and the widowes and orphans of such as have died in the service of the Parliament. Die Veneris 28 Maii 1647. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that this declaration, instructions, and ordinances be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of all power, and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdom, to lead against all traytors, and their adherents, and them to arrest and imprison, and to fight with, kill, and slay all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subjects that shall be imployed in this service, by either or both Houses of Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the prevention of a most horrid, wicked and unnaturall designe, pursued by Sir Ralph Hopton and his adherents, rebells and traytors, in a warlike manner in Cornewall, and Devon : whereby ruine and destruction is now threatened by the Welch, and others of that hellish & accursed crew to the county of Somerset, and the adjacent counties, who are therefore hereby authorised to imploy the moneys raysed there upon the Parliaments propositions for defence of themselves : with an ordinance of both Houses for the assessing of malignants in the said county of Somerset, and the parts adjacent
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the vindication of Ferdinando Lord Fairefax, and others imployed in their service against the Earle of New-Castle, and his army of papists, which threatens ruine and desolation of our religion lawes and liberties. Also requiring and commanding all persons whatsoever, as they tender the good and prosperity of the true protestant religion, forthwith to withdraw themselves from his assistance, and no longer to aid him nor any of his adherents. Die Veneris, 3 Feb. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. Browne, Cler. Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning an insolent letter, sent to Mr. Clarke at Craughton neere Brackley in Northamptonshire from Sir Iohn Byron Knight, since the inhabitants of that county apprehended divers rebels under his command as hee with them and divers troops of horse in a trayterous and warlike manner marcht towards Oxford, to the great terror and affrightment of His Majesties good subjects in those parts, whereunto is annexed a copy of the said letter
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning divers well-affected persons and citizens of the city of London, who are willing and ready to undertake and advance a considerable number of souldiers and them to arm, maintain, and pay for severall months ensuing, or during these times of danger, upon the publike faith
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that no ships, bargues, or other vessels shal from henceforward make any voyage to New-castle for the fetching of coales, or any other commodity untill that towne shall be reduced into such hands as shall declare themselves for King and Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the present lamentable estate and miserable condition of Ireland : the poore Protestants in some places being forced to kill their horses to satisfie their hunger, and very many others having perished by famine : with some sad and serious motives propounded by both Houses to all pious and well affected Englishmen for their speedy reliefe, a thing earnestly to be intended, considering what courses are now set on foot at Oxford for bringing those barbarous rebels into this kingdome
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament shewing the present designe now on foot, by vertue of a pretended commission from His Majesty, for a cessation of armes, or treaty of peace with the rebels in Ireland, now they are brought to such a low condition, that they are inforced to devoure and eate one another in some parts of that kingdome : and by what popish instruments and ministers in their councels at the court, the said designe is and hath been carried on : persons of great trust, eminent for their affection to religion and hatred of the rebels being displaced, and men popishly addicted put in their offices : all serving for the better introduction of popery and extirpation of the true protestant religion, in that and other of His Majesties dominions
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament For the raising of all power, and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdom. To lead against all traytors and their adherents, and them to arrest, and imprison, and to fight with kill and slay all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subjects, that shall be imployed in this service, by either or both Houses of Parliament. ; Together with His Majesties declaration in answer to the same
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy putting this city into a posture of defence, and to fortifie all the passages into the same, divers rebells, traitors, and other ill-affected people, in pursuit of a wicked design to alter religion, being now marching against the Parliament for destruction of the same, and the city of London : also an ordinance of both Houses declaring their resolutions of making provision for those that shall be maimed in this war, who are in the service of the Parliament, and for the wives and children of those that shall be slaine : together with a true relation of a great and happy victory, which it hath pleased God to give to His Excellency the Earle of Essex and his forces over the Kings army, as it was brought to both Houses of Parliament by the Lord Wharton and Mr. Stroud, a member of the House of Commons, on Wednesday in the afternoone, October 26, 1642 .
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament whereas the King, seduced by wicked counsell, doth make war against his Parliament and people .
