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Laud, William, 1573-1645
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Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury (English churchman, 1573-1645)
Laud, William, 1573-1645
William Laud Archbishop of Canterbury
Laud, William
Laud William 1573-1645
Laud William
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A briefe relation of the death and sufferings of the most reverend and renowned prelate the L. Archbishop of Canterbury
A commemoration of King Charles his inauguration. Or, A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse
A full and satisfactorie ansvvere to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbvries speeh, or, funerall sermon preached by himselfe on the Tower-Hill, on Friday the tenth. of Ianuary, 1645. Upon Hebr. 12.I,2
A letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury to the University of Oxford, June 28. 1641
A letter sent by William Lavvd Archbishop of Canterburie
A letter sent by William Lavvd Archbishop of Canterburie. With divers manuscripts to the Vniversity of Oxford
A letter sent from the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury (now prisoner in the Tower) to the Vice-Chancellor, doctors, and the rest of the convocation at Oxford
A letter sent from the Arch-Bishop of Canterbvry, now prisoner in the Tower, to the Vice-Chancellor, doctors, and the rest of the convocation at Oxford
A proclamation
A proclamation, for the well ordering of the market in the cittie of Oxford
A relation of the conference between William Laud, Late Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuit
A relation of the conference between William Laud, late Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite
A relation of the conference betweene William Lavvd, then, Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids; now, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury: and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite
A relation of the conference, betweene William Lawd, then, Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids; now, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury: and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite
A replie to Iesuit Fishers answere to certain questions propouded by his most gratious Matie: King Iames
A sermon preached at VVhite-hall, on the 24. of March, 1621
A sermon preached before his Maiestie, on Sunday the XIX. of Iune, at White-Hall
A sermon preached before his Maiestie, on Wednesday the fift of Iuly, at White-hall
A sermon preached before his Maiesty, on Tuesday the nineteenth of Iune, at Wansted. Anno Dom. 1621. By D. Laud Deane of Glocester, one of his Maiesties chaplaines in ordinary. Printed by commandement
A sermon preached on Munday, the seauenteenth of March, at Westminster
A sermon preached on Munday, the sixt of February, at Westminster
A speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber, on Wednesday, the XIVth of Iune, MDCXXXVII
A speech delivered in the Starre-Chamber, on VVednesday, the XIVth of Iune, MDCXXXVII
A summarie of devotions compiled and used by Dr William Laud, sometime Ld Arch-bishop of Canterbvry
A summarie of devotions, compiled and used by Dr. William Laud, sometime Ld Arch-bishop of Canterbury
A true copy of certain passages of the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, his speech spoken on the scaffold on Tower-Hill immediatly before his death Jan. 10, 1644
A true narrative of the Popish-plot against King Charles I and the Protestant religion
A true relation of the Popish-plot
An exact copy of a letter sent to William Laud, late Arch-bishop of Canterbury, now prisoner in the Tower, November the 5, 1641
An exact copy of a letter, sent to William Laud late Arch-bishop of Canterbury, now prisoner in the Tower, November the 5. 1641
Articles to be enquired of in the metropoliticall visitation of the Most Reuerend Father, William
Articles to be enquired of in the metropoliticall visitation of the most reverend father, VVilliam, by Gods providence, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and metropolitan
Articles to be enquired of in the metropoliticall visitation of the most reverend father, William, by Gods providence, Arch-bishop of Canterbury, and primate of all England, and metropolitan
Articles to be enquired of n the metropoliticall visitation of the Most Reuerend father, VVilliam
Articles to be enquired of vvithin the Dioces of London
Articles to be enquired of vvithin the dioces of London, in the second trienniall visitation of the right honorable, and right reuerend father in God, William Lord Bishop of London
Articles to be inquired of in the first trienniall visitation of the most reverend father VVilliam, by Gods providence, lord arch-bishop of Canterbury, primate of all England; and metropolitan
