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Lodge, Thomas, 1558?-1625
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Lodge, Thomas, asi 1558-1625
Lodge, Thomas ca. 1557-1625
Thomas Lodge English dramatist and writer
Lodge, Thomas, ca1558-1625
Lodge, Thomas, 1558?-1625
Lodge Thomas 1558?-1625
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A learned summarie upon the famous poeme of VVilliam of Salust, Lord of Bartas
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The Countesse of Lincolnes nurserie
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The famous and memorable vvorkes of Iosephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Ievves. Faithfully translated out of the Latin, and French, by Tho. Lodge, Doctor in Physicke
The famous and memorable vvorkes of Iosephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Iewes
The famous and memorable vvorkes of Iosephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Iewes. Faithfully translated out of the Latin, and French, by Tho. Lodge Doctor in Physicke
The famous and memorable vvorks of Josephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Jews. Faithfully translated out of the Latin, and French, by Tho. Lodge, Doctor in Physick. Whereunto are newly added the references of the scriptures throughout the history, and afterwards collected into a table
The famous and memorable workes of Iosephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Ievves
The famous and memorable works of Iosephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Iewes. Faithfully translated out of the Latine, and French, by Tho. Lodge, Doctor in Physicke
The famous and memorable works of Josephus, a man of much honour and learning among the Jews
The famous, true and historicall life of Robert second Duke of Normandy, surnamed for his monstrous birth and behauiour, Robin the Diuell
The flowers of Lodowicke of Granado. The first part. In which is handled the conuersion of a sinner. Translated out of Latine into English, by T.L. doctor of phisicke
The life and death of william Long beard, the most famous and witty English traitor, borne in the citty of London
The straunge and wonderfull aduentures of Do Simonides, a gentilman Spaniarde
The vvounds of ciuill vvar
The workes of Lucius Annæus Seneca newly inlarged and corrected by Thomas Lodge D.M.P
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VVits miserie, and the vvorlds madnesse