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the association of all well-affected persons in Lincoln-shire, and other parts adjacent, that they may mutually ayd, succour, and assist one another, in the preservation and defence of themselves, and the peace of the said county, from all rapine and plunderings, by the Earle of New-Castle, his papisticall army, or any other of his or their adherents. With instructions to the Lord Willoughby, and the other committees of Parliament there concerning the same. Likewise an order of both houses, for removing the prisoners, out of Lincolne Castle, and for the speedy fortifying of the same. Lunæ, 9 Ian. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament: that this declaration, instructions and order shall be forthwith printed and published. Iohn Browne Cler. Parl
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning coales and salt. Wherein is ample satisfaction given to all murmurers and malignants, why the honourable City of London hath not a supply as formerly. Also, two ordinances of great consequence, 1. That whosoever shall assist His Majesty in this warre, with horse, armes, plate, or money, are traytors to His Majesty, the Parliament, and kingdome. 2. That the houses of delinquents shall not bee plundered, pulled downe, or destroyed, but reserved for the benefit and advantage of the Common-wealth. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that these declarations and instructions be forthwith printed and published. John Brown Cler. Parl. Hen. Elsinge Cler. Parl. D. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the disarming of all popish recusants, and that it shall be lawfull for any of His Majesties subjects to seize upon the persons of all such as shall execute the illegall Commission
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that all colonels, captaines and other officers with all other well affected persons inhabiting in the severall counties of Hampshire, the towne and county of Southhampton, Sussex, Surrey and Kent shall and may associate themselves in the mutuall defence and preservation of each other : and shall have power to raise forces of horse and foot to suppresse all such as are or shall bee raised to leayy warre against the Parliament, or shall make any insurrection, plunder and destroy His Majesties good subjects in those counties : and that the Lord Generall, the Earle of Essex, be desired to grant a commission to Sir William Waller, knight, to command in chiefe as Major Generall over the said forces
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Die Mercurii 10. May, 1643
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament; straightly charging and forbidding all in-keepers, victuallers, alehouse-keepers, or other persons whatsoever, to harbour or entertain any marriners, sea-men, water-men, &c. prest into any of His Majesties or merchants ships employed in this service after the beat of the drum, and proclamation made to give them notice, to repair on boord the severall ships to which they belong. Ordered by the Lords and Commoms in Parliament, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. Also a letter from Sir Iohn Hotham. Ordered by Commons in Parliament, that this letter be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that whatsoever souldier or souldiers shall breake open, pillage, or ransacke any mans house under colour that they are papists or persons dis-affected, without command of their captaine, shall be pursued and punished according to the law as felons : also a speciall order of both Houses concerning irregular printing and for the suppressing of all false and scandalous pamphlets
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning His Majesties late proclamation threatning fire and sword to all inhabitants in the county of Oxford and Berks and parts adjacent, that will not bring in all their provisions for men and horse to the garrison of Oxford : with the resolution of both Houses thereupon for the hazard their lives and fortunes to prevent these miseries and secure those places and the whole kingdome
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning a late difference betweene some officers of the English and some of the Scottish nation, for the preservation of the peace and mutuall amity betweene both Kingdomes against the seditious speeches of some ill affected persons who seeke to raise it to a nationall quarrell : also an ordinance of both Houses, nominating and authorizing diverse persons in severall counties to bee added to the committees for the weekely assessment
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the late treaty of peace in Cheshire : vvherein they renownce the said agreement as being very preiudiciall and dangerous to the whole kingdom that any one county shoud stand as newter and withdraw themselves from the assistance of the rest
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning a late difference between some officers of the English, and some of the Scottish nation, for the preservation of the peace, and mutual amity between both Kingdoms, against the seditious speeches of some ill affected persons who seek to raise it to a national quarrel. Also an ordinance of both Houses, nominating and authorizing diverse persons in several counties, to bee added to the committees[sic] for the weekly assessment. Die Jovis, 23 Martii, 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration and ordinance shall bee forthwith printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parliamentor
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament with instrvctions for the lords lieutenants, committees of Parliament, and other officers and commanders in the counties of Warwick and Stafford, and cities and counties of Coventry and Lichfield; touching the association of the said counties and parts adjacent, for the defence of themselves and supressing and disarming of enemies, and persons ill-affected. And for raysing of plate and monies for that end and purpose. Ordered to be printed, Io. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. Henry Els. Cler. Parl. D. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning a late proclamation of His Majesties for the keeping of Trinity terme at Oxford, which in regard of the many inconveniences thereof, it is by them ordered to be held only in
