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Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1687, being 3d after bissextile or leap year, since the creation of the world, 5636, the death of our saviour, 1654, the conquest of this nation, 621, the restauration of K. Ch. II, 27, the last great plague, 22, the burning of London, 21, the last great frost, 3, the death of K. Charles II, 2 yea. [sic] : amplified with observations from the sun's ingress into Aries, and the other cardinal points, with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions of the planets, and other configurations of the heavenly bodies : calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London, where the Pole Artick is elevated above the horizon 51 degr. 32 min., but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption, 1697. Being the first after the bissextile or leap-year. Since [bracket] the creation of the world, 5646 the death of our saviour, 1664 the conquest of this nation, 631 the restoration of K. Ch. II. 37 the last great plague, 32 the burning of London 31 the last great frost 13 the death of King Charles II. 12 the abdication of K. James II. 8 [bracket] yea. Amplified with observations from the suns ingress into the equinoctial sign Aries, and the other cardinal points; with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions of the planets, and other configurations of the cœlestial bodies. Calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London, where the pole artick is elevated above the horizon 51 degr. 32 min. but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1676. Being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5625. Amplified with astrological observations from the suns ingress into Aries, and the other cardinal points; with an account of the ecclipses, conjunctions, and other configurations of the heavenly bodies. Calculated for the meridian of London where the Artick Pole is elevated above the horizon 51 degr. 32 min. but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland. By John Tanner, student in astrology and physick
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1671 : being the third after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5620 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1690 : being the second after bissextile or leap-year : since [bracket] the creation of the world, 5639, the death of our Saviour, 1657, The conquest of this nation, 624, The restauration of K. C. II, 30, The last great plague, 25, The burning of London, 24, The last great frost, 6, The death of K. Charles II, 5, The departure of K. James II, 1, The restauration of our law 1 [bracket] yea. : amplified with observations from the sun's ingress into the sign Aries, and the other cardinal points : with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions of the planets, and other configurations of the coelestial bodies : calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London, where the Pole Artick is elevated above the horizon 51 degr. 32 min. but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1666 : being the second after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5615 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1664 : being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5613 : amplified with astrological observations from the suns ingresse into Aries and the other cardinal points, from the eclipses, conjunctions and other configurations of the heavenly bodies : calculated for the meridian of London, where the pole artick is elevated above the horizon 51 degrees and 32 minutes, but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1667 : being the third after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5694 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1681. Being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5630. Amplified with astrological observations from the sun's ingress into Aries, and the other cardinal points; with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions, and other configurations of the heavenly bodies. Calculated for the meridian of London where the pole artick is elevated above the horzon 51. degr. 32 min. but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption, 1700 ... : calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus a diary or calendar amplified with astrological predictions ... for the year of Christ 1659, the third after bissextile, or leap-year, and from the creation 5608 : calculated for the merid. of Lond. ... but may serve indifferently in any part of England, Scotland or Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption, 1698. Being the 2d. after the bissextile or leap-year. Since the creation of the world, 5647 yea. The death of our saviour, 1665 the conquest of this nation, 632 the restoration of K. Char.II. 38 the last great plague, 33 the burning of London 31 the last great frost 14 the death of K. Charles II. 13 the abdication of K. James II. 9 amplified with observations from the suns ingress into the equinoctial sign aries, and the other cardinal points; with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions of the planets, and other configurations of the cœlestial bodies. Calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London, where the pole artick is elevated above the horizon 51 degr. 32 min. but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland. By John Tanner student in physick and astrology. The forty second impression
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris amplified with astrologicall observations ... for the year of Christ 1661, being the first after bissextile or leap-year : calculated for the meridian of London, but may indifferently serve all England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1672 : being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5621 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1657, the first after the bissextile, or leap year, and from the creation 5666 ... : calculated for the merid. of Lond. ..
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1681 ... : amplified with astrological observations from the sun's ingress into Aries and the other cardinal points : with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions, and other configurations of the heavenly bodies : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1677 : being the first after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5626 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an emphemeris for the year of our redemption 1680 : being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5629 : amplified with astrological observations from the sun's ingress into Aries, and the other cardinal points ... calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1695 ... : amplified with observations from the sun's ingress into the equinoctial sign Aries and the other cardinal points : with an account of the eclipses conjunctions of the planets, and other configurations of the coelestial bodies, calculated for the meridian of ... London ... buy may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1692 : being the bissextile or leap-year since the creation of the world, 5641 ... amplified with observations from the sun's ingress into the equinoctial sign Aries ...calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1669 : being the first after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5618 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1674 : being the second after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5623 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1683, being the third after the bissextile or leap year, and from the creation of the world, as some suppose, 5632, and from the burning of London 17 : amplified with astrological observations from the sun's ingress into Aries, and other cardinal points : with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions of the superiors, of the late comets, and other configurations of the heavenly bodies, calculated for the meridian of the ... city of London ..
