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Robert Harris
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Harris, Robert, 1581-1658
Robert Harris
Harris, Robert
Harris Robert 1581-1658
HARRIS, Robert 1581-1658
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A brief discourse of mans estate in the first and second Adam .
A sermon preached to the honorable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, at a publike fast, May, 25. 1642
A sermon preached to the honorable Hovse of Commons assembled in Parliament, at a publike fast, May 25, 1642
Abners funerall, or, A sermon preached at the funerall of that learned and noble knight, Sir Thomas Lvcie
Abners funerall, or, a sermon preached at the funerall of that learned and noble knight, Sir Thomas Lucie. By Robert Harris, B.D. and Pastor of the Church at Hanwell, Oxon
Absaloms funerall
Absaloms funerall: preached at Banburie by a neighbour minister. Or, The lamentation of a louing father for a rebellious child
Absaloms funerall: preached at Banburie, by a neighbour minister. Or, The lamentation of a louing father for a rebellious childe
Absaloms funerall: preached at Banbyrie by a neighbour minister. Or, The lamentation of a louing father for a rebellious child
Absaloms fvnerall. Preached at Banbvrie by a neighbovr minister., or, The lamentation of a loving father for a rebellious child
Concio ad clerum
Dauids comfort at Ziklag
Gods goodnes and mercie
Gods goodnes and mercy
Hezekiahs recovery. Or, A sermon, shevving what use Hezekiah did, and all should make of their deliverance from sicknesse. First preached, and now published by Robert Harris, pastor of Hanwell
Hezekiahs recovery. Or, A sermon, shewing what use Hezekiah did, and all should make of their deliverance from sicknesse
Peters enlargement upon the praryers of the Church. By Master Harris
Peters enlargement upon the prayers of the Church.
Peters enlargement upon the prayers of the Church. By Master Harris
Peters enlargement vpon the prayers of the Church. By Master Harris
Peters enlargement vpon the prayers of the church
S. Pauls confidence
Samuels funerall. Or A sermon preached at the funerall of Sir Anthonie Cope Knight, and Barronnet. By Mr. Robert Harrice
Samuels funerall. Or, a sermon preached at the funerall of Sir Anthonie Cope, Knight, and Baronet. By Mr. Robert Harris
Samuels funerall. Or, a sermon preached at the funerall of Sir Anthonie Cope, Knight, and Baronnet. By Mr. Robert Harrice
Severall sermons of Robert Harris once of Hanwell, now president of Trinity College in Oxon, and Doctor of Divinity
Six sermons never heretofore published. Viz. i. S. Pauls exercise
Six sermons preached on severall texts and occasions
Sixe sermons of conscience
The arraignement of the vvhole creature, at the barre of religion, reason, and experience
The blessednesse of a sound spirit: vvith the misery of a vvounded spirit
The drunkards cup
The drunkards cup. By Master Harris, pastor of Hanwell, and Bachelor in Diuinitie
The good old way, or, An excellent and profitable treatise of repentance
The vvay to true happinesse
The vvorkes of Robert Harris, Bachelor in Divinity and pastor of Hanwell, in Oxford-shire. Revised, and in sundrie places corrected, and now collected into one volume. With an addition of two sermons, not formerly extant. As also two tables; the one of the texts and doctrines, the other alphabeticall, of the principall matters contained in the booke
The works of Robert Harris .
True religion in the old way of piety and charity
Tvvo sermons
Tvvo sermons: the one preached before the iudges of assize at Oxford. The other to the Vniuersitie. By Robert Harris
Two letters written by Mr Harris