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ANDREWS, William ca. 1635-1713
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Andrews William ca. 1635-1713
ANDREWS, William ca. 1635-1713
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Andrewes, 1655
Annus prodigiosus, or, The wonderful year 1672
Coelestes observationes, or, An ephemeris for the year 1669
Coelestes observationes, or, An ephemeris for the year 1670
Cœlestes observationes, or, An ephemeris for the year 1671
De rebus caelestibus, or, An ephemeris for the year of humane redemption by Jesus Christ 1664
De rebus coelestibus, or, An ephemeris for the year of humane redemption by Jesus Christ 1662
De rebus cælestibus, or An ephemeris, with astrological judgements, moderately, and rationally, deduced, from the configurations of heaven, for the year 1658
De rebus cælestibus, or, An ephemeris, for the year of humane redemption by Jesus Christ, 1663
De rebus cœlestibus, or An ephemeris, with astrological judgements upon ecipses and coelestial configurations for the year 1659
More news from heaven unto the world, or, The latter part of the wonderful year, 1672
Newes from the starres, or, An ephemeris with astrological judgements upon the eclipses and several positions, and configurations of heaven, for the year 1668
Newes from the starrs, or, An ephemeris for the year of mans redemption by Jesus Christ, 1665
Newes from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1660
Newes from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year of mans redemption by Jesus Christ, 1666
Newes from the stars, or, An ephemeris with astrological judgements, upon eclipses and cœlestial configurations for the year 1661
News from the starrs, or, An ephemeris
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1672
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1673
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1677
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1680
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1681
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1683
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1684
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1688
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1689
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1690
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1691
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1692
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1693
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1695
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1696
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1698 .
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1699 .
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year 1700 .
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year, 1674
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year, 1675
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year, 1678
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year, 1679
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year, 1682
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year, 1685
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year, 1686
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year, 1687
News from the stars, or, An ephemeris for the year, 1694
News from the stars: or, An ephemeris for the year 1697
News from the stars: or, An ephemeris for the year, 1676
Physical observations for the year 1671
The astrological physitian
The cælestiall observator, or, A diarie for the year of humane redemption, 1657
The great and wonderful prophecies, of Mr. Patridge , Mr. Coly, Mr. Tanner, and Mr. Andrews
Yearly intelligencer, or, A perfect chronology of all the battailes, sieges, conflicts, actions, exploits, and all other signal and remarkable passages which have happ'ned in the world from September the 29th, 1671, to September the 29th, 1672