Articles to be inquired of in the metropoliticall isitation of the most reverend father, VVilliam, by Gods providence, lord arch-bishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and metropolitan
Articles to be inquired of in the metropoliticall visitation of the most reverend father, VVilliam, by Gods providence, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and metropolitan
Articles to be inqvired of in he metropoliticall visitation of the Most Reverend Father, VVilliam
Articles to be ministred, enquired of, and answered in the visitation of the right worshipfull Sir Nathaniel Brent
Autobiography of Dr. William Laud: Archbishop of Canterbury, and Martyr
Officium quotidianum: or, A manual of private devotions
Quatermayns conquest over Canterburies court, or, A briefe declaration of severall passages between him and the Archbishop of Canterbury
Relation of the conference between William Laud, late Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuit, ... With an Answer to such exceptions as A.C. takes against it
Reverendi in Christo Patris, Lanceloti, Episcopi VVintoniensis, opuscula quædam posthuma
Romes master-peece, or, The grand conspiracy of the Pope and his iesuited instruments, to extirpate the Protestant religion, re-establish popery, subvert lawes, liberties, peace, parliaments, by kindling a civill war in Scotland, and all His Majesties realmes, and to poyson the King himselfe in case hee comply not with them in these their execrable designes
Seven sermons preached upon severall occasions by the Right Reverend and learned Father in God, William Laud, late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, &c
The Arch-Bishop of Canterbury his letter to the King concerning the plot, &c. and written with his own hand
The Arch-bishop of Canterburie his speech, or, His funeral sermon preached by himself on the scaffold on Tower-hill on Friday the tenth of January, 1645, upon Hebrews 12, 1, 2
The Arch-bishop of Canterbury his letter to the King concerning the plot &c. and written with his own hand
The Archbishiop of Canterbury's speech, or, His funerall sermon
The Archbishop of Canterbury's speech, or his funerall sermon
The Bishop of Canterbury his confession
The Bishop of Canterbvry, his confession
The English Pope, or, A discourse wherein the late mysticall intelligence betwixt the court of England, and the court of Rome is in part discovered
The English pope, or, A discourse wherein the late mysticall intelligince betwixt the court of England, and the court of Rome is in part discovered
The bishop of Canterbury his last speech or, His funerall sermon, preach't by himselfe upon the scaffold on Tower-Hill, on Friday the tenth day of January 1644
The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments
The copie of a letter sent from VVilliam Laud Archbishop of Canterbury the 28. of June MDCXLI. unto the Universitie of Oxford
The copie of a letter sent from VVilliam Lavd, Archbishop of Canterbury, the 28 of June, MDCXLI, unto the Universitie of Oxford
The coppy of a letter sent by William Laud Arch-Bishop of Canterburie, to the Universitie of Oxford
The copy of the petition presented to the honourable Houses of Parliament by the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, &c
The copy of the petition presented to the honourable Houses of Parliament, by the Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, &c
The daily office of a Christian
The history of the troubles and tryal of the Most Reverend Father in God and blessed martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury
The last advice of William Laud
The recantation of the prelate of Canterbury
The sermon, last speech and prayers of the Right Reverend Father in God William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, immediately before his execution on the scaffold on Tower-Hill, January 10. 1644
The true copie of a letter sent from the most reverend William Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury to the University of Oxford, when he resign'd his office of chancellour
The trve copie of a letter sent from the most reverend William Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury to the Vniversity of Oxford when he resign'd his office of chancellour
Works of the Most Reverend Father in God, William Laud, D.D. Sometime Lord Archbishop of ..
XCVI sermons
XCVI. sermons by the Right Honorable and Reverend Father in God, Lancelot Andrevves, late Lord Bishop of Winchester. Published by His Majesties speciall command
XCVI. sermons by the Right Honourable, and Reverend Father in God, Lancelot Andrewes, late Lord Bishop of Winchester. Published, by His Majesties speciall command
XCVI. sermons by the right honourable and reverend Father in God, Lancelot Andrewes; late Lord Bishop of Winchester. Published, by his Majesties speciall command. The fifth edition. With an alphabetical table of the principal contents. Whereunto is added, A sermon preached before the two kings, on the fifth of August, 1606