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Brooks, Thomas, 1608-1680
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Brooks, Thomas, 1608-1680
Brooks, Thomas M.
Brooks, Thomas (Thomas M.)
Thomas Brooks English Puritan
Brooks, Thomas
BROOKS, Thomas 1608-1680
Brooks Thomas 1608-1680
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A beleevers last day is his best day
A believers last day is his best day
A cabinet of choice jevvels, or, A box of precious ointment
A golden key to open hidden treasures, or, Several great points that refer to the saints present blessedness and their future happiness, with the resolution of several important questions
A heavenly cordial for all those servants of the Lord that have had the plague ..., or, Thirteen divine maximes, or conclusions, in respect of the pestilence
A string of pearles: or, The best things reserved till last
A string of pearls: or, The best things reserved till last
A word in season to this present generation, or, A sober and serious discourse about the favorable, signal and eminent presence of the Lord with his people
An arke for all Gods Noahs in a gloomy, stormy day, or, The best wine reserved till last, or, The transcendent excellency of a believers portion above all earthly portions whatsoever
Anexichniastoi ploutoi toū Christoū. = The unsearchable riches of Christ. Or, meat for strong men; and milk for babes
Apples of gold for young men and vvomen, and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple
Apples of gold for young men and women, and a crown of glory for old men and women, or, The happiness of being good betimes and the honor of being an old disciple
Apples of gold for young men and women, and crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple
Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple
Cases considered and resolved
Gods delight in the progresse of the upright
Heaven on earth
Heaven on earth, or, A serious discourse touching a well-grounded assurance of mens everlasting happiness and blessedness
London's lamentation, or, A serious discourse concerning the late fiery dispensation that turned our (once renowned) city into a ruinous heap
Paradice opened, or, The secreets, mysteries, and rarities of divine love, of infinite wisdom, and of wonderful counsel laid open to publick view
Precious remedies against Satan's devices or, Salve for believers and unbelievers sores
Precious remedies against Satans device, or, Salve for believers & unbelievers sores .
Precious remedies against Satans devices
Precious remedies against Satans devices, or, Salve for believers & unbelievers sores
Precious remedies against Satans devices. Or, salve for all mens sores
Some Gospel-treasures opened
The Gospel treasury opened, or, The holiest of all unvailing
The Second and last collection of the late London ministers farewel sermons
The crovvn & glory of Christianity, or, Holiness, the only way to happiness
The glorious day of the saints appearance
The gospel-treasury opened: or, the holyest of all unvailing
The hypocrite detected, anatomized, impeached, arraigned, and condemned before the Parliament of England. Or, a word in season
The legacy of a dying mother to her mourning children
The mute Christian under the smarting rod
The mute Christian under the smarting rod: with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive leaf in his mouth
The mute Christian under the smarting rod; with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive leaf in his mouth when he is under the greatest afflictions .
The privie key of heaven; or Twenty arguments for closet-prayer
The silent soul with soveraign antidotes against the most miserable exigents, or, A Christian with an olive leaf in his mouth
The unsearchable riches of Christ, or, Meat for strong men and milke for babes
Ton anexichniaston plouton tou Christou