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A proclamation for securing the peace of the High-lands
A proclamation anent the horses and arms of such as refuse the oaths
A proclamation, against the importing victual or cattel from Ireland
A proclamation indicting a General Assembly
A proclamation discharging the exportation of victual
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the 13. of Decemb. 1694
A proclamation for bringing in the accompts due by their Majesties forces
A proclamation discharging forraign copper or brass-coyn
A proclamation Charles, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, to at arms, and his brethren heraulds, macers pursevants, our messengers at arms, our sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, greeting; we taking to our consideration, that, it is incumbent to us to protect the persons of all our good and obedient subjects .
A proclamation declaring old un-clipt merk-pieces, and broad un-clipt English money to be currant
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the fourteenth of January instant, to the fifteenth day of April next, 1692
A proclamation for a publick solemn thanksgiving
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the eighteenth day of April 1695
A proclamation for adjourning the Parliament from the fifteenth of March instant, until the fifteenth of June next
A proclamation for a solemn national thanksgiving
A proclamation for re-establishing the staple-port at Camphire
A proclamation for the better in bringing Their Majesties excise
A proclamation discharging the transporting of persons to the plantations of forraigners in America
A proclamation adjourning the General Assembly till the twenty of November, 1695
A proclamation for a national fast
A proclamation for securing the peace of the High-lands Edinburgh, the tenth day of October, 1678
A proclamation discharging the importation of forraign victual
A proclamation for a solemn thanksgiving
A proclamation for a solemn and publick thanksgiving
A proclamation Forasmuch as the lords of the Committy of our privy Council met in the west ... requiring and commanding all and sundry the heretors ... within the shyre of Air ... to appear personally before the said Lords .
A proclamation for a solemn national fast and humiliation
A proclamation anent the hearth-money
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament
A proclamation superceding the monthly fast after September, 1693
A proclamation adjourning the General Assembly
A proclamation for suppressing of tumults in Edinburgh, and elsewhere
A proclamation for the more effectual in-bringing of the hearth-money
A proclamation appointing masters for preserving the game
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the twenty eight of June, 1698
A proclamation reviving the laws anent hunting, hawking, fishing and appointing masters of the game
A proclamation against deserters, and resetting of them
A proclamation appointing a solemn and publick thanksgiving
A proclamation anent ministers not praying for their Majesties, King William and Queen Mary
A proclamation prohibiting the exportation of victual furth of this kingdom
A proclamation for adjourning the General Assembly of this church, to the seventeenth of December next, 1695
A proclamation calling out the foot militia in some shires, and the fencible men in others; and for seasing [sic] horses and arms
A proclamation, adjourning the Parliament from the seventeenth of August, to the twenty first of October, 1686
A proclamation for adjourning the Parliament
A proclamation appointing persons to administrat the oath of allegiance and assurance
A proclamation appointing the out-bringing and delivery of a thousand men, for the levy of this present year
A proclamation calling out the half foot militia in some shires, the fencible men in others, and the whole horse militia in the northern shires
A proclamation for farming of the additional in-land excise of this kingdom
A proclamation adjourning the General Assembly from the day of April next, to the eleventh day of July 1695
A proclamation anent passes and the appearing of ships upon the coast
A proclamation for providing magazines of corns, hay and straw, to their Majesties troops
A proclamation for adjourning the Parliament to the twenty sixth of August next
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the 17 of August, to the 16 of November, 1692
A proclamation against robbers and vagabounds, &c
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the twenty fifth day of March, to the fifteenth day of May, 1691
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the seventeenth of Januar, to the tenth of February, 1693
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the fifteenth day of March next to come
A proclamation discharging English clipt-money
A proclamation for discovering and apprehending such as rob the pacquets
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the 15th day of April, to the 17th day of August next, 1692
A proclamation for rouping the rests of the hearth-money
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the tenth of February next, to the first of March next, 1693
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the sixth day of April, to the eighteenth of the said month 1693
A proclamation discharging correspondence and commerce with France
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the 20 day of March instant, to the 21st day of July next
A proclamation for the ready in-bringing of the annexed and additional excise
A proclamation for collecting and in-bringing the pole-money, appointed to be payed at Martinmass, 1695. by an Act of the last session of Parliament
A proclamation anent recruits, and regulating the seising of deserters
A proclamation prorogating the dyets of giving in lists of poleable persons, and payment of their pole-money, and prescribing methods for the exactness and perfecting of the same
A proclamation whereas by the death of our late soveraign Lord King Charls, of blessed memory, the imperial crowns of England, Scotland, France and Ireland did then immediately ... descend and come to His Most Excellent Majestie, Charls the Second .
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament till the ninth day of January next to come
A proclamation against regrating of victual, and fore-stallers, and allowing the importation of victual free of publick burden
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the twelfth day of July, 1698
A proclamation for a solemn national fast to be keeped monethly
A proclamation appointing a national thanksgiving
A proclamation for raising the rate of money
A proclamation against persons returning from France without passes
A proclamation for a solemn day of humiliation
A proclamation for opening the mint
A proclamation for adjourning the Parliament, to the twentieth of March next, 1696
A proclamation discharging the importing of forraign linen, or woolen cloth, gold and silver threed, &c
A proclamation anent seminary priests, Jesuits and trafficking papists
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the 5th of March 1700 years
A proclamation, adjourning the Parliament from the twenty fifth day of March, to the fifteenth day of May, 1691
A proclamation obliging heritors and masters, for their tennants and servants
A proclamation for observing the staple-port at Camphire
A proclamation, against deserters, and resetting of them
A proclamation discharging the melting down of current coin, the passing of cobbs, or clipt money, except by weight, and the exportation of money forth of the kingdom, 1695
A proclamation of both houses of Parliament, for proclaiming of His Majesty King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the sixteenth day of November, 1692, to the seventeenth day of January, 1693
A proclamation for raising pioniers, and providing baggage-horses to the army
A proclamation indemnifying deserters, who shall return to their Majesties service
A proclamation, anent persons travelling to or from this kingdom
A proclamation discharging persons to travel to Ireland without passes
A proclamation for the ready inbringing of the annexed and additional excise
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament to the 14th of June next
A proclamation for the better inbringing of the pole-money, imposed in anno 1695
A proclamation for in-bringing the accompt of all the hearths in this kingdom
A proclamation indemnifying such as have been in arms before the first of June last
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the eighteenth day of April, to the ninth day of May 1695
A proclamation prorogating the dyet for inbringing the accompts due by the forces
A proclamation anent persons travelling to or from this kingdom
A proclamation anent souldiers deserting, or marrying without certificats
A proclamation discharging the exportation of broken-brass and copper
A proclamation for the exercise of the government in his Majesties name only
A proclamation offering a reward and indemnity to such as shall discover the burning of the house of Priest-field
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the first day of March 1693, to the sixth day of April 1693
A proclamation for a national humiliation upon the account of the Queens death
A proclamation adjourning the Parliament from the 15th day of May instant, until the 16th of September next
A proclamation anent beggers
A proclamation appointing the Commissioners of Supply to be justices of peace
A proclamation for apprehending the persons after-named, as having been in France contrair to the acts of Parliament
A proclamation against the importing victual or cattel from Ireland
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A proclamation