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By the King being informed, that many officers of our armie, as well foot and horse, as of our garisons, are absent from their severall charges to our great dis-service .
By the King A proclamation proclaimedin [sic] London the ninth of Iune
By the King. A proclamation and declaration to inform our loving subjects of our kingdom of England of the seditious practices of some in Scotland, seeking to overthrow our regall power under false pretences of religion
By the King a proclamation concerning the carrying and recarrying of letters, aswell within His Majesies realmes and dominions, as into and from forreigne parts
By the King a proclamation for the better furnishing of the nauy, and increase of shipping
By the King a proclamation for restraining the importation of lattin wire into this kingdome, and for support of that manufacture here
By the King A proclamation of his Majesties grace, favour, and pardon, to the inhabitants of his county of Glocester
By the King a proclamation for the establishing of the peace and quiet of the Church of England
By the King a proclamation for the vse of the bowe and the pike together in militarie discipline
By the King A proclamation about the dissoluing of the Parliament. Whereas wee, for the generall good of our kingdome, caused our high Court of Parliament to assemble and meete .
By the King a proclamation for all Captaines, masters, and officers of ships, and mariners, which are to serue in the Kings fleete, to make their present repaire to Portesmouth
By the King a proclamation concerning tin and pewter
By the King a proclamation commanding the repaire of noblemen, knights, and gentlemen of qualitie, vnto their mansion houses in the countrey, there to attend their seruices, and keep hospitalitie
By the King a proclamation for restraint of fishing vpon His Maiesties seas and coast without licence
By the King A proclamation for the apprehension of Gilbert Carre and Iames Locker
By the King. A proclamation touching the currencie of certaine French coyne
By the King a proclamation to declare and publish His Maiesties resolution, to ascertaine his reuenue, by granting his lands holden aswell by copie, as otherwise in fee-farme
By the King a proclamation to restraine the kings subiects from departing out of the realme without licence
By the King A proclamation for the prizing of wines. Whereas by the statute made in the eight and twentieth yeer of the reigne of king Henry the eight for prizing of wines, it is prouided, that the Lord Chancellour, Lord treasurer, Lord president of the Kings most honourable councell, Lord priuy seal, and the Lords chief justices of either bench .
By the King a proclamation against imbezelling of armour, munition, and victuall, and other military prouisions
By the King. A proclamation for the restraint of the disorderly repaire of mariners and souldiers, vnto the Kings court, or Citie of London
By the King a proclamation for enabling all His Maiesties subiects to trade within his seuerall dominions, without being further charged with customes, or other dueties, then they of that kingdome wherein they trade, ought to pay
By the King a proclamation against the making, or vsing of any nets or engines, for taking of phesants and partridges
By the King a proclamation to forbid the subiects of the realme of England to haue any trade or commerce within any the dominions of the King of Spaine or the Archduchesse
By the King a proclamation touching the currencie of certaine French coyne
By the King. A proclamation for better furnishing the nauy, and shipping of the realme, with able and skilfull mariners
By the King. A proclamation for the apprehension of Richard Smith, a popish priest, stiled, and calling himselfe, the Bishop of Calcedon
By the King A proclamation against such as wilfully and presumptuously contemne His Maiesties Royall authority, vsed in preuention of the barbarous vse of duels; particularly against Peter Apsley, Esquire
By the King a proclamation for the continuing of our farthing tokens of copper, and prohibiting the counterfeiting of them, and the vse of all other
By the King a proclamation inhibiting all persons to repaire to His Maiestie for cure of the disease called, the kings euill, vntill Michaelmas next
By the King a proclamation for the apprehension of Iohn Holland, and Robert Blow, gentlemen, late seruants to the Earle of Lincolne
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the importation of any goods or merchandize whatsoeuer, in any French shippes or bottomes
By the King a proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of flesh in Lent, or on fish-dayes, appointed by the law, to be hereafter strictly obserued by all sorts of people
By the King a proclamation signifying His Maiesties pleasure, that all men being in office of government, at the decease of his most deare, and most royall father, King Iames, shall so continue, till His Maiesties further direction
By the King. A proclamation against the making, or vsing of any nets or engines, for taking of phesants and partridges
By the King a proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of flesh in Lent, or on fish-dayes appointed by the law, to be hereafter obserued by all sorts of people
By the King. A proclamation touching the adjourning of part of Hilary terme
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Faire and Sturbridge Faire
By the King. A proclamation for the commanding of all souldiers, lately imployed in the fleet, vpon their arriuall, not to depart from their colours
By the King a proclamation for the speedy sending away of the Irish beggars out of this kingdome into their owne countrey, and for the suppressing and ordering of the English rogues and vagabonds, according to the lawes
By the King the Kings most excellent Maiestie by the aduice of his priuie counsell ... doeth publish and declare ... that all coynes of gold and siluer ... shall bee ... currant ... at such weight, finenesse, and value, as the same were currant the first day of August last past .