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament with the advice and concurrence of the commissioners of Scotland, to publish their proceedings up[o]n His Majesties letter, touching a treaty of peace; and to declare their resolutions and endeavours, to put an end to the unhappy distempers of the kingdome, by a safe and well grounded peace. 23 Martii, 1643. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament that Master Glynn take care for the printing of the declaration concerning His Majesties letter for a treaty of peace; together with an act of this present Parliament, and severall other letters, thereunto annexed. Hen. Elsynge Cler. Parl. Dom. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament straightly charging and forbidding all in-keepers, victuallers, alehouse-keepers or other persons whatsoever to harbour or entertain any marriners, sea-men, water-men, &c. prest into any of His Majesties or merchants ships employed in this service after the beat of the drum, and proclamation made to give them notice to repair on board the severall ships to which they belong : also a letter from Sir Iohn Hotham
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament with additions to a former declaration, dated July 12, 1642 : for the protecting of those who are imployed by the authority of both or either house of Parliament, in the execution of the ordinance for the militia, or, in advancing the propositions for raising of horse, moneys, or plate, according to the instructions of both houses of Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament in answer to a proclamation, set forth in His Majesties name, concerning the receipt and payment of customs. Whereunto is annexed, the ordinance concerning the subsidie of tonnage and poundage. Die Sabbati 31 Decembris, 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this Declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge Cler. Parliament. Dom. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning coales and salt : wherein is ample satisfaction given to all murmurers and malignants, why the honourable city of London hath not a supply as formerly ; also two ordinances of great consequence .
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament exhorting to the duty of repentence as the onely remedy for these present calamities with an earnest confession and deepe humiliation for all particular and nationall sins, that so at length we may obtaine a firme and happy peace both with God and man, that glory may dwell in our land, and the prosperity of the Godspell, with all the priviledges accompanying it, may crowne this nation unto all succeeding ages : the two crying sins of idolatry and blood-shed cease, and a thorough reformation as God may be pleased graciously to accept : also, an Ordinance of the Lords and Commons for the strict observation of the monthely fast : with his Majesties proclamation for continuance of the abovesaid fast during the troubles of the kingdome of Ireland worthy of observation
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Whereby the good subiects of this kingdome may better discerne their owne danger, and be stirred up with more earnestnesse to assist the Parliament in the maintenance of religion, the common iustice and liberty of the kindgome, which seemes to be in no lesse hazard, then if wee had an army of the Irish rebels in the bowels of the land. Also some observations and directions to the knights, gentlemen and other inhabitants of Yorke-shire, and other the Northerne counties. Sabbathi August 20. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament that this declaration shall bee forthwith printed and published. Io. Browne Cler. Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning His Majesties proclamation for adjourning the terme to Oxford : ordaining that no judge, minister, or other person belonging to the chancery, His Majesties Exchequor, or any
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for, the suppressing of all tumultuous assemblies, under pretence of framing and presenting petitions to the Parliament. Die Sabbathi, 20. Maii, 1648. Ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that the sheriffs of the severall and respective counties of the kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales, shall take notice of this declaration, and forthwith publish the same in their severall and respective counties. Joh. Brown, Cler. Parliamentorum
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Concerning divers well-affected persons and citizens of the City of London, who are willing and ready to undertake and advance a considerable number of souldiers, and them to arm, maintain, and pay for severall months ensuing, or during these times of danger, upon the publike faith. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the estates, rents, and revenues belonging to all the colledges and halls of the University of Cambridge
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament setting forth the grounds and reasons that necessitate them at this time to take up defensive armes for the preservation of His Majesties person, the maintenance of true religion, the lawes and liberties of this kingdom and the power and priviledges of Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the incouragement of all such apprentices as have or shall voluntarily list themselves to go in this present expedition, for the defence of religion, the preservation of this city, the king and kingdome, under the command of his Excellency the Earle of Warwick. Also an order from both Houses, that all colonels, captaines, with other officers and souldiers, under the command of his Excellency the Earle of Essex, ahat [sic] are now in, or neere the City of London, doe forthwith upon paine of death repaire to their colours, and not depart without his expresse licence. Novemb. 7. 1642. Ordered, that this declaration and order be forthwith printed and published. Iohn Browne Cler. Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy putting this city into a posture of defence, and to fortifie all the passages into the same, divers rebels, traytors, and other il-affected people, in pursuit of a wicked designe to alter religion, being now marching against the Parliament for destruction of the same, and of the city of London. Also, an ordinance of both Houses, declaring their resolutions of making provision for those that shall be maimed in this present war, who are in the service of the Parliament; and for the wives and children of those that that [sic] shall be slaine. Die Martis 25. Octob. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration and ordinance be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the appeasing and quietting of all unlawfull tumults and insurrections in the severall counties of England, and dominion of Wales. Die Veneris, Septemb. 2. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed, and afterwards published in all market townes, parish churches, and chappels, within the Kingdome of England, and dominion of Wales, and especially the county of Essex. Iohn Browne Cler. Parliament. Also an ordinance of both Houses, for the suppressing of stage-playes. Ordered by the Lords and Commons, that this order be forthwith printed and published. Iohn Browne Cler. Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the papers of the Scots commissioners, entituled, The answer of the commissioners of the kingdom of Scotland to both Houses of Parliament, upon the new propositions of peace, and the four bills to be sent to His Majesty : and concerning the proceedings of the said commissioners in the Isle of Wight
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Shewing the present designe now on foot (by vertue of a pretended commission from His Majesty) for a cessation of armes, or treaty of peace with the rebels in Ireland, now they are brought to such a low condition, that they are inforced to devoure and eate one another in some parts of that kingdome And by what popish instruments and ministers in their councels at the court, the said designe is and hath been carried on; persons of great trust, eminent for their affection to religion, and hatred of the rebels being displaced, and men popishly addicted put in their offices. All serving for the better introduction of popery, and extirpation of the true Protestant religion, in that and other of His Majesties dominions. Die Sabbathi 30. Septemb. 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed & published. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament setting forth the several plots and designes that have been on foot to destroy this Parliament, ever since the sitting thereof
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament setting forth the grounds and reasons, that necessitate them at this time to take up defensive arms for the preservation of His Majesties person, the maintenance of the true religion, the laws and liberties of this kingdom, and the power and priviledge of Parliament. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament in answer to a petition presented to the said houses by the inhabitants of Devonshire and Cornwall, Octob. 22, 1642 : expressing their great miserie and calamitie which they have lately suffered by the insolencie and tyranny of the cavaleers : also the resolution of the said inhabitants to both themselves and the Parliament against the attempts of the cavaliers
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament shewing the reasons why they cannot consent to the keeping of Easter tearme at Oxford, but in the usuall places : an army being there maintained to destroy the Parliament and kingdome
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning a late proclamation of His Majesties, for the keeping of Trinity terme at Oxford, which in regard of the many inconveniences thereof, it is by them ordered to be held only in the usuall places: also that no order, or proceedings, given or had elsewhere, shall bind any person without his owne voluntary consent: and further, that if any shall disobey this order, they will proceed against them as willfull contemners of the authority of Parliament, and disturbers of the peace of the kingdome. Die Martis, 30. Maii, 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed and published. Joh. Browne Cler. Parliam
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament in answer to the Kings declaration concerning Hull
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the protection of Sir George Chudleigh, Sir John Northcott, Sir Samuel Rolle, and Sir Nicholas Martyn, in the countie of Devon, who have lately beene proclaimed traytors by his Majestie
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of forces both horse and foot in severall parts of this kingdom to resist, suppresse, subdue and pursue, kill and slay and to put to execution and by all means to destroy such papists and all affected persons who have traiterously combined together, and entred into association and which have already raised great forces both horse and foot in severall counties of this kingdom and have plundered, spoiled and destroyed multitudes of His Maiesties good subjects : together with certain instructions for the lord lieutenants, deputy-lieutenants and other officers and commanders in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridge, Isle of Ely, Hartford and county of the city of Norwich : as also the resolution and association of the aforesaid counties
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the present lamentable and miserable condition of Ireland, the poore Protestants in some places being forced to kill their horses to siatsfie their hunger, and very many others having perished by famine : with some sad and serious motives propounded by both houses, to all pious and well affected Englishmen for their speedy reliefe, a thing earnestly to be intended, considering what courses are now set on foot at Oxford for bringing those barbarous rebels into this kingdom : whereunto are added the severall propositions made by the committies of the House of Commons, and the committee of adventurers chosen in London out of the body of adventurers and ratified by the House for the more perfect incouragement of all that with well to the generall cause of religion the relieving of the Protestant brethren in Ireland, and the safety of the state and kingdome
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament. Whereas the King, seduced by wicked counsell, doth make war against his Parliament and people; .
