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Smith, William, -1673
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Smith, William, d. 1673
Smith, William
ويليام سميث
Smith, William, -1673
SMITH, William d. 1673
Smith William d. 1673
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A Christian life manifested
A briefe answer unto a book intituled Shetinah, or, A demonstration of the divine presence in places of religious worship
A catechism for bishops, deans, prebends, doctors, vicars, curates, and all prelaticals, for them to read in the fear of the Lord God, and with a meek and quiet spirit
A epistle to the flock of Christ
A few plain words concerning conformity in matter of religion and worship
A few words unto a particular people
A general summons from the authority of truth, unto all ecclesiastical courts and officers
A manifestation of prayer in formality, and prayer in the spirit of God
A manifestation of the love of God unto all such as are convinced of truth
A nevv primmer
A new catechism
A new primmer
A new primmer, wherein is demonstrated the new and living way
A real demonstration of the true order in the spirit of God
A right dividing, or a true discerning
A second relation from Hertford
A short manifestation of the main end of outward government
A short testimony on the behalf of truths innocency
A spiritual prospective glass
A tender visitation of the Fathers love, to all the elect-children, or, An epistle unto the righteous congregations
A true relation of the cruel dealings of William Pocklington of North Collingham in the county of Nottingham, with the innocent people of God, called Quakers, in the same county
A true, short, impartial relation, containing the substance of the proceedings at the assize held the 12th and 13th day of the moneth called August, 1664, at the town of Hertford (Orlando Bridgman being judge)
An epistle from the spirit of love and peace, unto all the upright Israelites, who are born of the seed that is blessed for evermore
An epistle to all the called and chosen of God
An epistle to friends
An holy kiss of peace, sent from the seed of life, greeting all the lambs and little ones with a tender salutation
Balm from Gilead
Christendoms call to repentance
Glory of the new covenant
Innocency and conscientiousness of the Quakers asserted and cleared from the evil surmises, false aspersions, and unrighteous suggestions of Judge Keeling
Joyfull tidings to the begotten of God in all
Joyfvll tidings to the begotten of God in all
Liberty of conscience pleaded by several weighty reasons on the behalf of the people of God called Quakers
Message from the Spirit of Truth unto all the world
Some clear truths particularly demonstrated unto the King and council, and both Houses of Parliament, with all judges, justices, merchants, and shipmasters
Some clear truths particularly demonstrated unto the King and council, and both houses of Parliament
Some queries proposed to the bishops and ministers of England, for them, or any of them, to answer
Some queries propounded to this professing generation the people called Baptists
Something vvritten concerning the worlds creed, or what they teach their children to believe
Something written concerning the worlds creed, or, What they teach their children to believe
Spirit of envy, lying, and persecution made manifest
Sweet oyle poured forth through the horn of salvation
Sweet oyle poured forth through the horn of salvation, and is freely sent abroad to search the wounded spirits, and to relieve the weak and feeble travellers
The Baptists sophistry discovered
The banner of love, under which the Royal Army is preserved, and safely conducted
The cause plainly shewed of the persecution which is now upon the innocent people called Quakers
The day-spring from on high visiting the world, or, Gods salvation revealed and the way of redemption declared, and the way opened into the everlasting rest
The everlasting truth exalted
The innocency and conscientiousness of the Quakers asserted and cleared from the evil surmises, false aspersions, and unrighteous suggestions of Judge Keeling
The lying spirit in the mouth of the false prophet made made manifest
The morning-watch, or, A spiritual glass opened
The nevv-creation brought forth, in the holy order of life
The ravenous beast discovered and the devourer pursued
The reign of the whor discovered. And her ruine seen
The reign of the whore discovered and her ruine seen
The standing truth
The true light shining in England, to give unto all her inhabitants the knowledge of their ways
The wisdom of the earthly wife confounded, or, A manifestation of the spirits of some envious professors
The work of Gods power in man
To all the faithfull in Christ Jesus
To the present authority or heads of the nation of England
Two treatises
Univeral love