By the King a proclamation for putting the lawes against Jesuites, seminaries, and popish priests in execution
By the King. A proclamation for freedom of passage out of Ireland into England
By the King a proclamation forbidding the disorderly trading with the saluages in New England in America, especially the furnishing of the natiues in those and other parts of America by the English with weapons, and habiliments of warre
By the King. A proclamation to restraine the landing of men, or goods, out of such ships as shall come from the parts of France, or the Low-Countries now infected with the plague, till they haue warrant from the officers or farmours of His Maiesties Customes
By the King a proclamation for a publike, generall, and solemne fast
By the King a proclamation restraining the abusiue venting of tobacco
By the King a proclamation concerning the making of starch, and auoiding the annoyances thereby
By the King a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure, in the incorporating of the tradesmen and artificers, inhabiting within three miles of the citie of London
By the King trustie and welbeloved, we greet you well : hauing obserued in the presidents and customes of former times, that the kings and queenes of this our realme vpon extraordinary occasions haue vsed either to resort to those contributions .
By the King an abstract of the seuerall heads and branches of His Maiesties commission of grace, for the securing, setling, and confirming to his subiects their defectiue titles, estates and possessions, by which His Maiesties commissioners haue power to compound
By the King a proclamation for remoouing the receipt of His Maiesties exchequer from Westminster to Richmond
By the King a proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the court for their cure of the disease called, the kings euill
By the King. A proclamation concerning the trade of Ginney, and Binney, in the parts of Africa
By the King, a proclamation forbidding all His Majesties subjects belonging to the trained bands or militia of this kingdom, to rise, march, muster or exercise, by vertue of any order or ordinance of one or both Houses of Parliament, without consent or vvarrant from His Majestie, upon pain of punishment according to the laws
By the King a proclamation to restraine the vnlawfull transportation of hides and leather
By the King. A proclamation for the adiournement of part of Trinitie terme
By the King Charles by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c., to all to whome these presents shall come, greeting : whereas we are giuen to understand, by the lords and others of our priuie counsell, that there are a great number of the inhabitants of the Isle of Ree .
By the King a proclamation for the better confining of popish recusants, conuict according to the lawe
By the King a proclamation prohibiting from henceforth all entercourse of trade between our city of London and other parts of our kingdome untill other direction given by vs
By the King A proclamation to restraine the making or hauing of keys for any His Maiesties houses, gardens, or parkes, without speciall warrant
By the King A proclamation for the better regulation of the offices of clark of the market, and Water-bailiffe; and to restrain the execution of the charter of brick and tile-makers; and to redresse abuses in the farming out of the issues of jurors
By the King. A proclamation for the speedy payment of the monies assessed by Parliament for disbanding the armies
By the King. A proclamation declaring the Kings Maiesties royall pleasure touching the inhabitants of Algier, Tunis, Sallie, and Tituan, in the parts of Africa
By the King A proclamation, commanding the due execution of the laws made for setting the poor on work. Whereas nothing is more agreeable to the true rules of charitie, and policie, then the relieuing of the truly indigent and impotent poore and the setting on work of those who are able to labour .
By the King. A proclamation commanding captaines and commanders of souldiers to attend their charge
By the King a proclamation for the execution of the statutes made against rogues and vagabonds
By the King a proclamation declaring the Kings Maiesties royall pleasure touching the inhabitants of Algier, Tunis, Sallie, and Tituan, in the parts of Africa
By the King a proclamation forbidding the lodging of any strangers, or His Maiesties owne seruants, in his palaces of White-Hall, and Denmarke-house, in the time of the absence of His Maiestie, and his royall consort the Queene, from those houses
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the importation of purles, cutworkes, and bonelaces, made in forraine parts, and for the sealing of such as are made within the realme of England and dominion of Wales
By the King. A proclamation concerning the execution of the lawes against recusants
By the King a proclamation for the better making of saltpeter within this kingdome
By the King His Majesties proclamation forbidding all his loving subjects of the counties of Kent, Surrey, Sussex, and Hampshire, to raise any forces without His Majesties consent, or to enter into any association or protestation for the assistance of the rebellion agaisnt His Majesty
By the King a proclamation for the maintenance and encrease of the mines of saltpeter, and the true making of gunpowder, and reforming abuses concerning the same
By the King. A proclamation forbidding any resort to His Maiesties court, for cure of the Kings-Euill, vntill Easter next
By the King A proclamation for preuention of abuses of informers, clerkes, and others in their prosecutions vpon the lawes, and statutes of this realme. Whereas for the more due execution of the lawes, and statutes of this realme, and the better to reforme the abuses of common informers .
