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Menasseh, Ben Israel, 1604-1657
Altre forme del nome
Menasseh Ben Israel Portuguese rabbi, kabbalist, scholar, writer, diplomat, printer and publisher
Menasse Ben-Yisra'el 1604-1657
Menashe ben Yisrael, 1604-1657
Manasseh ben Israel, 1604-1657
מנשה בן ישראל, 1604-1657
Manasseh Ben Joseph Ben Israël
Manasse ben Israel (1604-1657)
Ben Israel, Menasseh, 1604-1657
Menasheh ben Yiśraʾel 1604-1657
Menasseh ben Yosef ben Israel, 1604-1657
Menasseh, Ben Israel, 1604-1657
Menasseh ben Joseph ben Israel
Manasseh ben Israel 1604-1657
Seleziona tutte
A narrative of the late proceeds at White-Hall concerning the Jews
Apologia por la noble nacion de los Iudios y hijos de Israel
Conciliator, sive de convenentia locorum S. Scripturæ, quæ pugnare inter se videntur. Opus ex vetustis, 6 recentioribus omnibus Rabbinis, magnâ industriâ, ac fide congestum. Esto es Conciliador o de la conveniencia de los Lugares de la S. Escriptura ... Con tres tablas, vna de los libros de los antiguos sabios; otra de los lugares de la S. Escriptura que se explican; tercera de las cosas mas notables. Menasseh Ben Israel - Francofurti : auctoris impensis, 1632
De termino vitæ; or The term of life
Digitus dei: nevv discoveryes
Menasseh ben Israel Conciliator, sive De convenientia locorum S. Scripturæ, quæ pugnare inter se videntur. Opus ex vetustis, & recentioribus omnibus rabbinis, magnâ industriâ, ac fide congestum
Of the term of life
The great deliverance of the whole house of Israel
The hope of Israel
The hope of Israel
The hope of Israel written by Menasseh Ben Israel, an Hebrew divine, and philosopher
The hope of Israel: written by Menasseh ben Israel, a Hebrew divine, and philosopher. Newly extant, and printed in Amsterdam, and dedicated by the author to the High Court, the Parliament of England, and to the Councell of State. Translated into English, and published by authority. In this treatise is shewed the place wherein the ten tribes at this present are, proved partly by the strange relation of one Anthony Montezinus, a Jew, of what befell him as he travelled over the Mountaines Cordillære, with divers other particulars about the restoration of the Jewes, and the time when
To His Highnesse the Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland
Vindiciæ Judæorum, or A letter in answer to certain questions propounded by a noble and learned gentleman, touching the reproaches cast on the nation of the Jevves