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1678 : being the second after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5627 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus a diary or calendar amplified with astrological predictions and celestial intelligence from the superior agent to the inferior patient, for the year of Christ 1658, the second after the bissextile or leap year, and from the creation 5607 : calculated for the meridian of Lond. ... but may indifferently serve in any part of Eng., Scotl. or Irel
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1670 : being the second after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5619 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1693 ... : amplified with observations from the sun's ingress into the equinoctial sign Aries and the other cardinal points : with an account of the eclipses conjunctions of the planets, and other configurations of the coelestial bodies, calculated for the meridian of ... London ... buy may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1676 ... : amplified with astrological observations from the suns ingress into Aries and the other cardinal points : with an account of the ecclipses, conjunctions, and other configurations of the heavenly bodies : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1675 : being the third after bissextile ro [i.e. or] leap-year, and from the creation of the world, 5624 : amplified with astrological observations from the suns ingress into Aries and the other cardinal points, with an account of the ecclipses, conjunctions, and other configurations of the heavenly bodies : calculated for the meridian of London where the Artick Pole is elevated above the horizon 51 degr. 32 min. but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1668 : being the bissextile, or leap-year ... : amplified with astrological observations from the suns ingress into Aries and the other cardinal points : with an account of eclipses, conjunctions, and other configurations of the cœlestial bodies : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1691 : being the third after the bissextile or leap-year, since the creation of the world 5640 ... : calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1696 ... : amplified with observations from the sun's ingress into the equinoctial sign Aries, and the other cardinal points : with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions of the planets, and other configurations of the coelestial bodies, calculated for the meridian of ... London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1679 : being the third year after bissextile, or leap-year ... : amplified with astrological observations from the suns ingress into Aries, and the other cardinal points : with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions, and other configurations of the heavenly bodies : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotlan[d], and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1690 : being the second after bissextile, or leap-year ... : amplified with observations from the suns ingress into the sign Aries and the other cardinal points : with an account of the eclipses, conjunctionsof the planets, and other configurations of the cœlestial bodies : calculated for the meridian of ... London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1663 : being the third after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 561[2] ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1699 ... : amplified with observations from the suns ingress into the equinoctial sign Aries and the other cardinal points : with an account of the eclipses conjunctions of the planets, and other configurations of the coelestial bodies, calculated for the meridian of ... London ... buy may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1662 : being the second after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5611 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1688. Being the bissextile or leap year. Since [bracket] the creation of the world, 5637. The death of our saviour, 1655. The conquest of this nation, 622. The restauration of K. Ch. II, 28. The last great plague, 23. The burning of London, 22. The last great frost, 4. The death of K. Charles II, 3. [bracket] yea. Amplified with observations from the sun's ingress into the sign Aries, and the other cardinal points; with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions of the planets, and other configurations of the coelestial bodies. Calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London, where the Pole Artick is elevated above the horizon 51 degr. 52 min. but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1686 : being 2d. after bissextile or leap-year, since the creation of the world 5635 ... : calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1665 : being the first after the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5614 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1689 : being the first after the bissextile or leap-year, since the creation of the world 5638 ... : calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption, 1685 ... : calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland, and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1684, being the bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world, as some suppose, 5633, and from the burning of London 18 : amplified with astrological observations from the sun's ingress into Aries, and the other cardinal points : with an account of the eclipses, conjunctions of the superiors, of the late comets ... calculated for the meridian ... of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
Angelus Britannicus a diary or calendar amplified with astrological predictions ... for the year of Christ 1660, being bissextile or leap-year, calculated for the meridian of the famous city of London, but may serve indifferently in England, Scotland or Ireland
Angelus Britannicus an ephemeris for the year of our redemption 1673 : being the first after bissextile or leap-year, and from the creation of the world 5622 ... : calculated for the meridian of London ... but may indifferently serve for England, Scotland and Ireland
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