By the King. A proclamation for reforming sundry abuses in manufactures of silks and stuffs of forrain materials made here, or imported from forraign parts
By the King whereas, out of our owne obseruance in the late reigne of our most deare and royal father, we saw much disorder in and about his houshold .
By the King a proclamation for preuenting the decayes of churches and chappels for the times to come
By the King Charles by the grace of God, King of Great Britanne, France, and Ireland ... forsamekle as wee being willing to take a faire course with all such of our loving subjectes as shall before the first daye of Januarie next to come, voluntarilie renounce and over-giue any erection or other kind of disposition of lands, teynds, patrimonies or benefices whatsomever, belonging to the church .
By the King a proclamation for the new making, altering, amending, dressing, repairing, proouing, and stamping of armours, gunnes, pikes, and bandaliers, both of the common armes, and armes of the trayned band throughout England and Wales
By the King. A proclamation to forbid the subiects of the realme of England, to haue any trade or commerce within any the dominions of the King of Spaine or the Archduchesse
By the King a proclamation for the prices of victuals within the verge of the court
By the King. A proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the Court for their cure of the disease, called, the Kings Euill
By the King a proclamation for the adiournement of part of Trinitie terme
By the King a proclamation appointing the time when His Maiesties subiects may approach to the court, for cure of the disease, called the kings euill
By the King A proclamation offering his Majesties gracious pardon to all officers, gunners, armourers, gunsmiths, carpenters, wheele-wrights, and other artificers belonging to the Office of the Ordinance, and requiring their attendance at Oxford, before the eighteenth day of this instant March
By the King a proclamation concerning the tradesmen and artificers within three miles of the citie of London, not yet admitted into the new corporation
By the King a proclamation for the well manning and arming of the ships, of, or belonging to this realme, vpon their setting foorth to sea
By the King a proclamation for preseruation of grounds for making of saltpeter, and to restore such grounds as are now destroyed, and to command assistance to be giuen to His Maiesties saltpeter- makers
By the King A proclamation that all woollen clothes and stuffes made or mixed with wooll, and brought to London to be sold or transported, be first brought to Blackwell Hall, there to be searched
By the King A proclamation concerning our iron-oar, iron-mynes and cynders within our Forrest of Dean. Whereas in July in the twelfth year of our reign, VVe granted to farm for a term of years yet to come, all our iron-works, cynders, iron-oar and mynes of iron whatsoeuer within our Forrest of Dean, with a yearly proportion of woods for supply .
By the King A proclamation for the further adiournment of Michaelmasse terme
By the King a proclamation for calling in a book, entituled, An introduction to a deuout life, and that the same be publikely burnt
By the King. A proclamation for the better direction of those who desire to repaire to the court, for the cure of their disease, called, the Kings euill
By the King A proclamation for the discovery of rebells invading the county of Glocester, and for the apprehending of spies and intelligencers
By the King a proclamation for fee deere
By the King a proclamation for restraint of vnnecessarie resorts to the court
By the King a proclamation commanding all mariners and others to His Maiesties ships, for which they are prest
By the King a proclamation touching the Corporation of Sope-makers of London
By the King A proclamation to inform all our loving subjects of the lawfulnesse of our Commissions of Array, issued into the severall counties of our realm of England, and Dominion of Wales, and of the use of them : and commanding them to obey our commissioners therein named, in the execution of their said commissions
By the King proclamation for reformation of the many abuses committed against the Corporation of Gardners
By the King A proclamation commanding the due execution of the laws made against eating and selling of flesh, in Lent and other times prohibited. Whereas by the statute made in the second and third yeer of the reign of the late King Edward the sixt, for many weighty reasons in that act .
By the King a proclamation to restrain the transportation of butter out of this realm
By the King a proclamation to declare His Maiesties pleasure, that a former restraint inioyned to the citizens of London, for repairing to faires for a time, is now set at libertie
By the King a proclamation commanding all inhabitants on the sea-coastes, or any ports or sea-townes, to make their speedy repaire vnto, and continue at the places of their habitations there, during these times of danger
By the King whereas heretofore sundry wayes haue been deuised, to redresse the disorders among the postes of this realme in generall, and particularly to preuent the inconueniences, both to the publique seruice of the state, and the lawfull trade of the honest merchants, by prohibiting, that no persons whatsoeuer, should take vpon them publiquely or priuately, to procure, gather vp, receiue, bring in, or carry out any pacquets, or letters, to or from the countreys beyond the seas .
By the King a proclamation for the auoiding of all intercourse betweene His Maiesties royall court, and the cities of London and Westminster, and places adioyning
By the King a proclamation appointing the time when His Maiesties subiects may attend to be cured of the disease, commonly called, the kings euill
By the King a proclamation inhibiting the resort of His Maiesties people to the court, for cure of the kings euill, and to restraine the accesse of others from infected places
By the King a proclamation declaring the Kings royall pleasure for the assembling of the Parliament
By the King a proclamation for the well ordering the making of white starch within the realm, and for restraint of the importation thereof from forreign parts
By the King a proclamation for preuenting the dearth of corne and victual
By the King. A proclamation concerning buildings, and inmates, within the citie of London, and confines of the same
By the King a proclamation for the transportation of any kinde of corne, graine, or victuals for the supply of the nauie, or armie in the parts of France
By the King a proclamation concerning buildings, and inmates, within the citie of London, and confines of the same
By the King a proclamation for quickning the lawes made for the reliefe of the poore, and the suppressing, punishing, and setling of the sturdy rogues and vagabonds
By the King A proclamation concerning the true payment of tonnage and poundage
By the King To our trusty and welbeloved high shieriffe [sic] of our county of York
By the King a proclamation commanding all the trained bands and others on this side Trent, to be in readinesse with horse and arms, to serve His Maiestie for defense of the kingdom
By the King a proclamation declaring His Maiesties royall grace, and pleasure, to confirme to his subiects their defectiue titles, estates, and possessions, (aswell by colour of former grants, as without any grant from the Crowne) by his commission granted to that purpose
By the King. A proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure, concerning the forfeitures of recusants in the northerne parts of this kingdome
By the King a proclamation for a generall fast to bee solemnized throughout this realme of England
By the King a proclamation to preuent the furnishing of the king of Spaine and his subiects, with prouisions for shipping, or munition for the warres, and with victuals
By the King a proclamation to restraine the landing of men, or goods, out of such ships as shall come from the parts of France, or the low-countries now infected with the plague, till they haue warrant from the officers or farmours of His Maiesties customes
By the King a proclamation that all captaines, lieutenants, and other officers shall repayre to their companies, and that all souldiers shall repayre to their colours
By the King a proclamation for preuention of abuses of informers, clerkes, and others in their prosecutions vpon the lawes, and statutes of this realme
By the King. Being informed, that many officers of our armie, as well foot, and horse, as of our garisons, are absent from their severall charges to our great dis-service
By the King a proclamation for the maintaining and increase of the mines of saltpeter, and the true making and working of saltpeter and gunpowder, and reforming of all abuses concerning the same
By the King A proclamation forbidding all His Majesties subjects belonging to the trained bands of Militia of this kingdom, to rise, march, muster, or exercise by vertue of any order or ordinance of one, or both houses of Parliament, without consent or warrant from His Majesty, upon pain of punishement according to the laws
By the King a proclamation for the calling in, and suppresing of two sermons, preached and printed by Roger Manwaring, doctor in diuinity, intituled, Religion and Allegiance
By the King a proclamation for a generall and publike thanksgiuing to almighty God, for his great mercy in staying his hand, and asswaging the late fearefull visitation of the plague
By the King a proclamation for better ordering the transportation of clothes and other woollen manufactures into Germany, and the low-countreys
By the King A proclamation for the better making of saltpeter within this kingdome
By the King. A proclamation for the well manning and arming of the ships, of, or belonging to this realme, vpon their setting foorth to sea
By the King. A proclamation for restraint of vnnecessarie resorts to the court
By the King A proclamation for the prizing of wines. Whereas by the statute made in the eight and twentieth yeer of the reign of King Henry the eight, for prizing of wines .
By the King A proclamation for restraint of the consumption of coyne and bullion, and the deceitfull making of gold and siluer threed [sic], and for the regulating thereof for the time to come. Hauing taken into our princely consideration the great consumption of the coyne, plate, and bullion of this kingdome, contrary to the lawes and statutes of this realme, .
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the making vp of girdles, belts, hangers, and other wares for mens wearing, or for warre-seruice, with brasse-buckles
By the King a proclamation commanding captaines and commanders of souldiers to attend their charge
By the King a proclamation for the prizes of victuals within the verge of His Maiesties houshold
By the King a proclamation against the making, or vsing of any nets or engines, for taking of phesants [sic] and partridges
By the King Whhereas [sic] this county, in which (out of our experience of the good affection thereof) we have chosen to make our residence this winter, is in great danger to suffer violence, and to receive losse and damage by the incursions of the rebells, .