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament with the advice and concurrence of the commissioners of Scotland to publish their proceedings upon His Majesties letter touching a treaty of peace : and to declare their resolutions and endeavours to put an end to the unhappy distempers of the kingdome by a safe and well grounded peace
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament The Lords and Commons taking into consideration the miserable distractions and calamities with which this whole kingdome and nation is now infested, .
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the disarming of all popish recusants, and that it shall be lawfull for any of His Majesties subjects to seize upon the persons of all such as shall execute the illegall commission of array. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that this declaration thus amended be forth-with reprinted. H. Elsyn. Cler. Parl. Dom. Com. Together with a declaration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament that all persons whatsoever, which shall assist his Majesty in this vvar with horse, arms, or mony, shall be traytors to his Majesty, the Parliament and kingdom
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament shewing the imminent danger in which the kingdom now stands, by reason of a malignant party prevailing with His Majesty, putting him upon violent and perilous wayes, and now in arms against them, to the hazarding of His Majesties person, and for the oppression of the true religion, the law and liberties of this kingdom, and the power and priviledges of Parliament; all which every honest man is bound to defend. Wherefore the Lords and Commons do now think fit to give this accompt unto the world, to be a satisfaction unto all men; of the justice of their proceedings. ... Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this declaration be forthwith printed and published. H: Elsynge, Cler: Parl: D: Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of all power and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdom : to lead against all traytors, and their adherents : and them to arrest and imprison, and to fight with, kill, and slay all such as shall oppose any of His Majesties loving subjects that shall be imployed in this service, by either or both Houses of Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Shewing the reasons why they cannot consent to the keeping of Easter tearme at Oxford, but in the usuall places: an army being there maintained to destroy the Parliament and kingdome, and still continued, although the Lords and Commons have used the best meanes they possibly could by proposition and treaty, to, and with His Majesty, for the disbanding thereof, and as yet all their endeavours are fruitlesse Die Martis 18 Aprilis, 1643. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall bee forthwith printed and published. John Browne, Cler. Parliamento
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Concerning the particular causes of this division betweene His Majestie and the Houses of Parliament. Whereunto is annexed the severall votes of both Houses at which His Majesty takes exceptions. Also severall propositions propounded to the Kings most Excellent Majestie, &c. Wherein is declared the most effectuall meanes to remove these distractions, and to beget a right understanding betwixt the King and His Parliament. Also a list of the captaines names and ships who opposed my Lord of Warwicke. Ordered that this be printed and published. Io: Browne, Cler. Parl. Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. C
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that the sheriffes of London shall be saved and kept harmelesse by the authority of both Houses, for not publishing some late messages and proclamations lately sent them in his Majesties name
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that whatsoever souldier or souldiers shall breake open, pillage, or ransacke any mans house, under colour that they are papists, or persons dis-affected (without command of their captaine) shall be pursued and punished according to the law as felons. Also a speciall order of both Houses concerning irregular printing, and for the suppressing of all false and scandalous pamphlets. Die Sabbathi, August. 27. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons, that this declaration and order be forthwith printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the particular causes of this division betweene His Majestie and the Hovses of Parliament : whrerunto is annexed the severall votes of both hovses at which His Majesty takes
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the present lamentable, and miserable condition of Ireland, the poore Protestants in some places being forced to kill their horses to satisfie their hunger, and very many others having perished by famine. With some sad and serious motives propounded by both houses, to all pious and well affected Englishmen for their speedy reliefe, a thing earnestly to be intended considering what courses are now set on foot at Oxford, for bringing those barbarous rebels into this kingdom. Whereunto are added, the severall propositions made by the committees of the House of Commons, and the committee of adventurers chosen in London out of the body of the adventurers, and ratified by the House, for the more perfect incouragement of all that wish well to the generall cause of religion, the relieving of the Protestant brethren in Ireland, and the safety of this state and kingdome
