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Johannes, Chrysostomus, saint
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יוחנן שפתי זהב
Jānis Zeltamute, svētais, ap 347-407
Joannes Chrysostomus helgen, patriark av Konstantinopel
Johannes, Chrysostomus, saint
John Chrysostom, Saint, -407
Jean Chrysostome, saint, -407
John Chrysostom Saint, d. 407
John Chrysostom Saint, -407
John Chrysostom Saint, 407
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A copendious treatise
A godly exhortation made vnto the people of Antioch, by Iohn Chrysostome, sometime arch bishop of Constantinople: touching the patience and suffering affliction, by the examples of Iob, and the three children: and of refraining from swearing. Translated out of Latin into English, by Robert Rowse minister of the word of God
A sermo made by Iohn Chrisostome patriarche of Constantinople, of pacience, of ye end of ye world, and of ye last iudgement. Whereunto is added an other homelie made by John Brentius of the vertue of Christes resurrection translated into Englishe by Thomas Sampson
A sermon of Saint Chrysostome, wherein besyde that it is furnysshed with heuenly wisedome teachinge, he wonderfully proueth, that no man is hurted but of hym selfe: translated into Englishe by the floure of lerned menne in his tyme, Thomas Lupsette Londoner
A treatise of S. John Chrisostome cocerning the restitucion of a synner, whiche is chiefly made against desperacion. Newly translated out of Greeke in to Englishe
An excellent treatise touching the restoring againe of him that is fallen
An excellent treatise touching the restoring againe of him that is fallen
An exposition vpon the Epistle of S. Paule the Apostle to the Ephesians: by S. Iohn Chrysostome, Archbishop of Constantinople. Perused, and auctorized, according to an order appointed in hir Maiesties iniunctions
An exposition vpon the Epistle of S. Paule the Apostle to the Ephesians: by S. Iohn Chrysostome, Archbishop of Constantinople. Truely and faithfully translated out of Greeke. Perused, and auctorized, according to an order appointed in hir Maiesties iniunctions
An homelie of Saint John Chrysostom vpon that saiyng of Saint Paul, Brethren, I wold not haue you ignorant, what is to becom of those that slepe, to the end ye lament not, &c
An homilie of Saint John Chrysostome vpon that saying of Saint Paul, Brethern, I wold not haue you ignorant, what is becom of those that slepe, to the end ye lament not. &c
D. Ioannis Chrysostomi Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani homiliae ad populum Antiochenum, cum presbyter esset Antiochiæ, habitæ, duæ & viginti
D. Ioannis Chrysostomi Archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani, homiliæ sex
D. Ioannis Chrysostomi de prouidentia Dei ac fato
De compunctione cordis. Add: De reparatione lapsi; Sermo de poenitentia; Quod nemo laeditur nisi a semetipso. Aurelius Augustinus, S: Sermo de lectione divina. Bernardus Claravallensis: Sermo de obsecratione; De septem misericordiis Dei
De discorsi del reuerendo monsignor Francesco Patritij Sanese vescouo Gaiettano, sopra alle cose appartenenti ad una città libera, e famiglia nobile; tradotti in lingua toscana da Giouanni Fabrini fiorentino ... libri noue
Di S. Giouanni Crisostomo arciuescouo di Costantinopoli Libri tre della prouidenza di Dio a Stargirio monaco. Trattato del medesimo, che nessuno puo esser'offeso se non da se medesimo. Epistola à Teodoro esortatoria alla penitenza. Tradotti nuouamente in lingua toscana da M. Cristofano Serarrighi
Diui Ioannis Chrysostomi Liber contra gentiles, Babylae Antiocheni episcopi ac martyris vitam continens, per Germanum Brixium Altissiodorensem ... latinus factus. Contra Ioannis Oecolampadij translationem
Here followeth dyuers holy instrucyons and teachynges very necessarye for the helth of mannes soule, newly made and set forth by a late brother of Syon Rychard whitforde
Homiliae super Johannem. Tr: Franciscus Griffolinus (Aretinus)
Homiliae super Matthaeum. (Tr: Georgius Trapezuntius)
Iōannou tou Chrysostomou peri proseyxchēs logos 1.
Sancti Ioannis Chrysostomi De virginitate liber, a Iulio Pogiano conuersus
Sancti Ioannis Chrysostomi Sermones in epistolam diui Pauli ad Philippenses multo et pleniores, et emendatiores quàm antehac impressi fuerint. Flaminio Nobilio interprete ... D. Basilij Magni Epistolae duae. Beati Maximi monachi, & confessoris Sermo ad pietatem exercens.
Sermones morales XXV. Tr: Christophorus Persona
The golden book of St. John Chrysostom, concerning the education of children
The golden book of St. John Chrysostom, concerning the education of children. Translated out of the Greek by J.E. Esq
Theorremon, or, the ancient and most comfortable golden-mouth'd father, St. Chrysostome Archbishop of Constantinople, treating on severall places of holy scripture: selected, and translated faithfully according to the Greeke copies: by John Willoughbie
Tou en agiois Iōannou toy Chrysostomou omiliai duo nyn grōton entygōtheisai ...
Tou en agiois patros ēmōn Iōhannou tou Chrysostomou Omiliai 4. eis Psalmous, kai hermēneia eis ton Daniēl. Sancti patris nostri Iohannis Chrysostomi quatuor homiliae in Psalmos, & interpretatio Danielis. Opera nunc primum edita ex manuscripto codice Regiae Bibliothecae S. Laurentij Scorialensis. Vna cum Latina interpretatione ac notis
Tou en hagiois patros hēmōn Iōannou Archiepiskopou Kōnstantinoupoleōs tou Chrysostomou tōn heuriskomenōn tomos prōtos , di epimeleias kai analōmatōn Herrikou tou Sabiliou en palaiōn antigraphōn ekdotheis
Tou en hagiois patros hēmōn Iōannou Archiepiskopou Kōnstantinoupoleōs tou Chrysostomou tōn heuriskomenōn tomos prōtos , di epimeleias kai analōmatōn Herrikou tou Sabiliou en palaiōn antigraphōn ekdotheis