By the King. A proclamation to restraine the vnlawfull transportation of hides and leather
By the King a proclamation for the ordering of tobacco
By the King a proclamation forbidding all assessing, collecting, and paying of the twentieth part, and of all weekly taxes by colour of orders or ordinances, and all entring into protestations and associations against His Majesty
By the King. A proclamation for the better direction of those who desire to repaire to the court for the cure of their disease called, the Kings euill
By the King a proclamation for the suppressing of felons, and outlawes, their aiders and abettors, by bringing them to bee answerable to the seuerall lawes of the seuerall realmes of England and Scotland
By the King a proclamation for the restraining of the importation of iron wyer into this kingdome, and for the support of that manufacture
By the King the King our Souereigne Lord Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. doth giue to understand to all his most louing, faithful and obedient subiects, and to euery of them, that, whereas it hath please almighty God, on Sunday, the seuen and twentiety day of this moneth of March .
By the King. A proclamation to restraine the Kings subiects from departing out of the realme without licence
By the King. A proclamation for the maintenance and encrease of the mines of saltpeter, and the true making of gunpowder, and reforming abuses concerning the same
By the King a proclamation for the ease of the subiects in making their compositions for not receiuing the order of knighthood, according to the law
By the King. A proclamation concerning farthing tokens
By the King. A proclamation for setling the plantation of Virginia
By the King, a proclamation for restraint of disorderly and vnnecessary resort to the court
By the King a proclamation touching the Corporation of Bever-makers of London, and to restrain the importing of forrain hats, and the wearing of demy-casters within His Majesties dominions
By the King a proclamation to inhibite the sale of Latine bookes reprinted beyond the seas, hauing been first printed in Oxford or Cambridge
By the King a proclamation concerning the execution of the lawes against recusants
By the King A proclamation for putting off the healing of the Kings euill at Easter next. The Kings most Excellent Maiestie by proclamation published the eight and twentieth day of July, in the eleuenth yeare of his reigne, did prescribe the times of Easter and Michaelmas .
By the King A proclamation for the due administration of iustice to His Maiesties subiects in his kingdome of Ireland
By the King A proclamation for cleansing the riuer of Thames of shelues and annoyances, and for ballasting of ships with the sand and grauell thereof
By the King a proclamation for reuoking the commission concerning archery
By the King Whereas, upon summons from vs, divers gentlemen of this our county of York did attend vs upon Thursday the twelfth of this instant May, .
By the King a proclamation to declare, that all ships carying corne, or other victuals, or any munition of warre, to, or for the king of Spaine, or any of his subiects, shall be, and ought to be esteemed as lawful prize
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the payment and receipt of customes, and other maritime duties upon the late pretended ordinance of both Houses of Parliament
By the King a proclamation for allowance of the use of hard silk in some speciall manufactures
By the King a proclamation for the adiournament [sic] of part of Michaelmas tearme
By the King a proclamation restraining the abusive venting of tobacco
By the King a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure touching orders to be obserued for preuention of dispersing the plague
By the King a declaration of His Maiesties cleare intention, in requiring the ayde of his louing subiects, in that way of loane which is now intended by His Highnesse
By the King A proclamation for suspending the time of healing the disease, called, the Kings euill, untill Easter next. Whereas his Majestie by sundry proclamations hath appointed the times of healing of the disease, commonly called, the Kings euill, to be Easter and Michaelmas: neuerthelesse his Majesty, for some speciall causes, .