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Concerning the late valorous and acceptable service of his Excellency, Robert Earle of Essex, to remaine upon record in both Houses, for a marke of honour to his person, name and family, and for a monument of his singular vertue to posterity. Also an order to the Lord Maior, that a search be made in the city of London, and the suburbes thereof, for all officers and common souldiers; under the Earle of Essex, to be immediately sent to the army, and that no ale-house keeper, or other house houlder shall presume the harbour any of the said souldiers after nine of the clocke this present morning, as they will answer the contrary to the Parliament. Die Veneris, 11 Novemb. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the speedy putting this city into a posture of defence, and to fortifie all the passages into the same, divers rebels, traytors, and other ill-affected people in pursuit of a wicked designe to alter religion being now marching against the Parliament for destruction of the same and of the city of London : also an ordinancve of both houses, declaring their resolutions of making provision for those that shall be maimed in this present war, who are in the service of the Parliament : for the wives and children of those that that [sic] shall be slaine
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament setting forth the several plots and designes that have been on foot to destroy this Parliament, ever since the sitting thereof. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this declaration is forthwith printed and published. H. Elsing Cler. Parliament. Dom. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning the late valorous and acceptable service of His Excellency, Robert Earle of Essex, to remaine upon record in both houses, for a marke of honour to his person, name and family and for a monument of his singular vertue to posterity : also an order to the Lord Maior that a search be made in the city of London, and the suburbes thereof, for all officers and common souldiers : under the Earle of Essex, to be immediately sent to the army, and that no ale-house keeper or other house houlder shall presume the harbour any of the said souldiers after nine of the clocke this present morning, as they will answer the contrary to the Parliament
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament concerning His Majesties late proclamation threatning fire and sword to all inhabitants in the county of Oxford and Berks and parts adjacent, that will not bring in all their provisions for men and horse, to the garrison of Oxford. With the resolution of both Houses thereupon, for the hazard their lives and fortunes, to prevent these miseries, and secure those places and the whole kingdome. Die Lunæ, 22 April. 1644. Ordered by the Lords assembled in Parliament, that this declaration and proclamation be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament with instrvctions for the lords lieutenants, committees of Parliament, and other officers and commanders in the counties of Warwick and Stafford, and cities and counties of Coventry and Lichfield; touching the association of the said counties and parts adjacent, for the defence of themselves and suppressing and disarming of enemies, and persons ill-affected. And for raysing of plate and monies for that end and purpose
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament Concerning the late treaty of peace in Cheshire. VVherein they renownce the said agreement, as being very preiudiciall and dangerous to the whole kingdom, that any one county shoud stand as newter, and withdraw themselves from the assistance of the rest. Sabbathi, 7 Ian. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this declaration shall be forthwith printed and published, and read in all parish churches and chappells in the County of Cheshire, by the parsons, vicars, or curates of the same. Iohn Browne Cler. Parl
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament exhorting to the duty of repentance (as the onely remedy for these present calamities), with an earnest confession and deepe humiliation for all particular and nationall sins, that so at length we may obtaine a firme and happy peace both with God and man, that glory may dwell in our land; and the prosperity of the gospell, with all the priviledges accompanying it may crowne this nation unto all succeeding ages. The two crying sins of idolatry and blood-shed cease, and a through reformation, as God may be pleased graciously to accept. Also, an ordinance of the Lords and Commons for the first observation of the monethly fast. With his Majesties proclamation for continuance of the abovesaid fast, during the troubles of the kingdome of Ireland worthy of observation. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that this declaration and ordinance be printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parl. Hen. Elsinge Cler. Parl. D. Com
A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament with additions to a former declaration, dated. Iuly 12. 1642. For the protecting of those who are imployed by the authority of both or either house of Parliament, in the execution of the ordinance for the militia: or in advancing the propositions for raising of horse, monyes, or plate according to the instructions of both houses of Parliament
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A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament