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Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679
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Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679
Penington, Isaac, jr, 1616-1679
Isaac Penington
Penington Isaac Sir, 1616-1679
Penington Isaac 1616-1679
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A brief account of some reasons (amongst many that might be given) why those people called Quakers cannot do some things .
A collection of the several books and vvritings, given forth by that faithful servant of God and his people, George Fox, the Younger
A considerable question about government, (of very great importance in reference to the state of the present times) briefly discussed
A question propounded to the rulers, teachers, and people of the nations of England, for them singly to answer in their hearts and consciences in the fear and dread of the Almighty God .
A question to the professors of Christianity, whether they have the true, living, powerful saving knowledge of Christ or no
A salutation of love and tender good-vvill to the commissioners of the peace
A salutation of love and tender good-will to the commissioners of the peace
A touchstone or tryall of faith
A voyce out of the thick darkness
A warning of love from the bowels of life, to the several generations of professors of this age
A weighty question, proposed to the King, and both Houses of Parliament
An answer to that common objection against the Quakers, that they condemn all but themselves
An eccho from the great deep
An enquiry after truth and righteousness, and after the people whom the Lord establisheth and will establish therein
An epistle to all such as observe the seventh-day of the week for a sabbath to the Lord
An examination of the grounds or causes, which are said to induce the court of Boston in New-England to make that order or law of banishment upon pain of death against the Quakers
Babylon the Great described
Concerning God's seeking out his Israel
Concerning persecution
Concerning the church: or, of the church-state under the Gospel
Concerning the sum or substance of our religion, who are called Quakers, and the exercises and travels of our spirits therein
Concerning the worship of the living God which he teacheth Israel his people who know him to be the only true God, and the worship which he teacheth them, to be the only true spiritual worship
Den wegh des levens, ende des doots; waer in alle menschen, door krachtige redenen, de menigerley wegen des doots; en daer en tegen het eene padt des levens klaerlijk worden aengewesen, en voorgestelt. Bestaende in eenige stellingen aengaende den afval, die in, en 't zedert den tijdt der Apostelen, van den Geest en het ware leven Christi ingebroken is ... Door Isaack Pennington, de jonger. In den jare 1661 uyt d'Engelse tale in 't Nederduyts overgeset, en gedrukt: en nu van nieus oversien, en vermeerdert
Divine essays, or, Considerations about several things in religion of very deep and weighty concernment
Expositions with observations sometimes, on several scriptures
From the Committee of Sequestrations, sitting at Cambden House in Mayden lane, London
Light or darknesse
Many deep considerations have been upon my heart concerning the state of Israel
Naked truth, or, Truth nakedly manifesting itself in several particulars
Observations on some passages of Lodowick Muggleton, in his interpretation of the 11th chapter of the Revelations
Of the church in its first and pure state, in its declining state, in its declined state, and in its recovery
Severall fresh inward openings, (concerning severall things) which the day will declare of what nature they are, to which judgment they appeal for justice, being contented either to stand or fall by it
Some considerations proposed to the City of London, and the Nation of England to calm their spirits
Some considerations proposed to this distracted nation of England
Some considerations propounded to the Jewes
Some directions to the panting-soul
Some few queries and considerations proposed to the Cavaliers, being of weighty importance to them
Some observations, upon that portion of scripture, Romans 14.20
Some of the mysteries of God's kingdome glanced at
Some principles of the elect people of God in scorn called Quakers·
Some queries concerning the order and government of the church of Christ
Some queries concerning the work of God in the world which is to be expected in the latter ages thereof
Some questions and answers for the opening of the eyes of the Jews natural
Some questions and answers shewing man his duty
Some sensible, weighty queries, concerning some things very sweet and necessary to be experienced in the truly-Christian state
Some things of great weight and concernment to all
Some things relating to religion, proposed to the consideration of the Royal Society, (so termed)
Somewhat relating to church-government
Somewhat spoken to a weighty question concerning the magistrates protection of the innocent
The Jevv outvvard
The Jew outward
The New-Covenant of the gospel distingnished from the Old Covenant of the law
The ancient principle of truth, or, The light within asserted and held forth according to true experience and the faithful testimony of the Scriptures
The axe laid to the root of the old corrupt-tree, and the spirit of deceit struck at in its nature
The consideration of a position concerning the Book of common-prayer
The copie of a letter
The everlasting Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and the blessed effects thereof
The flesh & blood of Christ, both in the mystery and in the outward
The fundamental right, safety and liberty of the people
The fundamental right, safety and liberty of the people (which is radically in themselves, derivatively in the Parliament, their substitutes or representatives) briefly asserted
The great and sole troubler of the times represented in a mapp of miserie, or, A glimpse of the heart of man
The great question concerning the lawfulnes or unlawfulnes of swearing under the gospel stated and considered of
The holy truth & people defended, and some of the weapons and strength of the power of darkness broken and scattered, by the light and power of truth
The life of a Christian
The root of popery struck at, and the true ancient apostolick foundation discovered, in some propositions to the papists
The scattered sheep sought after
The testimony of Isaac Pennington concerning liberty of conscience and church government. Also Edward Burrough his Vision of the flock
The way of life & death made manifest, and set before men
The way of life and death made manifest and set before men
The works of the long-mournful and sorely-distressed Isaac Penington, whom the Lord in his tender mercy, at length visited and relieved by the ministry of that despised people, called Quakers
This is for the people called Quakers
Three queries propounded to the King and Parliament, in the fear of the Most High, and in the tender love of my soul to them
To all such as complain that they want power
To all such as complain that they want power, not applying themselves to yeild subjection to what of God is made manifest in them, upon a pretence of waiting for power so to do
To friends in England, Ireland, Scotland, Holland, New-England, Barbado's, or any where else where the Lord God shall order this to come, in the tender spirit of life and love, greeting
To such as are not satisfied with a profession without the true life and power
To the Army
To the Jews natural, and to the Jews spiritual
To the Parliament, the Army, and all the wel-affected in the nation, who have been faithful to the good old cause
Truth's principles: or, Those things about doctrine and worship, which are most surely believed and received amongst the people of God, called Quakers
Where is the wise? Where is the Scribe? Where is the disputer of this world