By the King a proclamation to declare that all ships carying corne or other victuals or any munition of warre to or for the King of Spaine or any of his subiects shall be and ought to be esteemed as lawfull prize
By the King a proclamation for His Maiesties better seruice, either at sea, or land
By the King a proclamation for restraint of excessiue carriages, to the destruction of the high vvayes
By the King a proclamation for prizing of wines
By the King a proclamation for the better ordering of those who repayre to the court, for their cure of the disease called the kings euill
By the King a proclamation for a generall fast to be kept thorowout the realm of England
By the King a proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the court, for their cure of the disease called the kings euill
By the King. A proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the court, for their cure of the disease, called, the Kings euill
By the King. A proclamation for the better making of saltpeter within this kingdome
By the King a proclamation for the apprehension of Richard Smith, a popish priest, stiled, and calling himselfe, the Bishop of Calcedon
By the King a proclamation concerning sauing of fuell, materials, labour, and lessening the great annoyance of smoake
By the King, a proclamation for the maintenance and encrease of the mines of saltpeter, and the true making of gunpowder, and reforming abuses concerning the same
By the King A proclamation and declaration to inform our loving subjects of our kingdom of England of the seditious practices of some in Scotland, seeking to overthrow our regall power under false pretences of religion
By the King. A proclamation for reuoking the commission concerning archery
By the King a proclamation for the better discouery and apprehension of those malefactors, who were actors in the late insolent riots and murders committed in Fleetstreet, London, vpon Friday, the tenth day of this instant moneth of Iuly
By the King a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure, concerning the proceedings had, and to be had, against popish recusants, according to the lawes, and for directions to His Maiesties commissioners for that seruice, both in the southerne and northerne parts
By the King a proclamation for the well ordering of His Maiesties courtand [sic] traine, as well in his present journey intended towards his kingdome of Scotland, and returne from thence, as in all other His Maiesties journeys and progresses hereafter
By the King a proclamation declaring His Maiesties royall grace and pleasure, to confirme to his subiects their defectiue estates in their lands and possessions, by his commission lately renewed and enlarged to that purpose
By the King, a proclamation prohibiting the publishing, dispersing and reading of a declaration or remonstrance, drawen by some committees of the Commons-house of the late dissolued Parliament, and intended to haue beene preferred by them to His Maiestie
By the King a proclamation concerning tynne
By the King a proclamation for the well ordering the trade and vent of vvines thorowout the kingdome
By the King. A proclamation concerning the making of starch, and auoiding the annoyances thereby
By the King ryght trustie,&c. Wee greet you well : as that soueraignty which under God we hold ouer you, tyeth us to take care for your safeties and welfare, so the loue of subiect and bond of duety tyes you to ayde and assist us in those actions which haue no other end, but the common preseruation both of us and your selues
By the King A proclamation purporting the tenor of letters patents of priuiledge granted to Ioseph Iackson, of his own invention, for the making, casting, guilding and vending of leaden seals, vsefull for the new drapery. Whereas wee by our letters patents of priuiledge vnder our great seal of England, bearing date the seventeenth day of December last past before the date hereof, .
By the King a proclamation for the better ordering the transportation of clothes, and other woollen manufactures, into Germany, and the low-countreys, and to restrain the transportation of wooll, woollfels, woollen-yarn, fullers-earth, and tobacco-pipe clay
By the King. A proclamation signifying his Maiesties pleasure, that all men being in office of gouernment, at the decease of his most deare, and most royall father King Iames, shall so continue, till his Maiesties further direction
By the King. A proclamation for the prices of victuals within the verge of the court
By the King. A proclamation touching the Corporation of Sope-makers of London
By the King A proclamation commanding captaines and commanders of souldiers to attend their charge
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the publishing, dispersing and reading of a declaration or remonstrance, drawen by some committees of the Commons-House of the late dissolued Parliament, and intended to haue beene preferred by them to His Maiestie
By the King a proclamation for restraint of disorderly and vnnecessary resort to the court
By the King. A proclamation against the vnnecessary waste of gunpowder
By the King A proclamation to restraine the Kings subiects departing out of the realme without licence. Whereas it is one of the principall duties of all our subiects, to attend at all times the seruice and defence of their King and natiue countrey, either within the realme, or without, when they shall be thereunto required .
By the King a proclamation for adiournement of part of Trinitie terme
By the King A proclamation declaring his Majesties pleasure to continue his commission and letters patents for licensing retailors of tobacco
By the King A proclamation of grace and pardon to all such as shall returne to their obedience, and submit to, and seek His Majesties mercy before the end of May next
By the King A proclamation for the commanding of all souldiers, lately imployed in the fleete, vpon their arriuall, not to depart from thir colours
By the King whereas seuerall troopes and companies of our subiects, English and Scottish souldiers, lately imployed in the seruice of the States Generall of the United Prouinces ... returne daily home .
By the King a proclamation for restraint of killing, dressing, and eating of flesh in Lent, or on fish dayes, appointed by the law, to be hereafter strictly obserued by all sorts of people
By the King a proclamation for the restraint of excessiue carriages, to the destruction of the high-wayes
By the King a proclamation against libellous and seditious pamphlets, and discourses sent from Scotland
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the exportation of corne and graine
By the King. A proclamation prohibiting the importation of all sorts of glasse whatsoeuer, made in forreigne parts
By the King A proclamation commanding the use of the Book of Common-Prayer according to law, notwithstanding the pretended ordinance for the new directory
By the King a proclamation for putting off this next Bartholomew Faire in Smithfield, and Our Lady Faire in Southwarke
By the King a proclamation for the apprehending and due punishing of the late mutiners at Wellington in the county of Somerset
By the King A proclamation concerning the abuse of his Majesties royall prerogative, in the leuying of debts. Whereas by our prerogative royall, and by the lawes and statutes of this realm, we have just right to haue our debts leuied in a more ample and speedy way than any the debts of our subjects .
By the King a proclamation reuiuing and enlarging a former proclamation made in the reigne of King Iames, prohibiting the bringing in of any commodities traded by the Eastland merchants into this kingdome, aswell by subiects as strangers, not free of that company, with a publication of certaine statutes for the restraint of all His Maiesties subiects, from shipping any commodities in strangers bottomes, either into, or out of this kingdome
By the King. A proclamation against vniust pretences for colouring of French goods, taken by way of reprize
By the King whereas, upon summons from vs, divers gentlemen of this our county of York did attend vs upon Thursday the twelfth of this instant May .
By the King a proclamation for the better discouery and preuention of burglaries, robberies, and other frauds and abuses, and for the suppressing of all secret and vnlawfull practises of retayling brokers, and others which may occasion the same
By the King a proclamation against vniust pretences for colouring of French goods taken by way of reprize
By the King a proclamation touching tobacco
By the King Charles by the grace of God, King of England ... whereas wee haue receiued certaine information ... of the most distressed and lamentable estate of the poore exiled ministers of the Palatinate .
By the King a proclamation for the better direction of those who desire to repaire to the court for the cure of their disease, called, the kings euill
By the King. A proclamation concerning tin and pewter
By the King. A proclamation commanding all mariners and others to His Maiesties ships, for which they are prest
By the King A proclamation for the speedy payment of the monies assessed by Parliament for disbanding the armies
By the King a proclamation for better furnishing the nauy, and shipping of the realme, with able and skilfull mariners
By the King a proclamation commanding the due execution of the lawes made for setting the poore on worke
By the King a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure, concerning the forfeitures of recusants in the northerne parts of this kingdome
By the King a proclamation for remouing the receipt of His Maiesties exchequer from Westminster to Richmond
By the King a proclamation touching mariners
By the King a proclamation for the suppressing of felons, and outlawes, their aiders and abettors, by bringing them to be answerable to the seuerall lawes of the seuerall realmes of England and Scotland
By the King a proclamation against making collections without license vnder the great seale
By the King a license for a collection throughout England and Wales, towards the maintenance of the exiled ministers of the Palatinate
By the King whereas, sithence the late assembly in Parliament, we did for the raising of necessary summes of money ... direct our seuerall letters .
By the King A proclamation forbidding all His Majesties subjects belonging to the trained bands or militia of this kingdom, to rise, march, muster or exercise, by vertue of any order or ordinance of one or both Houses of Parliament, without consent or vvarrant from His Majestie, upon pain of punishment according to the laws
By the King. A proclamation inhibiting all persons to repaire to His Maiestie for cure of the disease called, the Kings Euill, vntill Michaelmas next
By the King a proclamation concerning tobacco
By the King a proclamation for the better encouragement, and aduancement of the trade of the East-Indie Companie, and for preuention of excesse of priuate trade
By the King a proclamation inhibiting the resort of His Maiesties people to the court, for cure of the kings euill, vntill the middle of Lent, and to restraine the accesse of others from infected places
By the King a proclamation for the better incouragement and aduancement of the trade of East-Indye Company
By the King a proclamation commanding the due execution of the lawes made against eating and selling of flesh in Lent, and other times prohibited
By the King a proclamation concerning the trade of Ginney, and Binney, in the parts of Africa
By the King a proclamation signifying His Maiesties pleasure, that all men being in office of gouernment, at the decease of his most deare, and most royall father, King Iames, shall so continue, till His Maiesties further direction
By the King a proclamation for the prizing of wines
By the King. A proclamation concerning tynne
By the King a proclamation for reforming and preuenting the frauds frequently practised, aswell in the ouer-weight of butter-casks, as in the false packing of butter
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the importation of allome, and the buying and spending thereof in any His Maiesties dominions
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the transportation of any corne, graine, victuals, ordinance, armes, or munition for warre, into the kingdome of France
By the King a proclamation for the further proroguing of the Parliament
By the King a proclamation concerning new buildings, in and about the citie of London, and against the diuiding of houses into seuerall dwellings, and receiuing and harboring of inmates
By the King a proclamation for setling the plantation of Virginia
By the King a proclamation for the preuenting of the exportation of woolles, wool-fels, yarne, fullers earth, and woad- ashes and of hydes, both tand and raw, out of this kingdome
By the King a proclamation for the explaining of a former proclamation lately published, intituled A Proclamation prohibiting the importation of any goods or merchandize whatsoeuer, in any French shippes or bottomes
By the King a proclamation directing how prisoners shall be ordered which are taken at sea, by men of warre
By the King a proclamation for reforming sundry abuses in manufactures of silks and stuffs of forrain materials made here, or imported from forraign parts
By the King an abstract of the seuerall heads and branches, for which His Maiesties commissioners, by vertue of His Maiesties commission of grace, bearing date the three and twentieth day of Ianuary last past, haue power to compound with such as shall desire the same
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the importation of forraine gun-powder, and that His Maiesties subiects may be constantly supplied out of His Maiesties store-houses
By the King A proclamation to enable the transporting of butter from the Northern parts, according to his Majesties former licence. Whereas the Kings most excellent Majestie by letters patents under the Great Seal of England, bearing date the eleuenth day of May, in the sixth yeer of his reign, did giue licence to Robert Terwhit Esquire, for buying of three thousand and two hundred barrels of English butter yeerly .
By the King a proclamation concerning the adiournement of the Parliament
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the vse of snaffles, and commanding the vse of bittes for riding
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the importation of all sorts of glasse whatsoeuer, made in forreigne parts
By the King a proclamation to preuent the purloyning and stealing of armes, powder, and other munition, and habilliments of warre
By the King a proclamation concerning farthing tokens
By the King a proclamation for the calling home of all such His Maiesties subiects as are now imployed either by sea or land, in the seruices of the emperour, the king of Spaine, or the archduches
By the King a proclamation for restraint of disorders in souldiers, prested [sic] for His Maiesties seruice
By the King a proclamation for preuenting of deceipt vsed in the importation of madder
By the King. A proclamation prohibiting the publishing, dispersing and reading of a declaration or remonstrance, drawen by some committees of the Commons-House of the late dissolued Parliament, and intended to haue beene preferred by them to his Maiestie
By the King a proclamation declaring His Maiesties Royall pleasure touching the English souldiers late imployed at sea in his seruice and now discharged
By the King a proclamation against the vnnecessary waste of gunpowder
By the King a proclamation forbidding any resort to His Maiesties Court, for cure of the kings-euill, vntill Easter next
By the King A proclamation for putting off the healing of the disease, called the Kings euill, at Michaelmas next. The Kings most excellent Majestie, by proclamation published the eight and twentieth day of July, in the eleuenth yeere of his reigne, did prescribe the times of Easter and Michaelmas .
By the King A proclamation touching the adjourning of part of Hilary terme .
By the King. A proclamation prohibiting the keeping of Bartholomew Faire, and Sturbridge Faire
By the King Charles by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. to all to whome these presents shall come, greeting : whereas wee haue receiued certaine information ... of the most lamentable state of the poore exiled ministers of the Palatinate .
By the King a proclamation commanding the gentry to keepe their residence at their mansions in the countrey, and forbidding them to make their habitations in London, and places adioyning
By the King A proclamation for the well ordering the trade and vent of vvines thorowout the kingdome. The Kings most excellent Majesty, hauing published his proclamation of the fifteenth of July last, for reforming of abuses in the trade of wines .
By the King a proclamation for the better ordering of those who repaire to the court, for the cure of their disease, called the kings euill
By the King a proclamation for freedom of passage out of Ireland into England
By the King a proclamation prohibiting the buying and selling of any of His Maiesties armes or munition, and to reforme the abuses committed at musters and traynings by borrowing of armes
By the King whereas there hath fallen out an interruption of amitie betweene the Kings Maiestie and the most Christian king .
By the King a proclamation for the restraint of the disorderly repaire of mariners and souldiers, vnto the kings court, or citie of London
By the King a further proclamation prohibiting the exportation of corne and graine
By the King His Maiesties Proclamation restraining the abuses in gold weights fraudulently committed contrary to a former
By the King A proclamation touching the counterfeit great seale ordered by the two pretended Houses of Parliament to be put in use
By the King A proclamation requiring all such as have any office or command in Ireland, to make their speedy repaire thither to attend their imployment
By the King A proclamation providing for the relief of maimed, shipwreckt, and other distressed sea-men, their widows, and children. Whereas upon the petition, as well of the master, wardens, and assistants of the Trinity House, as of diuers other
By the King a proclamation for all souldiers to repaire to their companies
By the King a proclamation for a generall fast throughout this realme of England
By the King. A proclamation for a generall fast to bee solemnized throughout this realme of England
By the King a proclamation for the commanding of all souldiers, lately imployed in the fleet, vpon their arriuall, not to depart from their colours
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By the King
(793295) Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649